Edumaspul: Jurnal Pendidikan <div style="text-align: justify;"> <div style="border: 1px solid #ccc; padding: 5px 10px;"> <h3><strong><span style="display: inline-block; padding: 5px 10px; margin-bottom: -8px; font-weight: bold; border-radius: 5px; width: 100%;">EDUMASPUL: JURNAL PENDIDIKAN</span></strong></h3> </div> <div style="border: 1px solid #ccc; padding: 5px 10px;"><span style="font-size: 14px;"><span style="font-size: 14px;"><span style="font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif;"><span style="font-size: 14px;"><span class="tlid-translation translation"><span title=""><span class="" title=""><strong>Edumaspul: Jurnal Pendidikan</strong></span></span></span> <span class="tlid-translation translation"><span title=""><span class="" title="">i</span></span></span></span></span></span></span> <div id="homepageImage" style="float: left; margin-right: 40px;"><img src="" alt="Alternate text for thumbnail" width="208" height="270"></div> <span style="font-size: 14px;"><span style="font-size: 14px;"><span style="font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif;"><span style="font-size: 14px;"><span class="tlid-translation translation"><span title=""><span class="" title="">s </span></span></span>conc</span></span></span></span><span style="font-size: 14px;"><span style="font-size: 14px;"><span style="font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif;"><span style="font-size: 14px;">ern <span class="tlid-translation translation"><span title=""><span class="" title="">in publishing the original research articles, review articles from the contributors and the current issues related to multidisipline of education. </span></span></span><span class="tlid-translation translation"><span title=""><span class="" title=""><strong>Ed</strong></span></span></span></span></span></span></span><span style="font-size: 14px;"><span style="font-size: 14px;"><span style="font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif;"><span style="font-size: 14px;"><span class="tlid-translation translation"><span title=""><span class="" title=""><strong>umaspul</strong></span></span></span></span></span></span></span><span style="font-size: 14px;"><span style="font-size: 14px;"><span style="font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif;"><span style="font-size: 14px;"><span class="tlid-translation translation"><span title=""><span class="" title=""><strong>: Jurnal Pendidikan</strong></span>&nbsp;focuses on the following topics:</span> <span title="">Curriculum development, teacher education and professional development, teacher training, cross-c</span></span></span></span></span></span><span style="font-size: 14px;"><span style="font-size: 14px;"><span style="font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif;"><span style="font-size: 14px;"><span title="">ultural studies, learning, evaluation, English language teaching, counseling, management, quality of education, and the use of communication and information technology, at various levels of education and how </span></span></span></span></span><span style="font-size: 14px;"><span style="font-size: 14px;"><span style="font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif;"><span style="font-size: 14px;"><span title="">to deliver learning.</span> <span title="">It provides an academic platform for teachers, lecturers, and researchers to </span></span></span></span></span><span style="font-size: 14px;"><span style="font-size: 14px;"><span style="font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif;"><span style="font-size: 14px;"><span class="tlid-translation translation"><span title="">contribute innovative work in the field.</span></span></span></span></span></span> <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Edumaspul: Jurnal Pendidikan </strong>is first published in March 2017 and covers much research in all levels of education (primary, secondary, and higher education). Edumaspul: Jurnal Pendidikan become a&nbsp;<a href="">CrossRef Member</a>&nbsp;since the year 2019. Therefore, all articles published&nbsp;will have a unique DOI number. Beginning from Vol. 1 No. 1 (2017), all articles will be published in the English version and Indonesia version. The publication frequency is twice a year in <strong>March and October</strong>.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><span class="VIiyi" lang="en"><span class="JLqJ4b ChMk0b" data-language-for-alternatives="en" data-language-to-translate-into="id" data-phrase-index="0" data-number-of-phrases="2">This journal has been accredited in Grade 4 (Sinta 4) based on the Director General of Higher Education, Research and Technology No.</span> <span class="JLqJ4b ChMk0b" data-language-for-alternatives="en" data-language-to-translate-into="id" data-phrase-index="1" data-number-of-phrases="2">158/E/KPT/2021, December 27, 2021.</span></span></p> </div> <div style="border: 1px solid #ccc; padding: 5px 10px;"><span style="font-size: 14px;"><span style="font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif;"><span style="font-size: 14px;"><strong>Edumaspul Journal </strong>is a journal published by Universitas Muhammadiyah Enrekang under the management of the Center of Research and Community Service Universitas Muhammadiyah Enrekang, Indonesia.</span></span></span></div> <div style="border: 1px solid #ccc; padding: 5px 10px;"><span style="font-size: 14px;"><span style="font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif;"><span style="font-size: 14px;"><span style="color: #421077;"><a href="" rel="noopener"><strong>P-</strong></a><strong><a href=";1452221258&amp;1&amp;&amp;2016">ISSN 2548-8201</a><em>;</em> <a href=";1493781343&amp;1&amp;&amp;">(E-ISSN 2580-0469&nbsp;</a></strong></span></span></span></span></div> <div style="border: 1px solid #ccc; padding: 5px 10px;"><span style="font-size: 14px;"><span style="font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif;"><span style="font-size: 14px;"><span class="tlid-translation translation" lang="en"><span class="" title=""><strong><em>Journals' DOI: 10.33487/edumaspul</em></strong></span></span></span></span></span>&nbsp; By&nbsp;<img src="/RujUxYuks/site/images/pengelola/Crossref_Logo_Stacked_RGB_SMALL.png" width="35" height="23"></div> <div id="journalDescription">&nbsp;</div> <table class="announcements" style="height: 290px;" width="735"> <tbody> <tr> <td class="headseparator" colspan="2"> <p><a href=";login_id=4&amp;code=d26ad3b2266f315c6f9197c56b53babe&amp;guest_login=1" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong>Edumaspul Statistics</strong></a></p> <p><strong><a href=";hl=en">Google Scholar Citation Analysis</a><br></strong>Export Date: June 5, 2024<strong><br></strong>Citations: 10724<strong><br></strong>h-index: 41<br>i10-index: 178</p> <p>Citedness of Journal Articles in Scopus<br>Export Date: June 5, 2024<br>Citation (unofficial): 12</p> <div><a href=""><strong>Indexing and Abstracting</strong></a></div> <div> <div>&nbsp;</div> <div> <div>&nbsp;</div> <div> <table class="data" width="100%" bgcolor="#f0f0f0"> <tbody> <tr valign="top"> <td width="100%">&nbsp;</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> </div> <h3 style="text-align: center;"><strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><img src="/RujUxYuks/site/images/pengelola/Clarivate_analytics_(1).png" width="160" height="29"></span></strong></h3> <h3 style="text-align: center;"><strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Announcements</span></strong></h3> <p style="text-align: center;"><strong>Call For Papers Edumaspul Journal For: </strong></p> <p style="text-align: center;">&nbsp;<span style="font-size: 17px;"><strong><span style="color: #1a7ed1;">Vol. 8, Issue 2, October - 2024 <img src="" alt="" width="32" height="12"></span></strong></span>&nbsp; <strong>Last Date of Submission: September 25, 2024</strong></p> <p style="text-align: center;">&nbsp;</p> <p style="text-align: center;">&nbsp;</p> <p style="text-align: center;"><strong>Make sure your article will be submitted to Edumaspul: Jurnal Pendidikan by</strong> <a href="">focus and scope</a>, <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">in-house style</a>, <a href="">author guidelines</a>, and <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">free of plagiarism</a></p> <p style="text-align: center;"><strong>PLEASE SUBMIT YOUR THE BEST ARTICLE IMMEDIATELY...!!!</strong></p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <div id="journalDescription"> <h3>&nbsp;</h3> </div> </div> Universitas Muhammadiyah Enrekang en-US Edumaspul: Jurnal Pendidikan 2548-8201 Use of Expressive in Interpersonal Communication of Students who Need Counseling Services at SMP Negeri 56 Palembang <p>Language is the ability to express desires and needs through communication. The function of language is basically a statement of thoughts or feelings as a tool for communication, carried out in writing or orally according to the opportunity to express language with its relative scientific power. Not all students at SMP Negeri 56, especially in interpersonal communication, are able to express their feelings using expressive language. It was identified that 1 to 3 people in each class like to make noise based on expressive language, causing negative impacts such as bullying among their friends. This research aims to determine the use of expressive language in interpersonal communication of students who need counseling services. The research uses quantitative descriptive methods. The research sample consisted of 62 students from classes VII A and VII B. Data collection techniques used questionnaires and documentation. Data analysis uses the percentage formula (F/N X 100%). The results of this study indicate that the frequency of each use of expressive language in interpersonal communication is in the very low category which requires counseling services. Expressive language was 30 students with a percentage of 48% and interpersonal communication was 33 students with a percentage of 53% of the total number of respondents. Based on the data that has been processed and analyzed, it can be concluded that the use of expressive language in students' interpersonal communication is in the very low category so that counseling services are needed so that the implementation of this communication can run well, of course the language factor and the way it is expressed need to be taken into account.</p> <p>Keywords: Expressive Language, Interpersonal Communication</p> <p>ABSTRAK<br>Bahasa yakni kemampuan untuk mengungkapkan keinginan dan kebutuhan melalui komunikasi. Fungsi bahasa pada dasarnya merupakan pernyataan pikiran atau perasaan sebagai alat untuk komunikasi, dilakukan secara tertulis maupun secara lisan sesuai dengan kesempatan untuk mengekspresikan bahasa dengan daya relatifnya secara ilmiah. Tidak semua siswa di SMP Negeri 56 khususnya dalam komunikasi interpersonal mampu menyatakannya perasaan dengan bahasa ekspresif, teridentifikasi 1 sampai 3orang disetiap kelas suka ribut dilatar belakangi bahasa ekspresif sehingga menimbulkan dampak negatif seperti pembullyan sesama teman. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penggunaan bahasa ekspresif dalam komunikasi interpersonal siswa yang membutuhkan pelayanan konseling. Penelitian menggunakan metode deskriptif kuantitatif. Sampel penelitian berjumlah 62 siswa dari kelas VII A dan VII B. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan angket dan dokumentasi. Analisis data menggunakan rumus presentase (F/N X 100%). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa frekuensi masing-masing dari penggunaan bahasa ekspresif berkomunikasi interpersonal pada kategori sangat rendah yang membutuhkan pelayanan konseling. Bahasa ekspresif sebanyak 30 siswa dengan persentase 48% dan komunikasi interpersonal sebanyak 33 siswa dengan persentase 53% dari jumlah responden. Berdasarkan data yang telah diolah dan dianalisis maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan bahasa ekspresif dalam komunikasi interpersonal siswa masuk dalam kategori sangat rendah sehingga diperlukan pelayanan konseling supaya penerapan komunikasi tersebut dapat berjalan dengan baik tentu dari faktor bahasa dan cara pengekspresifnya perlu diperhatikan.</p> <p>Kata Kunci : Bahasa Ekspresif, Komunikasi Interpersonal</p> Eno Leriani Evia Darmawani Arizona Arizona ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 1 10 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7365 Career Counseling Using a Trait and Factor Approach to Help Students in Making Career Decisions <p>This research explores group counseling with a trait and factor approach in supporting students in making career decisions. This approach emphasizes the identification of personal characteristics and factors related to career choice, providing a solid foundation for the decision-making process. The literature study method was used to collect data. The research results show that the trait and factor approach is able to provide a deeper understanding of students' strengths, interests and values, which positively influences their ability to make informational career decisions based on self-reflection.