Matriks: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Sains
<div> <h3>Matriks: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Sains</h3> </div> <div>Matriks: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Sains i<span class="tlid-translation translation"><span title=""><span class="" title="">s </span></span></span>concern <span class="tlid-translation translation"><span title=""><span class="" title="">in publishing the original research articles, review articles from the contributors and the current issues related to multidisipline of education and sains. Matriks: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Sains</span></span></span><span class="tlid-translation translation"><span title=""> focuses on the following topics:</span> <span title="">Curriculum development, teacher education and professional development, teacher training, cross-c</span></span><span title="">ultural studies, learning, evaluation, English language teaching, counseling, management, quality of education, and the use of communication and information technology, at various levels of education and how </span><span title="">to deliver learning.</span> <span title="">It provides an academic platform for teachers, lecturers, and researchers to </span><span class="tlid-translation translation"><span title="">contribute innovative work in the field.</span></span> <p>Matriks: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Sains first published in March 2023 and covers much research in all levels of education (primary, secondary, and higher education). Edumaspul: Jurnal Pendidikan become a <a href="">CrossRef Member</a> since the year 2023. Therefore, all articles published will have a unique DOI number. Beginning from Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023), all articles will be published in the English version and Indonesia version. The publication frequency is twice a year in <strong>March and October</strong>.</p> </div> <div><strong>Matriks: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Sains</strong> is a journal published by Universitas Muhammadiyah Enrekang under the management of the Center of Research and Community Service Universitas Muhammadiyah Enrekang, Indonesia.</div> (Universitas Muhammadiyah Enrekang) (Dr. Elihami)Sat, 28 Jan 2023 21:35:49 +0000OJS