</p> Avira Heriani Firman Firman Mohd Nazri Abdul Rahman Netrawati Netrawati ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-01-19 2024-01-19 8 1 11 14 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7495 Reviewing the methodology for promoting the awareness of gender equality through ELT materials in industrial revolution 4.0 <p><em>In the wake of transformative alterations in the Industrial Revolution epoch, a discernible transition has transpired, heralding a departure from conventional printed instructional resources to a realm dominated by digitalized pedagogical materials. In light of this evolution, the present investigation aspires to delve into a discerning framework tailored to scrutinize the efficacy of educational media crafted to propagate gender egalitarianism. Methodologically, this qualitative inquiry has harnessed the potency of document analysis as a means to amass pertinent data, augmented by the application of content analysis techniques to dissect the amassed information stemming from both traditional print and contemporary digital teaching media. The study's outcomes elucidate an emergent paradigm derived from the pre-existing evaluative framework, delineating a novel trajectory in discerning gender-centric content within didactic materials. In conclusion, the criteria underpinning this evaluative process extend beyond conventional parameters, encapsulating innovative benchmarks such as progressiveness and neutrality, though not circumscribed exclusively to these classifications. This study thus unveils a nuanced perspective, casting a discerning light on the multifaceted facets of evaluating pedagogical materials in the dynamic milieu of digitalized education</em></p> Maya Pinkan Warouw Christy Cherly Rambing ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 15 24 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7547 Understanding Of Mosque Administrators In Padang City Regarding The Hadith Of Urination Position For Men <p>Penelitian ini menggali peran hadis Nabi Muhammad SAW dalam kehidupan masyarakat Kota Padang, khususnya berkaitan dengan posisi buang air kecil bagi laki-laki. Fasilitas buang air kecil di masjid menjadi fokus utama, dan melalui observasi serta wawancara dengan pengurus masjid, terungkap bahwa ada ketidakseimbangan antara jumlah urinoir dan toilet. Pemahaman pengurus masjid tentang hadis buang air kecil terbatas, yang tercermin dalam kurangnya pengetahuan terkait redaksi dan terjemahan hadis larangan kencing berdiri. Faktor-faktor seperti jumlah jama'ah, keterbatasan lahan, efisiensi pelayanan, dan permintaan langsung dari jamaah memengaruhi keputusan pengurus masjid dalam menyediakan fasilitas kencing berdiri. Penelitian ini menekankan pentingnya kesadaran masyarakat terhadap nilai-nilai agama, khususnya dalam menjalani kehidupan sehari-hari sesuai ajaran hadis dan Al-Quran. Meskipun terdapat perbedaan pandangan di kalangan ulama, penelitian ini menyoroti perlunya memahami dan menerapkan petunjuk dalam hadis sebagai pedoman hidup. Kesadaran ini menjadi kunci dalam mengelola fasilitas di lingkungan masjid, mengingat ajaran agama seharusnya menjadi landasan utama dalam pengambilan keputusan.</p> Sevendo Secsiorial Widia Fithri Riri Fitria ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 25 37 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7551 Various Police Language Terms in Sumenep Police: Sociolinguistic Perspective <p>This research is a qualitative descriptive that aims to describe the terms of the variety of police languages ​​at&nbsp;&nbsp;Polres Sumenep. This research theoretically used a sociolinguistic approach with research focused on the forms and meanings of the language varieties used in the police domain, especially at the Sumenep Police Station. Data collection in this study was conversant and semuka conversations. The results of this study indicate that the variety of police languages ​​has (1) acronym forms such as abribda, abribtu, bharaka, bharada, iptu, (2) abbreviation forms such as AKBP, AKP, TKP, DPO, BAP. The words of the various languages ​​in this study are (1) not experiencing a shift in meaning, (2) a small portion experiencing a shift in meaning narrowing.</p> Faruq Hidayat ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 38 42 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7552 The Effectiveness of Flipped Classroom based Online Based Learning Model on Students Creative Thinking Skills <p>&nbsp;This research aims to determine the effectiveness of flipped classroom-based online learning to improve students' creative thinking skills. The type of research is meta-analysis research. Research data comes from 13 national and international journals published in 2018-2023. Data analysis using the JSAP application. The inclusion criteria in this meta-analysis are research obtained from Google Scholar, Researchgate, Taylor of Francis and Mendeley, research must be experimental or quasi-experimental methods related to flipped classroom-based online learning in experimental classes and conventional models in control classes, research comes from indexed journals SINTA and Scopus and research have complete data to calculate the effect size value. The research results concluded that the implementation of online based learning based on the flipped classroom had a positive effect on students' creative thinking skills with a mean effect size value of 1.080 in the high effect size category. These findings explain that online learning based on the flipped classroom is effectively implemented by schools to encourage students' creative thinking skills.</p> <p><strong><em>Keywords</em></strong><em>:Online Based Learning, Flipped Classroom, Effect </em></p> Eri Mardiani Irma Rahmawati Novi Djafri Suharto Suharto Ika Agustina eRA Era Hia Occe Luciana ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 43 52 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7557 The Role of Arabic in Enriching the Indonesian Language Repertoire <p>The arrival of Islam in Indonesia had a big influence on Indonesian society. This research tries to reveal the influence of Arabic on Indonesian which has long been consumed by Indonesian people in everyday language. This research uses a qualitative descriptive method with a loan word approach which results in many linguistic absorption phenomena occurring in the Indonesian language caused by Arabic, such as Arabic vocabulary whose spelling is relatively the same as the original having to experience vowel shortening, Arabic vocabulary undergoing changes. in pronunciation, Arabic vocabulary whose meaning is the same as the meaning intended in Arabic, and Arabic vocabulary whose meaning has changed from its original meaning. Arabic also influences loan words in Indonesia. This is because Arabic is a language that also contains Islamic religious and cultural concepts. Examples of influence can be seen from naming, use of expressions, use of literary terms and terms in state administration. There are similarities in Arabic vocabulary which is almost the same as Indonesian. Meanwhile, Arabic and Indonesian have a relationship with the majority of the Indonesian population, the majority of whom are Muslim, so that Arabic and Indonesian are the languages of preaching and the language of science.</p> Nurlis Nurlis Lailatul khusniyah Royyani rodloul Afifah ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 53 65 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7554 Participatory Learning Method: Effectiveness in Improving Student Learning Outcomes <p>The appropriate learning methods are needed to allow students to learn actively, dare to participate, and interact with each other in learning. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the participatory learning method in improving student learning outcomes in educational sociology and anthropology courses. This research is a type of quantitative research with pre-experimental research methods and uses the one-group pretest-posttest design as the research design. The subjects in this study were undergraduate students from the nonformal education study program who contracted educational sociology and anthropology courses in the even semester of the 2021/2022 academic year at the Universitas Negeri Manado, with a research sample consisting of 15 students. Data collection techniques using test techniques. The research instrument used was a test of learning outcomes in the form of a pretest and a posttest in the form of a description. The results showed that the average posttest (3.37) was higher than the pretest (1.51). In addition, the average N-gain (g) acquisition score calculation is 0.75, which is included in the high category; thus, applying the participatory learning method effectively improves student learning outcomes in educational sociology and anthropology courses.</p> Djony Max Saroinsong Jenny Ieke Dengah Anneke Tienneke Rondonuwu ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 66 75 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7561 Implementation of Multipolar Education for Conflict Resolution <p>Pendidikan multikultural merupakan suatu pendekatan yang penting dalam menangani konflik antarbudaya dan mempromosikan pemahaman lintas budaya yang lebih dalam. Dalam konteks implementasi pendidikan multikultural untuk resolusi konflik, penting untuk memahami bahwa konflik antarbudaya sering kali muncul karena perbedaan-perbedaan dalam keyakinan, nilai, dan praktik budaya. Melalui pendidikan multikultural, upaya dapat dilakukan untuk mengatasi mispersepsi, prasangka, dan diskriminasi yang mungkin menjadi pemicu konflik. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini Ialah kualitatif deskriptif dalam bentuk kajian pustaka, yang memusatkan perhatian pada mencari data yang diperlukan dari literatur. Sumber data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini terdapat daua bagian. Pertama data primer, yaitu sumber-sumber langsung yang menjadi fokus utama yakni buku perdamaian dan konflik pembangunan dan peradaban. terjemahan Asnawi dan Safrudin. Kedua, terdapat sumber sekunder yang akan memberikan dukungan tambahan dalam penelitian ini yang meliputi pada buku, jurnal dan lain-lainnya. Hasil penelitian ini menujukkan, bahwa implementasi pendidikan multikutural untuk resolusi konflik dapat ditempuh dengan beberapa cara antara lain, konsiliasi, mediasi, dan arbitrasi. Beberapa langkah tersebut perlu ditempuh dan disesuaikan dengan permasalahan yang ingin diselesaikan.</p> Hukma Fikria Adira ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 76 82 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7562 The Effectiveness of Edmodo- Based Project Based Learning on Students HOTS <p>Abstract The 21st century has a significant impact on the development of education. 21st century education directs students to have higher order thinking skills (HOTS). Furthermore, project-based learning is one of the learning models that is highly recommended to encourage students' HOTS skills. Many applications of project-based learning models have not found the effect of edmodo-based project-based learning on students' HOTS skills. This study aims to determine the effect of edmodo-based project-based learning model on students' Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS).&nbsp; This type of research is a meta-analysis.&nbsp; The data source comes from the analysis of 10 national journals indexed by SINTA. Data sources were searched through Researcgate, Google Scholar, DOAJ and Mendeley. Inclusion criteria are that the research comes from SINTA indexed journals, the research must be experimental, the research was published in 2021-2023 and reports complete data for calculating effect size. Statistical analysis using JASP assistance. The results concluded that the edmodo-based project-based learning model had a significant effect on students' HOTS with an average effect size of 1.097 with high effect size criteria. This finding explains that the edmodo-based project-based learning model is effective in improving students' higher order thinking skills (HOTS) with a z value = 6.474; P &lt; 0.001</p> Albadri Albadri Suyahman Suyahman Sutarto Sutarto Normansyah Normansyah Ranat Mulia Pardede Mohammad Edy Nurtamam Tomi Apra Santosa ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 83 94 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7563 Implementing Character Education in Children through Education Madrasah Diniyah Awaliyah in Desa Emplasmen Sidamanik, Simalungun <p>Madrasah Diniyah Awaliyah (MDA) in Emplasmen Sidamanik Village emphasizes strengthening the values of Islamic education with a focus on children aged 7 years and over. These values, especially faith, are considered the basic philosophy of the educational approach in this village, requiring time and patience to cultivate. The Prophet made it mandatory to teach prayer to children aged 7 years, showing the importance of building a religious foundation from an early age. Even though at first a child's understanding may be mechanical, instilling these values from the start is considered crucial, because with repetition and reinforcement, these values will be digested later. The role of parents is very important in introducing, discussing and reinforcing these values at home, forming the child's moral foundation until the end of life. Children after learning at MDA experience cognitive, spiritual, social and emotional development which reflects the positive results of holistic and comprehensive learning methods, creating a generation that understands religion, has character and is able to apply Islamic teachings in everyday life.</p> Febri Nanda Monalisa Syafri Fadillah Marpaung Ahmad Raihan Azizi ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 95 104 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7571 Development of Vibrating Headphones to Help Student with Deaf Disabilities in Android-Based Lectures <p><em>This research is motivated by the issues identified in the field concerning deaf students who face difficulties in obtaining auditory information. This challenge arises due to the communication format during the learning process that predominantly utilizes oral language. Therefore, the researcher developed Vibrating Headphones with the aim of facilitating deaf individuals in acquiring one-way communication through text. This study employed the Research and Development (R&amp;D) method with the 4D development model (Define, Design, Development, and Dissemination). The prototype developed was validated by four experts, including experts in deaf disabilities, electrical engineering, adaptive technology, and IT. Additionally, user testing was conducted to assess the practicality of the prototype among four deaf students in the Special Education Department at UNP. The validation results by the four experts yielded an average score of 88.75%, indicating a very valid criterion. Meanwhile, the practicality test results by the four deaf individuals produced an average score of 76.75%, meeting practical criteria. Based on these validation and practicality tests, valuable feedback and comments were received from both experts and users.</em></p> Rara Ajeng Pratiwi Mega Iswari Setia Budi Zulmiyetri Zulmiyetri Retno Triswandari Arisul Mahdi Gaby Arnez ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 105 110 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7577 The Influence of the Cooperative Script Method on Interest in Learning History <p>This research aims to determine the influence and how big it is the significance of the influence of the cooperative script learning method on interest study student on eye lesson history in Senior High School 1 Linggang Confused. This approach uses a quantitative approach with experimental methods. The research design used was a posttest – only control design. The sample in there are two classes, namely the experimental class (XI IPS 1) and the control class (XI IPS 2). Data collection uses a questionnaire. Data analysis techniques used is regression with help SPSS 25. The results of hypothesis testing research were carried out based on coefficient data obtained mark significance as big as 0,000 from data the significance 0,000 &lt;0.05 then H<sub>0</sub> is rejected. Because H<sub>0</sub> is rejected, Ha is accepted, so there is influence connection between method learning cooperative scripts to students' interest in learning, the magnitude of the coefficients for variables X and Y in the experimental class is 0.768 so that in categorize level correlation strong that is on range 0.6 – 0.799. This proves that students need more learning method more creative and innovative in helping teachers deliver material learning in the classroom. And the cooperative script learning method can used in the process learning history in class.</p> Muhammad Sopyan Jamil Jamil Aprisa Amping ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 111 119 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7580 Design Model for Development of Student Interests in Investing in the Investment Gallery of the University of Muhammadiyah Makassar <p><em>The aim of the study was to determine the level of effectiveness of the design model for developing student interest in investing in the Muhammadiyah University Makassar Investment Gallery. The specific target to be achieved in this research is the design of a model for developing interest in investing when students are still in the study environment to be effective and provide benefits, for example saving to guarantee the future and saving to study and make a profit. This study uses applied qualitative methods. Data collection techniques are library research, interviews and observation. As for the research instruments for the initial study, validation and try out questionnaires were used for students and the community. Meanwhile for the design of the model an achievement test was used to develop interest in investing for students. </em><em>With the development model design, the level of effectiveness is high for students who are interested in investing independently and influence their friends both directly and indirectly. Students are also agents of change in society, from a consumptive society to a productive society by investing.</em></p> Arniati Arniati Naidah Naidah Andi Arifwangsa Adiningrat Muh. Haikal Fikri Iin Febriyanti Ade Wahyu ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 120 128 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7530 Comparison of Learning Outcomes of Students taught Using Quantum Teaching Models with Direct Learning Models on the Main Sub-Matter of the Human Respiration System at Muhammadiyah Rappang High School <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p> <p>This research aims to find out which learning model is best to use between Quantum Teaching and Direct Instruction on the main sub-subject of the Human Respiration System. This research was carried out on 11-30 August 2022, where the research was carried out at SMA Muhammadiyah Rappang. The population of this research was all class XI students consisting of two classes, with a sample of 80 people. Sampling was carried out using Total Sampling. The instruments used in this research were the Learning Implementation Plan (RPP) and tests in the form of questions about the Human Respiration System. Evaluation is carried out by giving a multiple choice test with 20 questions. Data were analyzed using the t test. The results of the research show that the learning outcomes of students who were taught using the Quantum Teaching Learning Model in the main sub-material of the Human Respiration System in class . The learning outcomes of students who were taught using the Direct Instruction Model on the main sub-material of the Respiration System in Humans in class Thus, the learning outcomes of students taught using the Quantum Teaching Learning Model with the Direct Instruction Model on the main sub-material of the Respiration System in Humans in class namely 4.4 &gt; 1.994 so it can be concluded that the Ho Hypothesis is rejected and the Ha Hypothesis is accepted, meaning that there is a difference in student learning outcomes taught using the Quantum Teaching Learning Model and the Direct Instruction Model in class XI of SMA Muhammadiyah Rappang for the 2022/2023 academic year.</p> <table style="height: 63px;" width="689"> <tbody> <tr> <td width="669">&nbsp;</td> </tr> <tr> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td>&nbsp;</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> Madaling Madaling Sam Hermansyah Usman M Khaeriyah Adri Hasan Hasan ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 129 133 Future Development of Indonesian Education: A Review of the Urgency of Reconstructing Instruction Designs for Islamic Religious Education <p>This study discusses the urgency of reconstructing Islamic religious education in Indonesia. It constitutes a meticulous literature review. Despite its literature review nature, the research is grounded in a clearly formulated problem statement, ensuring that the gathered scholarly literature is highly relevant to the research objectives. What is the urgency of reconstructing the design of Islamic religious education learning to shape the future of education in Indonesia? All data was obtained through online searches using Google Scholar, ensuring the accuracy and credibility of the sources. The applied analysis is content analysis. This study demonstrates that the urgency of reconstructing the design of Islamic Religious Education learning in shaping the future of education in Indonesia can be thematically mapped as follows: 1) Rapid Technological Growth and Globalisation; 2) Dynamics of Social and Cultural Changes; 3) Capturing Students' Interest and Involvement; 4) Enhancement of Religious Conceptual Understanding; 5) Development of Character and Morality; 6) Preparation for Future Challenges; 7) Inclusive Learning and Tolerance. This study contributes to strengthening the significant rationale for the necessity of reconstructing the design of Islamic religious education.</p> Muji Agus Sofiyandi Moh. Nurhakim Khozin Khozin ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 134 143 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7593 The Effectiveness of Alphabet an The Effectiveness of Alphabet and Picture Box Learning Media (KOFABAR) to Improve Beginning Reading Skills for Children with Cerebral Palsy <p>The purpose of this study was to examine the effectiveness of kofabar learning media to improve the ability of beginning reading for children with cerebral palsy. The approach used in this research is SSR with A-B-A design. The study was conducted over 14 sessions, divided into three phases, the first phase, baseline (A1), was conducted for 3 meetings, showing stable results with a score of 7%. The second phase, namely intervention (B), was carried out for 8 meetings, showing an increase with a score of 13% to 93% and showed stability at the 6th meeting to the 8th meeting. The last phase, namely baseline (A2), was conducted for 3 meetings, showing stable results with a score of 86%. These results indicate an increase in the ability to read beginning using kofabar learning media for cerebral palsy children.</p> Rahmatun Nisa Nurhastuti Nurhastuti Zulmiyetri Zulmiyetri Johandri Taufan Antoni Tsaputra ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 144 147 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7527 The Influence of the School Literacy Movement on Students' Reading Interest <p>This study investigates the impact of the School Literacy Movement on students' reading interest in the educational context. Employing a quantitative approach with an associative method, the research aims to discern relationships between two or more variables, exploring roles, influences, and causative connections. The analysis employed in this research is the technique of simple linear regression, seeking to determine the influence of the school literacy movement on students' reading interest. The research findings indicate that the School Literacy Movement has a significant positive impact on students' reading interest. The strong correlation between participation in the school literacy movement and increased reading interest highlights the program's success in stimulating students' interest in literature. Consequently, the School Literacy Movement emerges as a crucial element in promoting students' reading interest, and these findings provide a foundation for the development of broader literacy strategies within the educational environment.</p> Juwita Ikhsanat Nirmala Zendrato Novita Yanti Yovita Florentina Telaumbanua Fivin Aryanti Mendrofa Agnes Renostini Harefa ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 148 153 The Effect of Teacher Professional Competence on Education Quality: A Literature Review <p><em>Many</em><em> aspects affect </em><em>the quality education, one of which is the professional competence of teachers. Teacher competence is interesting topic </em><em>to learn. This article aims to examine the effect of teacher professional competence on quality education</em><em>. The articles used in this literature review were those</em><em> obtained through Google Scholar by using</em><em> the keywords teacher professional competence and quality oeducation. Based on the results of the literature review, the authors found that the professional competence of teachers has a positive and significant effect on the education quality.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords</em></strong><em>: teacher professional competence, quality education, literature review.</em></p> Hasan Hariri Mohamad Thobi Sowiyah Sowiyah Riswandi Riswandi ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 154 158 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.6051 The Effect of Principal Transformational Leadership on Teacher Performance to Improve Student Achievement: A Literature Review <p><strong>Abstract</strong></p> <p><em>The importance of school principal transformational leadership and its influence on teacher performance to improve student achievement attracted researchers to investigate it and this article discusses the results of a literature review conducted by the author. There are several articles reviewing the influence of school principals' transformational leadership on teacher performance to improve student achievement, especially in world contexts that can be found. The purpose of this review is to determine the influence of the transformational leadership of school principals on teacher performance to improve student achievement in the world context. Based on the results of a review of literature from various countries in the world, the authors found that the majority of school principal transformational leadership had a positive and significant influence on teacher performance for student achievement.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords</em></strong><em>: transformational leadership; principal; teacher performance; student achievement</em></p> Fajar Ahmad Ginanjar Hasan Hariri Sowiyah Sowiyah Riswanti Rini ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 159 165 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.5809 Society 5.0 Implementation of Teacher Development Policy in Indonesia <p><em>Society 5.0 </em>diciptakan untuk menggantikan industri 4.0. Konsep teknologi ini bertujuan agar kehidupan manusia tidak tergerus oleh adanya teknologi serta dapat menyelesaikan beberapa masalah yang terjadi saat ini, khususnya dalam bidang pendidikan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis implementasi <em>society 5.0 </em>terhadap kebijakan pengembangan guru di Indonesia serta penelitian ini menggunakan metode <em>library research. </em>Adapun beberapa masalah yang terjadi saat ini yaitu kurangnya pengembangan guru dan kurangnya pengetahuan guru terhadap penggunaan teknologi media pembelajaran. Kebijakan-kebijakan yang disusun oleh pemerintah untuk menanggulangi permasalahan tersebut sudah ada, namun segi implementasinya masih ada kekurangan apalagi perkembangan teknologi sekarang semakin hari semakin pesat, maka dari itulah perlunya penyesuaian antara <em>society 5.0 </em>terhadap kebijakan pengembangan guru dan penggunaan media pembelajaran saat ini.</p> Bachtiar Annas Imanuddin ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 166 175 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7617 Islamic Career Guidance for Academic Procrastination Behavior of Students at Muhammadiyah University Enrekang Class of 2017 <p>Academic procrastination such as tending to postpone assignments and not being able to manage time well so as to delay or complete the assignments given. The aim of the research is to determine student procrastination behavior and service patterns towards these students. Method used namely a qualitative field approach (<em>field research). </em>Data collection techniques are through interviews and observation. The results of the research show that the academic procrastination behavior found was: Being late for class, postponing carrying out assignments given by the lecturer in charge of the course, carrying out other activities and permission to study in class, attendance not being optimal, and also being too engrossed in the organizational world so that it is threatened DO. Then to the procrastination is provided with Islamic career guidance services which include recognizing one's potential. where in each session they are guided to make a live proposal. The live proposal will determine when, where and how the career will be achieved. Then doing Affirmations is intended to help students create positive sentences written in "life proposals". The positive sentences are in the form of encouraging sentences. The sentences are short so they are easy and easy to remember. Like I learn from every experience and become wiser every day. I am a source of inspiration for my peers. I deserve to be happy with a more meaningful life, according to the instructions of the Al-Qur'an and Hadith.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Handayani Sura Muhammad Junaedi Mahyuddin Elihami Elihami ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 176 181 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7612 Effectiveness of Equal-Age Counselling Services to Prevent Early Marriage Attitude of Class IX MTS students Riyadhus Sholihin Sunggal <p>The study aims to find out the effectiveness of peer counselling services to prevent attitudes towards early marriage of students of 9th grade MTS Riyadhus Sholihin Sunggal. The research method used is experimental. In this study the researchers used the Pre Experimental research model using One Group Pre Test – Post Test Design. As to the data collection techniques used are (1) document analysis, namely list of names, number of students of class IX MTS Riyadhus Sholihi Sunggal and photo documentation of the research. (2) The test method used in this study is the filling of angket. (3) Observation, from the results of the analysis of data of counselling services for prevention of early marriage attitudes in students using the statistical analysis technique t-test, obtained t_count as 5.542 while the size of the number on the table of value t for one-party test (one tail test) with a degree of significance of 0.05 (5%) at d.b N-1= 9 is 1.833. Therefore, the result of the data analysis of 5,542 is above the limit of rejection of the zero hypothesis which is large 1,833 (t_count &gt; t_table), so this study is significant<strong>.</strong></p> Layla Suci Ramadhani M Fauzi Hasibuan ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-30 2024-03-30 8 1 182 189 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7621 Management of Educational Curriculum Development from a Koranic Perspective in Improving the Morals of Students at Al-Washliyah 18 Tembung <p>The Islamic curriculum not only describes a series of knowledge that must be taught by educators (teachers) to students, but also all educational activities that are deemed necessary because they have an influence on students in order to achieve the goals of Islamic education. Among the educational activities that are considered urgent are instilling the values ​​of discipline and character education in children. This research: Management of the Islamic education curriculum is a necessity that must be carried out as an effort to increase the success of Islamic education. Because management essentially involves optimizing the work of school/madrasah institutions systematically and systemically to become the educational goals to be achieved which are colored with Islamic nuances. Based on this idea, it is necessary to carry out and implement educational curriculum management from a Koranic perspective in improving the morals of students at Al-Washliyah 18 Tembung.</p> Umi Kalsum Nurdiani Nurdiani Putri Syahri ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 190 197 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7626 Implementation of Counseling Guidance in Handling Cases of Adolescent Adolescence in Class XII Indonesian High School Davao Philippines <p>Penelitian ini mengeksplorasi penerapan bimbingan konseling untuk menanggulangi masalah pacaran remaja di Sekolah Indonesia Davao, Filipina. Menggunakan metode studi kasus dan pendekatan kualitatif, observasi awal dilakukan untuk memverifikasi keberadaan masalah tersebut. Hasilnya menunjukkan peran krusial bimbingan konseling sebagai upaya preventif dan intervensi. Program pencegahan, penyuluhan, dan konseling mendalam membantu remaja mengelola dinamika hubungan pacaran, dengan fokus utama pada dukungan emosional dan solusi praktis. Ini menciptakan lingkungan yang mendukung pertumbuhan positif dan kesejahteraan remaja. Penelitian juga menggambarkan peran proaktif bimbingan konseling dalam pengembangan kesejahteraan psikologis dan sosial remaja, termasuk manajemen konflik, pengambilan keputusan bijak, dan pengembangan keterampilan interpersonal. Analisis terhadap konteks lingkungan internasional mencakup tantangan budaya, bahasa, dan hukum yang memengaruhi implementasi bimbingan&nbsp;konseling.</p> Futri Ramadani M. Fauzi Hasibuan Sri Ngayoumi Yudha Wastuti Asbi Asbi ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-02-19 2024-02-19 8 1 198 209 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7569 Early Marriage and Household Vulnerability: Case Study in Medan Sinembah Village, Tanjung Morawa District, Deli Serdang Regency <p>Marrying at an early age means getting married at an immature age. This research aims to analyze the impact of early marriage on divorce rates, and analyze the problems experienced by teenagers who marry early after deciding to divorce. The type of research used is descriptive research with a qualitative approach. This research was conducted in Medan Sinembah Village, District. Tanjung Morawa District. Deli Serdang. This research began on 17 February 2023 to 17 December 2023. The results of the research show that early marriage can increase the divorce rate because of the mental unpreparedness of teenagers who marry early in marriage, not being able to support their families because they do not have a permanent job so they often still depend on parents, whose thinking is still unstable in resolving household problems, often use emotions, infidelity, and do not have firm boundaries regarding values ​​and norms in interacting outside the home. The problems faced by teenagers who marry early after divorce include being a topic of discussion in society because they have the status of widows/widowers at a young age, difficulties in adapting to the environment because they feel embarrassed about their widow/widower status, and the breakdown of friendly relations between former families. husband and wife.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Cholis Hamdani Abdurrahman Abdurrahman ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 210 219 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7603 A Content Analysis of Speaking Materials in English Textbook “My Next Words” used by Fifth Grade Elementary School <p><em>The aim of this study is to find out the quality of the materials in the English textbook for the fifth grade of primary school. The analysis of speaking sections from the elementary school English textbook is the main goal of this study. It was a descriptive research study that used quantitative data from textbook assessment scores that were gathered using a textbook evaluation sheet.&nbsp; The sheet's framework was created using theories by Bao (2013) about the constituting aspects of a good textbook and learning resource selection. The research revealed that the textbook's speaking material was sufficient. This indicates that the textbook's speaking materials fall short of the requirements outlined in the framework. Based on the research findings, the researcher proposed that the textbook's speaking materials should be enhanced. As a result, the textbook's content should be taken into consideration by both ELT teachers and textbook authors in light of Dat Bao's framework for the improvement of the materials</em></p> Shafira Amaliawati Tessana Agustiningrum Bambang Widi Pratolo ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 220 230 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7549 Reducing the Negative Behavior of Children with Oppositional Defiant Disorder by Providing Reinforcement Techniques at SLBN 1 Ampek Angkek <p><em>Penelitian ini dilakukan berdasarkan permasalahan yang ditemukan di SLB N 1 Ampek Angkek. Hasil permasalahan yang ditemukan adalah adanya seorang anak yang teridentifikasi oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) yang memiliki perilaku negatif yaitu memukul teman. Tujuan dari penelitian ini ialah untuk mengetahui apakah perilaku memukul teman pada anak oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) dapat berkurang dengan pemberian teknik reinforcement.&nbsp;</em><em>Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan Single Subject Research (SSR). Desain yang digunakan adalah A-B-A1. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis melalui statistik deskriptif dan ditampilkan dalam bentuk tabel dan grafik polygon. Komponen-komponen yang dianalisis meliputi analisis dalam kondisi dan analisis antar kondisi.</em></p> <p><em>Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya penurunan frekuensi perilaku negatif khususnya perilaku memukul teman pada subjek. Berdasarkan data yang diperoleh, perilaku memukul teman pada anak oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) dapat berkurang dengan pemberian teknik reinforcement. serta didukung tingkat overlap yang rendah. Pada hasil analisis antarkondisi baseline-I dengan intervensi presentase overlap sebesar 30 % dan menurun pada analisis antarkondisi intervensi dengan baseline-II yaitu 0%. Secara keseluruhan perilaku memukul teman pada anak oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) di SLB N 1 Ampek Angkek dapat berkurang dengan pemberian teknik reinforcement.</em></p> <p><strong>Kata Kunci</strong>: <em>teknik reinforcement, perilaku negatif, anak oppositional defiant disorder</em></p> Yodinasya Trixie Belia Johandri Taufan Ringgi Rahmat Fitra ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 231 237 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7574 Lifelong Sports through the Lens of Physical Literacy: Understanding Definitions, Benefits, and Challenges <p class="JPEAbstractBodyEnglish" style="text-indent: 0cm;"><span lang="IN" style="font-size: 12.0pt;">The participation in lifelong sports often encounters obstacles such as lack of individual motivation, inadequate knowledge and skills, as well as unsupportive environment. This article aims to address these issues by discussing the concept of physical literacy as a tool to promote participation in lifelong sports. library research method was used to understand the definition and importance of physical literacy, motor skills development, and the influence of self-confidence, motivation, and competence on participation in physical activities. The results of the library research show that physical literacy is an essential element that encourages individuals to participate in lifelong sports. This includes the knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed to lead an active lifestyle. Understanding the long-term health benefits of physical activity can also be a strong driver for individuals to lead an active lifestyle. The conclusion is that effective educational strategies or interventions need to be developed and implemented to promote physical literacy and lifelong sports participation. Collaboration with the government and other health organizations is crucial to create an environment that supports everyone to participate in physical activities.</span></p> Wisnu Mahardika Pinton Setya Mustafa Luthfie Lufthansa Tama Anugrah Sabda Hussain As Shafi ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 238 245 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7630 Teachers' Efforts to Increase Student Learning Motivation in PAI Learning <p><em>Motivation is an important factor in determining student learning success. The aim of this research is to analyze and determine teachers' efforts to increase students' motivation to learn Islamic Religious Education. Research setting took place at Dharma Karya Vocational School, specifically for class XI students. The focus of this research, apart from discussing teachers' efforts to increase students' learning motivation, is also aimed at analyzing various obstacles or barriers experienced by students while participating in the Islamic Religious Education Learning process. The type of research used in this research is field research using a qualitative approach with descriptive study methods. The primary data source for this research is the PAI Teacher at Dharma Karya Vocational School. The secondary data source in this research is Dharma Karya Vocational School students, which includes class XI students. Research data collection instruments use interview, observation and documentation techniques. Then the data was analyzed through data reduction techniques, data presentation and data verification. The results of this research conclude that the efforts of Islamic religious education teachers in increasing students' learning motivation in class Then, give assignments to individual students, give praise (appreciation) to students who answer questions correctly, and give marks to each Islamic religious education learning exercise.</em></p> An'nisa Raudhatul Jannah Muhammad Abdullah Darraz Ai Fatimah Nur Fuad ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 246 252 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7608 The influence of local culture-based simulation learning methods on the interest and learning outcomes of social studies <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>The results of this research show the influence of the interests and learning outcomes of students who were given treatment in the form of the Simulation Based on local culture method compared to students who were not given treatment. Based on the results of the independent sample t-test on hypothesis I, a sig value was obtained. equal to 0.000 &lt; 0.05 then HO is rejected and H1 is accepted, in hypothesis II the sig value is obtained. equal to 0.000 &lt; 0.05, then HO is rejected and H1 is accepted, and the results of the Monova test, obtain a Sig value. 0.000 &lt; 0.05, then HO is rejected and H1 is accepted, meaning that there is an influence of local culture-based simulation learning methods on the interest and learning outcomes of social studies for fifth grade students at SD Negeri Kaluku Bodoa, Tallo District, Makassar City.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Gita Ananda Nursalam Nursalam Muhammad Nawir ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 253 260 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7633 Development of Interactive Power Point Based Learning Media on Principles of Land Measurement for Construction <p>The problem found by researchers through observations of the learning process at SMK<br>Negeri 1 Mandrehe Barat, namely that the learning process using media is still not optimal.<br>The aim is to develop power -based learning media for class X DPIB I n t e r a c t i v e<br>Point on the material Principles of Land Measurement for Construction Work to determine<br>the Feasibility, Practicality and Effectiveness of Media Products.This type of research uses<br>the ADDIE ( Analize, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation ) model. The<br>instruments used in this research were validation questionnaires for feasibility tests, student<br>response questionnaires for practicality tests, and essay tests to test the effectiveness of<br>learning outcomes. Power Point -based media on material on Principles of Land<br>Measurement for Construction Work. Very Eligible Criteria based on 90% material expert<br>assessment. Based on 98% language expert assessment. Based on a Design expert<br>assessment of 92%. Media Practicality is categorized as very practical based on 90%<br>individual trials and 91% field trials. The criteria are very effective with an effective media<br>percentage of 94%. So it can be concluded that the Power Point- based learning media<br>developed is very feasible, practical and effective for use in the learning process.<br>suggestions from researchers (1) for students it is hoped that with Power Point- based media<br>to increase effectiveness and critical thinking in the material Principles of Land<br>Measurement for Construction Work, (2) for teaching staff it can add innovation in using<br>media (3) for researchers , can use this research as subsequent research to determine the<br>feasibility of the product.</p> Carolus Carles Rejeki Gulo Envilwan Berkat Harefa Arisman Telaumbanua Adrianus Zega ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 261 284 Efforts to Improve Learning Outcomes of Adding and Subtracting Integer Using Garbilpau Media <p>Latar belakang penelitian ini adalah kemampuan memahami konsep penjumlahan dan pengurangan bilangan bulat peserta didik masih rendah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk untuk mengetahui penggunaan media garbilpau terhadap kemampuan konsep penjumlahan dan pengurangan bilangan bulat di SDN 2 Sudamanik. Teknik penelitian ini menggunakan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK). Sumber penelitian ini adalah Kepala Sekolah, guru serta siswa kelas III SDN 2 Sudamanik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan memahami konsep penjumlahan dan pengurangan bilangan bulat di SDN 2 Sudamanik masih rendah. Dengan memanfaatkan media garbilpau diharapkan adanya perbaikan pada kemampuan penjumlahan dan pengurangan bilangan bulat peserta didik. Setiap pembelajaran menggunakan media garbilpau, dan melalui media garbilpau ini siswa mampu memahami konsep penjumlahan dan pengurangan bilangan bulat di SDN 2 Sudamanik dapat meningkat.</p> Anggi Rahmani Elih Solihatulmilah Ira Arini Hadi Sutiawan Yusdiana Yusdiana Nita Nurhati ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 285 294 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7506 Effectiveness of Interactive Learning Media Based on Articulate Storyline in Increasing the Ability to Understand the Concept of a Healthy Home in Children with Cerebral Palsy <p>This research was motivated by problems that occurred in one cerebral palsy student who was not yet able to understand the concept of a healthy home in class VIII. To overcome this, researchers aim to improve the ability to recognize the concept of a healthy home in children with cerebral palsy by using articulate storyline based interactive learning media. This type of research is experimental research using a quantitative approach in the form of Single Subject Research (SSR) with A-B-A design. Variable X in this research is interactive learning media based on an articulate storyline, while variable Y in this research is the ability to recognize the concept of a healthy home. The data collection techniques used are observation, tests and documentation. The data collection tool in this research is a test instrument in the form of a checklist. Data analysis was carried out using visual analysis methods. The research results showed that there was an increase in the ability to recognize the concept of a healthy home in children with cerebral palsy by using articulate storyline-based interactive learning media. This is proven by condition A1, during 3 meetings the child obtained a score of 45.4%, 45.4%, 45.4%. Condition B during 7 meetings the child obtained a score of 51.5%, 63.6%, 66.6%, 87.6%, 100%, 100%, 100%. Then, in condition A2 for 3 meetings the child obtained a score of 96.9%, 96.6%, 96.6%. After analysis, articulate storyline based interactive learning media was proven to be able to increase the ability to recognize the concept of a healthy home in children with cerebral palsy.</p> Septrika Puspita Sari Nurhastuti Nurhastuti Mega Iswari Ardisal Ardisal Antoni Tsaputra ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 295 301 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7640 Effectiveness of Counting Box Learning Media to Improve the Ability to Sum Numbers 1-10 for Children with Cerebral Palsy <p><em>This research aims to improve the ability to add numbers 1-10 for cerebral palsy children at SD IT Permata Kita Padang by used Counting Box Learning media. Learning Media Counting Box serves as a learning prop that can be seen and makes it easier for students to count. This research uses a quantitative approach with experimental methods, namely Single Subject Research (SSR) and A1-B-A2 Design, and the data is analyzed using visual graphs by entering data in graphs which are then analyzed based on conditions A1-B-A2 </em><em>The results of research used Counting Box Learning media can improve the ability to add numbers 1-10 for cerebral palsy children at SD IT Permata&nbsp;Kita&nbsp;Padang.</em></p> Varel Muhammad Rizky Nurhastuti Nurhastuti Mega Iswari Arisul Mahdi ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 302 306 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7590 Collaborative Learning through Inside Outside Circle (IOC)- Post to Post Game in 21st Century Mufradat Learning <p>One of the cooperative learning models is the Inside Outside Circle (IOC) learning method. The IOC-Post to Post Game method combines elements of cooperative learning with the Post to Post Game. In the IOC-Post to Post Game students work together in teams by exchanging information and collaborating to complete a given task or order. 21st-century learning requires students to have 21st-century skills to face future challenges. Based on that, a learning method is needed to achieve learning goals and train essential skills for 21st-century learners, including in Arabic language learning. In Arabic language learning, vocabulary mastery is the main foundation that must be possessed. A study conducted at MI Nurul Huda in the third grade aims to determine whether there is an influence of collaborative learning methods through IOC-Post to Post Game on students' mastery of vocabulary in the third grade. This study used a quantitative approach, namely a Quasi-Experiment with Nonequivalent Control Group Design. The data collection techniques used were tests in the form of pre-tests and post-tests and non-tests in the form of interviews and documentation. The findings of this study are that the collaborative learning method IOC-Post to Post Game has an effect on students' understanding of vocabulary with a moderate level of effectiveness, with an N-Gain Score of 0.320, and the collaborative learning method IOC-Post to Post Game has a positive impact on students' activity and social skills.</p> Alifia Azizah Tatang Tatang Nalahuddin Saleh Mia Nurmala ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 307 318 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7631 The Analysis of Student’s Interest in Reading English Text Books at SMP Negeri 27 Manokwari <p><em>The objective of this scholarly investigation is to discern the extent of eighth-grade students' engrossment with English textbooks at SMPN 27 Manokwari. The researchers employed a sophisticated research design by implementing a combination of quantitative and qualitative methodologies. The quantitative approach facilitated the systematic tabulation of data into numerical formats, while the qualitative methodology served to articulate and expound upon data devoid of numerical parameters. The participants in this erudite exploration comprised 20 eighth-grade students enrolled at SMPN 27 Manokwari, with the data </em><em>collection</em><em> tools encompassing meticulously crafted questionnaires and insightful interviews</em><em>. </em><em>Through meticulous data analysis, the research findings unveiled a noteworthy elevation in the students' ardor for perusing English textbooks, categorizing their interest as notably elevated. The diligent endeavors undertaken by the students in assimilating the contents of English textbooks encompassed practices such as preliminary readings before scheduled lessons, dedicated perusal within the precincts of the library, in-depth examination within the confines of their homes, and the proactive measure of seeking elucidation from the instructor when faced with incomprehensible subject matter. This intricate exploration not only gauged the students' proclivity for English textbook engagement but also illuminated the multifaceted strategies employed by them to fortify their understanding of the material at hand.</em></p> Alfons Napoleon Arsai Maria Putri Narwadan Almendita F. W Arsai ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 319 337 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7647 Word-Wall Education Game to Enhance Literacy Skills in Elementary Schools <p><em>&nbsp;</em><em>Literacy is a crucial basic skill in education, helping students understand texts, express thoughts in writing, and gain broader knowledge. This research uses a quantitative method with a pretest-posttest control group design research design on grade 5 students of SD Negeri 132 Malele-Enrekang consisting of a control group (traditional method) and an experimental group (Word Wall Game). The research results show that the Word Wall Game significantly improves students' literacy skills. There was a consistent increase in reading, writing, and literacy understanding in the group that used the Word Wall Game compared to the control group. Teacher response to the Word Wall Game has been generally positive, seeing it as a tool that increases student engagement and creates a fun learning environment. This research concludes that the Word Wall Game has great potential in increasing the literacy of elementary school students. The practical implication is that the Word Wall Game can be used by teachers as an innovative learning tool to increase student literacy at the elementary level, creating more interesting and effective learning.</em></p> Rahmat Rahmat Ismail Ismail Nursin Nursin ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 338 350 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7652 A Conceptual Framework of Academic Well-Being <p><em>The organisational transformation in higher education institutions has troubled academics well-being, mostly where there is insufficient care and support from leaders to simplify the change. The study aims to establish the conceptual framework of academic well-being in Buddhist Colleges in Indonesia. Qualitative results designate that stress and conflict as significant consequences of organizational change; with other adverse effects including reduced academic freedom, family life, health, and distracted career prospects. As a result, reduction in academic satisfaction and well-being has occured. However, these contrary consequences were happened in a short term only. In addition, the idea of diminishing marginal suggests that academics resisted to change firstly but then believed the changes will create a better circumstance at a certain period. The conceptual framework is to help building academic well-being concepts in Buddhist College in Indonesia.Organizational Change, Academic Well-Being, Conflict, Academic Satisfaction</em></p> Lianah The Hannes Widjaya Arnold Surya Nugroho Frisca Desma Ayu Kusuma Wardani ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 351 360 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7651 Investigating Students Motivation as Autonomous Learners in English Language Acquisition: A Study on Politeknik Pelayaran Sulawesi Utara <p><em>This research delves into the motivations propelling cadets at Politeknik Pelayaran Sulawesi Utara as autonomous learners in the realm of English language acquisition. Employing a comprehensive questionnaire, the study explores the intricate factors influencing students' commitment and enthusiasm for independent language mastery. Results indicate a pronounced inclination among cadets to adopt autonomy both within and beyond the traditional classroom, emphasizing a proactive approach to English language learning. Motivations identified encompass the intrinsic joy derived from engaging with English instruction, coupled with the obligation inherent in the maritime context where English proficiency is imperative. Further, this present study delves into the interplay between academic success and motivation, revealing a compelling desire for high grades as a driving force. External factors, including praise and punishment, also contribute to shaping the motivational landscape. Additionally, the research uncovers supporting elements such as clear learning objectives, a passion for language acquisition, conducive learning environments, stimulating teaching materials, active participation opportunities, and collaborative interactions with study partners. This comprehensive exploration provides valuable insights into the nuanced motivations of cadets at Politeknik Pelayaran Sulawesi Utara, offering a foundation for informed educational strategies and interventions tailored to foster an environment conducive to autonomous language learning</em></p> Jeihn Novita C. Budiman Nindy N. Ganap ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 361 377 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7655 Women's Inferiority in the Novel RE: by Maman Suherman A Study of Feminist Literary Criticism <p>This research aims to describe the inferiority of women in the novel RE: by Maman Suherman with a study of feminist literary criticism. This type of research uses qualitative research with analytical descriptive methods. The data in this research is in the form of novel text excerpts in the form of words, phrases, clauses, sentences and discourses in which women's inferiority is expressed in the form of physical and sexual violence. The data source in this research is written data contained in the novel RE: by Maman Suherman (2014). The instrument in this research is the researcher as the main instrument. The data collection technique used in this research is content analysis of documents and archives. Triangulation is a technique for checking the validity of data that uses something other than the data for checking purposes or as a comparison of the data.The research results found that there was inferiority towards women in the form of physical violence and sexual violence experienced by RE characters and their friends.</p> Setiawan Setiawan Andi Tenri Sua Andi Nurhabibi Marwil Andi Srimularahmah ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 378 388 The Influence of The Picture and Picture Learning Model Oriented towards Character Education on the Motivation and Learning Outcomes of Social Sciences for Fifth Grade Students <p><em>This research aims to determine the effect of using the Picture And Picture learning model on the motivation and learning outcomes of Social Sciences for fifth grade students at SD Negeri Kaluku Bodoa, Tallo subdistrict, Makassar city. This research is quantitative research using quasi-experimental methods. The design used in this research was a nonquivalent control group design. The sampling technique uses saturated samples. The number of samples in this study was 50 people, consisting of 25 people in the experimental class and 25 people in the control class. The data collection methods used are questionnaires to measure learning motivation and test sheets to measure student learning outcomes. The data analysis techniques used are descriptive statistical analysis and inferential statistical analysis, and at the prerequisite data testing stage, data normality tests and data homogeneity tests are carried out. Meanwhile, to test the hypothesis, the Manova Test is carried out. The research results obtained are 1) there is an influence on learning motivation through the Picture And Picture learning model oriented towards character education in the Social Sciences subject for fifth grade students at SD Negeri Kaluku Bodoa 2) There is an influence on learning outcomes through the Picture And Picture learning model oriented towards character education on the eyes Social Sciences students, fifth grade students at SD Negeri Kaluku Bodoa; 3). The Picture And Picture learning model oriented towards character education on students' motivation and learning outcomes with a significance value of &lt;0.001 &lt;0.05, there is an influence of the Picture And Picture learning model oriented towards character education on the motivation and learning outcomes of class V Social Sciences at SD Negeri Kaluku Bodoa, Tallo Kota District Makassar. So it can be concluded that the Picture and Picture learning model can influence the motivation and learning outcomes of Social Sciences for fifth grade students at SD Negeri Kaluku, Tallo District, Makassar City.</em></p> Nurul Asmi Nursalam Nursalam Muhlis Madani ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 389 396 Values of Moral Education in the Qur'an Suroh Ali Imran Verse 134 <p>The background to this research is the widespread decline in morals found in various circles, both with oneself and with others. This happens due to a lack of knowledge which becomes the source of reason and spiritual input, namely advice and others, even because of following one's own desires, so that morals are not controlled and become the main problems that arise among society, such as greed , difficulty controlling emotions and selfishness, making it difficult to create other good deeds. Starting from this, the author was interested in studying more deeply the values of moral education contained in the QS. Ali Imran verse 134. This aims to find out the moral values contained in the QS. Ali Imran verse 134, so that you can increase your knowledge and efforts in implementing the message and commands of Allah SWT. This research is library research whose data was obtained from two sources. The first primary source is QS. Ali Imran verse 134. The two secondary sources are in the form of commentary books, books, articles and others that support this research. The method used is the Maudhu'i method with qualitative analysis and then reprocessed using deductive, inductive and comparative methods. The results of the research show that: 1) give to each other under any circumstances. 2) restrain emotions. 3) forgive other people's mistakes. 4) do good to people who have wronged them and this is the pinnacle of the nobility of a servant's morals and devotion.</p> Laila Auni Nur Azizah Nasution Alimuddin Siregar ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 397 402 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7665 Improving the Ability to Write Natural Number Symbols (1-9) Through the Finger Numbers Media Board for Down Syndrome Students <p><em>The background to the implementation of this research was because it was found that a student with Down syndrome in class I SLB N 1 Alahan Panjang was unable to write natural number symbols (1-9) in phase A mathematics learning. The aim of this research was to prove the use of the finger numbers board media in improve the ability to write natural number symbols (1-9) for class I Down syndrome students at SLB N 1 Alahan Panjang. The research method used in this research is an experimental method with a single subject approach or Single Subject Research (SSR). This study used an A-B design consisting of two conditions, namely baseline (A) and intervention (B). The use of the A-B design was adapted to the aim of only seeing an increase in students' abilities when using the finger numbers board media. The results of the research showed that the ability to write natural number symbols (1-9) of students in the baseline condition (A) was obtained at a percentage of 59.25%, 59.25%, 59.25%, 59.25%, 59.25%. In intervention (B) 66.67%, 81.49%, 81.49%, 81.49%, 88.89%, 88.89%, 88.89%, 88.89%, 88.89%, 92.60%. Based on this data, students' ability to write natural number symbols (1-9) increases.</em></p> Gustia Sepriani Putri Damri Damri Mega Iswari Grahita Kusumastuti Antoni Tsaputra ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 403 407 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7649 The Content Analysis of English Textbooks Based on Alan Cunningsworth’s Criteria: A Systematic Review <p><em>This investigation endeavors to elucidate the merits and demerits inherent in English textbooks as delineated in a myriad of scholarly articles dedicated to the content analysis of pedagogical materials for English instruction. A plethora of English textbooks, disseminated by governmental or non-governmental publishers, underwent scrutiny through the prism of various theoretical frameworks, most notably Alan Cunningsworth's discerning criteria. Employing a systematic review, this research meticulously unveils the commendable aspects and deficiencies encapsulated within the fabric of English textbooks or coursebooks expounded upon in the surveyed articles. A compendium of fifteen articles, spanning the temporal expanse from 2015 to 2023, was subjected to rigorous analysis through the discerning lens of Alan Cunningsworth's evaluative criteria. The discerning scrutiny revealed that all the scrutinized English textbooks impeccably adhered to and fulfilled the exacting standards posited by Cunningsworth's criteria. However, interspersed within these articles lay instances where certain textbooks failed to meet the stringent criteria delineated by Alan Cunningsworth. This investigation aspires to transcend its immediate findings, serving as a beacon of reference for future researchers and English educators engaged in the analytical or evaluative scrutiny of English instructional materials</em></p> Agustinus Nai Aki Mister G. Maru Elisabeth Z. Oroh ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 408 429 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7661 Student’s Perception on Using Instagram in Learning English <p>This study investigated the Students’ Perceptions on using instagram in learning english”. A qualitative research design was used in this study. The participants are 15 students from English education at Muhammadiyah University of Enrekang. The instruments used to collect the data were questionnaire. The questionnaire consisted of 30 statements. Google Form was used to obtain the data and the result was used to analyze the data. As a result of the study, the researcher concluded that the benefits of online reading in instagram have had a substantial effect on the knowledge of students’, and the students have strongly focused on the educational evaluation they read during learning. The data reported the highest percentage is 47% of the students agreed that instagram media supported their activity in reading during learning. However the lowest percentage is 7% of the students disagreed that instagram media supported their activity in reading during learning. It shows that students' perceptions are considered positive because most of the students agree that learning on instagram helped them to improve their reading comprehensions skills</p> Sri Rosmiana Rahmaeni Rahmaeni Musdalifah Musdalifah ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 430 433 Conflict management in friendship relationships based on gender among social science education students <p>This research aims to determine whether there is a difference in the way males and females encounter conflict to find a resolution in friendship relationships among Social Studies Education students. The research employs a quantitative approach with a survey method using purposive sampling, involving a total of 91 participants who have experienced conflicts, consisting of 26 male students and 65 female students. Data collection utilizes a questionnaire adapted from Johnson, and data analysis employs descriptive statistics. The results indicate that 1) conflict management strategies employed by male and female students in friendship relationships within Social Studies Education predominantly involve collaboration, with an average percentage score of 21.38 for male students and 21.45 for female students, and 2) the research findings based on gender differences show (p &gt; 0.05 = 0.67 &gt; 0.05, t = 0.42, df = 89), indicating no significant difference in conflict management between male and female students.</p> Rezi Sara Sri Buwono Yusawinur Barella Maria Ulfah Venny Karolina ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 434 437 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7604 The Influence of the Flipped Learning Model on Creative Thinking Ability in the Revolution 4.0 era <p>Many applications of flipped learning have a huge impact on students' creative thinking ability in learning. However, no deep conclusions have been found and are still subjective.&nbsp; This study aims to determine the influence of flipped learning to improve students' creative thinking skills in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0. This type of research is a meta-analysis.&nbsp; The research data came from google scholar, Researchgaet, ScienceDirect and ERIC. The inclusion criteria in this study are research from SINTA and Scopus indexed journals; Research must be experimental or quasi-experimental; Research related to flipped learning models on students' creative thinking skills; Research published in 2020-2024; The study must have complete data to calculate the value of effect size; sample size (N) &gt; 25 students. The results of the analysis of 15 journals concluded that there was a significant influence on students' creative thinking ability with a high mean effect size (ES = 1.12) criterion. These findings explain the application of flipped learning effectively helps teachers and students in improving creative thinking skills in the learning process.</p> Aloisius Harso Miftachul Amri Riyanti Susiloningtyas Henny Sanulita Hadi Widodo Tomi Apra Santosa ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-02-27 2024-02-27 8 1 438 445 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7664 Errors Use of Indonesian Language in Public Outdoor Media in Manado City <p><em>The primary objective of this investigation is to scrutinize the utilization of the Indonesian language in outdoor media within Manado City, focusing on physical attributes, linguistic aspects, and the general application of the language in this specific context. Employing a qualitative research approach, the study centers its analysis on outdoor media installations situated in Manado, utilizing a sample size of 10 randomly selected images. The data collection process involves two main steps: firstly, gathering information on language usage in public spaces throughout Manado City, and subsequently, selecting ten data points that represent seven key aspects of Indonesian language prioritization. The findings of the study reveal two noteworthy outcomes: firstly, public space managers exhibit a preference for foreign languages over Indonesian in their language usage; and secondly, deviations from language rules are apparent, particularly in terms of spelling and word choice. The examination of Indonesian language use in outdoor media within Manado City indicates a presence of linguistic errors that defy established rules. Physically, there is a fusion of languages, comprising both Indonesian and foreign languages. While the language structure adheres to rules, imperfections persist in spelling and word selection. Despite these challenges, there is a positive trend in language typography, signaling an improvement in this specific aspect. In essence, the study underscores the existence of linguistic shortcomings in the public use of the Indonesian language in Manado City, encompassing discrepancies in language mixture, structural errors, and evolving typography practices</em></p> Ricky Gerungan Djeinnie Imbang Maya Pingkan Warouw ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 446 454 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7669 Need Analysis Seguyub Lasem Dance Media in the Feminine Stigma of Dance Learning for Middle Shool Students <p>Practical dance learning at school is often stigmatizes as feminine by junior high school students, especially male students. Seguyub Lasem Dance Media Video is the development of dance learning media that uses YouTube as a learning platform with the aim of increasing students' interest in learning, eliminating the stigma of femininity in the dance, and helping students practice the Profil Pelajar Pacasila character education. The aim of the Analysis of Media Needs for the Seguyub Lasem Dance Video in the Feminine Stigma of Dance Learning for Middle School Students research is to describe students' learning interest in learning dance and to describe the media needs analysis for the Seguyub Lasem Dance video. The data collection techniques used were observation, interviews and documentation. The conclusion of the research is that teachers and students need the Seguyub Lasem Dance video media to increase students' interest in learning, eliminate the stigma of femininity in the art of dance, and help students practice the Profil Pelajar Pancasila character education..</p> <p>Keywords: Need analysis, dance learning, feminine stigma</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Agustina Ayu Andira Wahyu Lestari Hartono Hartono ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 455 463 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7613 Analysis of Student Behavior Based on the History of Learning Activities in the Learning Management System Using the Pearson Correlation Method <p>The purpose of this study is to identify student learning behavior in online learning and to determine the relationship between student learning behavior and learning achievement based on learning history data (Learning logs) on the Learning Management System (LMS), including the performance of assignments and quizzes, utilization interaction features (forums and chat), as well as active access to learning resources (files and URLs). Pearson Correlation method is used to analyze the level of relationship between learning behavior and students’ achievement. The research object is 105 students at Muhammadiyah University of Enrekang who programmed introductory information technology (PTI) courses from 5 different classes but taught by the same lecturer. The total number of processed activity histories (after data preprocessing) is 6500 records, while the total number of logs before data preprocessing is 19386 records. Correlation analysis linking student behavior to student learning achievement is quite strong and unidirectional, as evidenced by the correlation value between learning behavior and student final grades which show an average number of 0.80 and all are positive, with confidence interval values reaching95%. This shows that the higher the learning activities that students participate in in online learning (the more active), the stronger the effect on student learning achievement. It also shows that student activity in completing assignments is the variable that most influences learning achievement with a correlation value of 0.88 (very strong).</p> Imam Akbar Hazriani Hazriani Abdul Latief Arda Ita Sarmita Samad ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 464 470 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7671 Development of a Character Education Model in Schools <p>This research aims to explore and analyze various approaches and strategies in developing character education models in schools. The method used is library research, by collecting and analyzing data from various relevant literature sources. This research provides in-depth insight into how schools can integrate character values into the curriculum and learning environment. Through this research, it is hoped that the development of an effective character education model involves steps such as identification of relevant character values, integration of character values in the curriculum, role models and real examples, active and reflective learning, involvement of parents and the community, as well as evaluation and feedback. This research also indicates that consistency and commitment from all school components is very important in building and strengthening character education. This research is expected to contribute to theoretical understanding of the importance of character education in forming students who are responsible, ethical and contribute positively to society</p> Agus Abdussalam Aan Hasanah Bambang Samsul Arifin ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 471 478 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7581 Education Ethics Business for Increase Awareness of Environmental Living <p>One of the most set important social challenges for business is a balance between economics interests and maintain orders materialized ecologically sustainable development. Morals and ethics have a function to give the orientation of how and where we are heading in life, but the difference is that morality is a direct show of ways to go, while directing the choice of ethics precisely why you should move in such away? Business ethics is the application of ethical thinking in general, in business behavior. Business ethics is note a specific part of ethics which is different from ethics in general and are applicable only for business. If dishonesty is considered unethical and immoral, then anyone in business who are note honest with shareholders, employees, consumers or competitors, have acted in an unethical and immoral manner. According to the conventional ideology of economic development and preservation is a dichotomy that separated from one another. When in fact, both have a very close relationship and jointly become a national agenda that must be considered by the government and society in a country. This means that without an adequate environmental protection, development will be lost meaning (undermined). Thus, the nature of the sustainable development, is the balance between economic interests with ecological sustainability (ecology are: Science of learning about how living creatures interact with one another within an ecosystem). Economics learning goals leads students to have the abilities to resolve the various problems it faces. Therefore, through the educational values in business ethics expected of students have the knowledge and the provisions to be applied in everyday life which would note intentionally or engage in business activities</p> Nurhalimah Sibuea ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 479 484 Learning Model of Arabic in Indonesia: A Study of The Curriculum System at Bahrul Ulum Tambakberas Islamic Boarding School, Jombang and an-Nuqayah, Madura <p>Arabic is the most core subject in Islamic boarding schools. Likewise at the Bahrul Ulum Islamic Boarding School Tambakberas Jombang and the an-Nuqayah Islamic Boarding School Madura. This study discusses the Arabic curriculum applied by the Bahrul Ulum Islamic Boarding School Tambakberas Jombang and the an-Nuqayah Islamic Boarding School Madura with a focus on the research objectives of Arabic learning, Arabic language learning activities, and Arabic language learning materials taught in the two Islamic Boarding Schools. This study uses a qualitative approach by using the form of a case study. The sources of data in this study were the leaders of Islamic Boarding Schools, Arabic language teachers and administrators of the Bahrul Ulum Tambakberas Islamic Boarding Schools in Jombang and the an-Nuqayah Islamic Boarding Schools, Madura. After discussing and analyzing the data, it can be concluded that the two Islamic boarding schools applied different curricula. The Bahrul Ulum Islamic Boarding School Tambakberas Jombang applies an Arabic curriculum for the Salaf Islamic Boarding School which still prioritizes Arabic as a tool for understanding sources of Islamic studies. Meanwhile, at the an-Nuqayah Islamic Boarding School, the modern Islamic Boarding School's Arabic curriculum combines basic Arabic (as a tool) and practical Arabic as a daily communication tool, which in this case is accommodated by the Daar al-Lughah al-Arabiyah wa al-Fiqh al-Salafi institution. However, the two Islamic Boarding Schools have something in common, namely placing Arabic in their respective Madrasah Diniyah programs.</p> Dita Wahyuni Aristantia Muhammad Baharuddin Nur Mazidah Putri Amalia Zaenab Tri Lestari ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 485 499 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7638 The Influence of Self Instruction Techniques on Students’ Learning Burnout at State Madrasah Aliyah <p>This research was conducted to determine the influence provided by group counseling services using Self Instruction to minimize the level of learning boredom of XI MIPA 3 students at MAN 3 Medan. This research method uses an experiment with a one group pretest-posttest design. Where there were 32 students as the population and a sample of 7 students who had high learning boredom scores was taken using the purposive sampling technique. The data analysis techniques used are the Normality Test and the T Test (paired sample test). With the help of the SPSS Version 22.0 For Windows analysis tool. Based on the research results before and after the treatment, the Sig value was obtained. (2-tailed) is 0.000, then &lt; 0.05 H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted. The results of this study showed that there was a decrease in the level of student learning boredom after being given group counseling services using the Self Instruction technique as treatment for students at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 3 Medan.</p> Lilis Sartika Fauziah Nasution ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 500 511 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7677 Exploration of Local Wisdom of West Borneo in Chemistry Learning for Cultivating National Character <p>Kearifan lokal di Kalimantan Barat memiliki potensi besar untuk diintegrasikan dalam pembelajaran kimia. Dalam mengimplementasikan kearifan lokal pada pembelajaran kimia, diperlukannya pemahaman mengenai nilai-nilai budaya lokal yang berkaitan dengan ilmu kimia. Tujuan dari penelitian ini ialah untuk mengeksplorasi kearifan lokal Kalimantan Barat yang dapat diterapkan dalam pembelajaran kimia serta diharapkan dapat memberikan dorongan bagi pendidik kimia dalam mengimplementasikan kearifan lokal yang dituang pada rancangan pembelajarannya. Metode yang digunakan ialah deskripsi kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian literature review. Hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa Kalimantan Barat memiliki kearifan lokal yang dapat diintegrasikan dalam pembelajaran kimia seperti penggunaan tanaman sebagai zat pewarna, obat tradisional, makanan tradisional, maupun budaya meriam karbit. Penanaman karakter dan nilai-nilai budaya lingkungan sekitar sebagai penguatan profil pelajar Pancasila melalui pengintegrasian nilai-nilai kearifan lokal merupakan langkah yang tepat.</p> Agung Hartoyo Hairida Hairida ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 512 518 10.33487/edumaspul.v7i2.6731 Management Of The Use Of Educative Game Equipment In Improving Children's Fine Motor Skills In Ra Fathul Hikmah Jelekong <p>Latar belakang penelitian ini adalah keterampilan motorik halus dibutuhkan media tertentu untuk meningkatkan motivasi dan menarik minat anak dalam belajar. Untuk itu diperlukan sumber belajar yang dapat membantu guru dalam mengajar dan melatih perkembangan keterampilan motorik. Akan tetapi, guru jarang memanfaatkan penggunaan media secara maksimal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan manajemen penggunaan alat permainan edukatif (APE) dalam meningkatkan motorik halus anak. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah manajemen pembelajaran, motivasi belajar, dan peserta didik. Deskripsi hasil penelitian disajikan dalam uraian kata-kata. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa manajemen penggunaan alat permainan edukatif (APE) untuk Meningkatkan Motorik Halus Anak di RA Fathul Hikmah, secara umum ditemukan bahwa manajemen penggunaan alat permainan edukatif yang dilaksanakan di RA Fathul Hikmah Jelekong sudah cukup baik, dari mulai perencanaan, pengorganisasian, pelaksanaan hingga pengawasan.</p> Nuron Rhamdani Rudi Alam Muhammad Faiz Habibi Deti Rostini Emay Mastiani ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 519 531 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7511 Learning Management In Increasing Students' Learning Motivation At Ma Karya Bakti Sukasari Kertasari Bandung District <p>Latar belakang penelitian ini adalah banyaknya peserta didik yang motivasi belajarnya kurang karena disebabkan beberapa faktor salah satunya yaitu faktor lingkungan, kurangnya motivasi belajar dalam diri peserta didik, peserta didik tidak menyukai mata pelajaran tertentu, dan pengaruh perkembangan teknologi yang tidak dimanfaatkan dengan baik yang menyebabkan peserta didik malas dalam belajar dan prestasi belajar menurun. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan manajemen pembelajaran dalam meningkatkan motivasi belajar peserta didik. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah manajemen pembelajaran, motivasi belajar, dan peserta didik. Deskripsi hasil penelitian disajikan dalam uraian kata-kata. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa manajemen pembelajaran dalam meningkatkan motivasi belajar peserta didik di MA Karya Bakti telah melakukan manajemen pembelajaran secara umum dibuktikan dengan membuat perencanaan, pengorganisasian, pelaksanaan, dan evaluasi. Adapun kendala yang ditemukan dalam pelaksanaan, salah satunya ada saja guru yang tidak membuat RPP terbaru tetapi menggunakan yang sebelumnya, juga berkaitan kendala&nbsp; benda dan sarana prasarana yang masih kurang.</p> Ahadiat Ahadiat Jajang Rusmana Prisna Defauzi Deti Rostini Emay Mastiani ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 532 540 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7507 Contribution of Islamic Religious Education Teachers in the Process of Implementing the Independent Learning Curriculum <p>teachers in implementing the independent learning curriculum. The aim of the research is to explore the contribution of Islamic Religious Education teachers in implementing the Independent Learning Curriculum at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1 Tanjungkarang, Bandar Lampung. The field study method was used with observation, interviews and documentation techniques. The research subjects consisted of the principal and two Islamic Religious Education teachers. The results show that teachers have an important role in shaping student character, promoting tolerance, and integrating Islamic values. Despite facing challenges such as limited resources and resistance to change, with the right support, they can play a significant role in realizing the vision of the Independent Learning Curriculum. The conclusion emphasizes the importance of their role in education oriented to Islamic values. Recommendations include a good understanding of curriculum principles and innovative learning approaches, as well as appropriate training for teachers and adequate support from school principals.</p> Widia Ningsih Imam Syafei Erjati Abbas ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 541 551 The Importance of Emotional Intelligence in Education: Preparing an Emotionally Resilient Generation <p>Education is an important foundation in shaping individuals to face the complex dynamics of life. However, the focus on academic achievement often ignores the emotional aspect. In this case, emotional intelligence (EQ) emerges as a key factor in preparing the younger generation to face life's challenges. This research explores the importance of emotional intelligence in education, with the aim of preparing an emotionally resilient generation. The research method used is a qualitative type with descriptive and comparative studies. This research collects data from various sources, including literature reviews and relevant documents. Qualitative and comparative analysis was carried out to understand the concept of emotional intelligence and its implementation in education.The research results show that the integration of emotional intelligence in the educational curriculum strengthens students' social skills and helps them cope better with stress. The role of parents and the school environment in supporting students' emotional development is also highlighted. Students with good emotional intelligence tend to achieve better academic results, emphasizing the positive impact of EQ development in education. Thus, this research provides insight into the importance of strengthening emotional aspects in learning. This not only improves academic performance, but also prepares students to face life's challenges with strong confidence and fortitude.</p> Karolis Anaktototy Samsudin Samsudin Muhamad Sopyan Tri Mulia Herawati Meriyati Meriyati ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 552 561 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7680 Development of Science Learning E-Module with Online Media on Water Pollution Matter in Lake Tondano <p>Water pollution in Lake Tondano is closely related to science subjects in junior high school on environmental pollution matter. This research aims to produce science learning e-modules on water pollution in Lake Tondano with online media that are feasible and effective. This type of development research refers to the Borg and Gall development model. Data collection techniques used interviews, questionnaires, and tests. The research instruments used interview sheets, product validation questionnaires, product practicality questionnaires, and learning outcomes tests. The results showed that: (1) the validity test by learning media experts obtained a score of 94%, included in the very valid category (no need for revision); (2) the validity test by material experts showed a score of 91% included in the very valid category (no need for revision); (3) limited trials in small groups showed a score of 88% included in the very practical category; and (4) the average score of student learning outcomes of 77% included in the effective category. Based on the research that has been conducted, the science e-module with online media on water pollution material in Lake Tondano is declared feasible and effective for students to use.</p> Anggelina Jeujanan Ferny Margo Tumbel Ferdy Dungus ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 562 567 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7660 The Role of Parents in the Children’s Spiritual Development at UNKLAB Adventist High School <p>Parents naturally hope for their children to become good individuals, and even the best. Therefore, parents play a crucial role in educating and shaping their children's spirituality. In education, character growth can impact spirituality. Thus, it is important to teach children about spirituality and character simultaneously. The aim of this research is to determine whether there is a relationship between parental roles in the development of children's spirituality in UNKLAB Adventist High School. This research utilizes a quantitative method with a descriptive correlational design through a cross-sectional approach. Sampling is conducted using convenience sampling technique with a total of 105 respondents. Out of the total 105 respondents from class XI, it was found that parents actively participate in developing their children's spirituality. The Parental role variable showed an average value of 4.02, and the children's spirituality variable showed an average value of 4.03. Furthermore, a significant relationship was observed between parental roles in the development of children's spirituality at UNKLAB Adventist High School with a p-value of 0.000 &lt;0.05 and an r-value of 0.548, indicating a strong correlation. It is recommended for parents to maintain or even enhance their roles within the family, especially in educating their children in spirituality</p> Septian Dwi Kusuma Juwinner Dedy Kasingku ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 568 572 The Effect of Size Project Based Learning on Problem Solving Skills In Government Science Students <p>The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of Size Problem Based Learning on problem solving ability in government science students. This study is a type of meta-analysis research. Data sources in this study come from 10 national and international journals published from 2020-2024.&nbsp; The criteria for data eligibility are research derived from SINTA and Scopus indexed journals and proceedings, participants in this study of social science students, research related to the effect of size project based learning on problem solving ability in political science students, and the sample size must be large 20 students. Purposive sampling data collection techniques. Data analysis is calculating the effect size value with the help of Microsoft Excel 2020. The results of the study concluded that there was a significant influence of differentiation learning on the profile of Pancasila students in social science students in Indonesia with an average value of effect size 10 studies of 0.878 and Standard error of 0.342 with a high effect size category.</p> Daniel Pasaribu ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 573 580 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7689 Developing Descriptive Writing Materials by Using Padlet Application in the Tenth Grade Students at SMK AL Washliyah 3 Medan <p><em>The aim of this research is to develop descriptive writing material, determine the validation of descriptive writing material and to increase the effectiveness of descriptive writing material by using the padlet application in teaching writing for class X students at SMK AL Washliyah 3 Medan. The research was carried out using the Development Research method, and the evaluator was an English subject teacher, and the subjects were class X students. Pre-test and post-test were carried out to determine the effectiveness of the results. The pre-test results obtained an average score of 70.15% in the satisfactory category; The post-test results show an average score of 82.15% in the very good category. The process of developing teaching materials includes three aspects of assessment: 1) development of descriptive writing materials; 2) validation of descriptive writing material and; 3) effectiveness of descriptive writing materials. Material expert validation includes content with an average score of 3.15% and percentages 4.35% in the superior category. Feasibility of presenting teaching materials has an average score of 5.67% in the superior category, and linguistic elements have an average score of 4.25% in the superior category. The conclusion shows that the design for developing descriptive text teaching materials using a scientific approach in English subjects is very effective.</em></p> Rini Surya Ningsih Ahmad Laut Hasibuan Asnawi Asnawi Yulia Arfanti ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 581 589 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7692 Advanced Education Based on Effective Learning Book Guide Motivative to Improve Ability to Write Short Storie <p><em>This research focused on entrepreneurship education-based learning within motivation guidebook. The purpose of the research was to determine the effectiveness of the entrepreneurship education-based learning within motivation guidebook on students </em><em>' short stories writing skills. This research was a quantitative type of research. It was conducted to students of grade XI in SMA Negeri 6 Sidrap. Data collection method was a short stories writing test. Data analysis was conducted by t-test formula to determine whether there was an improvement before and after the treatment. The results of the research indicated that value of t <sub>count</sub> was 6.62 and on 5% significance, n = 30, t <sub>table </sub>= 1.68. The t <sub>count </sub>was higher than t <sub>table </sub>, meaning that Ha was acceptable. Thus, the learning of entrepreneurship education-based short story writing within motivation guidebook was effective to develop short story writing skills.</em></p> <p><strong><em>&nbsp;</em></strong></p> Erlita Erlita Sam Hermansyah Roni Roni ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 590 595 K.H Ahmad Dahlan's Concept of Thought in the World of Education in the 21st Century <p>The aim of this research is to describe the concept of K.A Ahmad Dahlan’s educational thought in the world of 21 st century educational to be used as a learning models in the current era. This research uses the library research method, date is collected based on information obtained from source books, research articles and other information via the internet. Data analysis was carried out using deductive and inductive approaches. From the results of the collection of information obtained, there is a close connection to the 21st century, namely concepts such as the five characteristics of a Progressive Islamic Treatise, adaptation of the bayani-burhani-irfani epistemology, responsiveness to developments in information technology, diversification of Muhammadiyah schools, best future practices, and internationalization of Muhammadiyah education. the main foundation in efforts to renew education in the 2nd century of Muhammadiyah. With proper contextualization and application of these concepts, Muhammadiyah can continue to develop as an educational force that plays a role in forming a generation that is qualified, competitive and committed to Islamic values amidst the dynamics of modern civilization.</p> Erwin Erwin Dedi Kuswandi ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 596 611 Agribusiness Development Strategy in Belitang Mulya District, East Oku District <p>This research aims to analyze the strategy for developing melon agribusiness in Belitang Mulya District, Kab. East OKU. The type of research used in this research is a quantitative descriptive method. The data analysis used in this research is SWOT analysis. Based on the results of the analysis of internal factors in melon farming, there are 4 strengths, namely supporting natural resources, including plants that are easy to care for, agribusiness actors have their own land. Has quite a long experience in the plant cultivation business, and has 4 weaknesses, namely. Melon productivity is still low. Melon processing is less than optimal, lack of attention from local government agencies, lack of knowledge of agribusiness actors in using digital markets. And external factors There are 3 opportunities (Opportunities), namely establishing relationships with stakeholders, post-harvest processed products. Increasing healthy lifestyles will increase demand for melons, and has 3 threats (Threats), namely the development of pests and diseases of melon plants, decreasing purchasing power due to the economic situation and damaged road infrastructure. Based on the results of the SWOT analysis of melon farming development strategies, there are strategies that can be applied to melon farming, namely maximizing land use, increasing cooperation with the government to obtain assistance in the form of materials and information, creating new processed products to increase selling value and attractiveness, and Minimize the development of melon pests and diseases in order to maximize melon productivity. And in the position matrix, melon farming is in position (1.55 :1.29) in quadrant I which shows that this melon farming is strong and has opportunities. The strategy given is aggressive, which uses strengths to achieve profitable opportunities.</p> <p>Keywords: Development strategy, melon, SWOT</p> <p>Abstrak<br>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis strategi pengembangan agribisnis melon di Kecamatan Belitang Mulya Kab. OKU Timur. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif kuantitatif. Analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yakni analisis SWOT. Berdasarkan hasil anallisis faktor internal Usahatani melon terdapat 4 kekuatan (Strength) yaitu Sumber daya alam yang mendukung, Termasuk tanaman yang mudah dalam perawatannya, Pelaku Agribisnis memiliki lahan sendiri. Memiliki pengalaman yang sudah cukup lama dalam usaha budidaya tanaman, Dan mempunyai 4 kelemahan (Weakness) yaitu. Produktifitas melon masih rendah. Pengolaan melon kurang optimal, Kurangnya perhatian dari dinas pemerintahan setempat, Kurangnya pengetahuan Pelaku Agribisnis dalam menggunakan market digital. Dan faktor eksternal Terdapat 3 peluang (Opportunities) yaitu Terjalinnya hubungan dengan stakeholder, Produk olahan pasca panen. Peningkatan gaya hidup sehat sehingga mingkatkan permintaan melon, dan memiliki 3 ancaman (Threats) yaitu Perkembangan hama dan penyakit tanaman melon, Menurunnya daya beli karena situasi ekonomi dan Infrastruktur jalan yang rusak. Berdasarkan hasil dari analisis SWOT strategi pengembangan usahatani melon, memiliki strategi yang bisa di terapkan pada usahatani melon yaitu memaksimalkan penggunaan lahan, meningkatkan kerjasama dengan pemerintah untuk mendapatkan bantuan berupa material maupun pengetahuan informasi, menciptakan produk olahan baru untuk menambah nilai jual dan daya tarik, dan meminimalisirkan perkembangan hama dan penyakit melon agar dapat memaksimalkan produktivitas melon. Dan pada matriks posisi, usahatani melon berada pada posisi (1,55 :1,29) di kuadran I yang menunjukkan bahwa usahatani melon ini kuat dan berpeluang. Strategi yang diberikan adalah Agresif, diamana memanfaatkan kekuatan untuk meraih peluang yang menguntungkan.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Eko Suparyanto Rini Efrianti Yunita Sari ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 612 617 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7662 Module Development Based on Project Based Learning on the Material Types of Heavy Equipment <p>This study concentrates on crafting a module geared towards project-based learning (PBL) centered on heavy equipment material types. Given the increasing demand for adept heavy equipment operators, it is crucial to employ effective educational strategies to impart pertinent knowledge to learners. Commencing with an exhaustive literature review encompassing PBL, heavy equipment operations, and commonly utilized materials in heavy equipment manufacturing, the research proposes a systematic methodology for module development. This approach incorporates pivotal PBL principles like practical problem-solving, collaboration, and inquiry-based learning. The module's design seamlessly blends theoretical underpinnings with hands-on applications, thereby furnishing learners with practical experiences and opportunities for honing critical thinking and skills. Evaluation of the module's effectiveness is conducted through both qualitative and quantitative means, encompassing pre and post-assessments, student feedback, and performance evaluations. The outcomes underscore the module's efficacy in augmenting learners' comprehension of heavy equipment material types and their application in real-world scenarios. This research contributes to the enhancement of educational methodologies in heavy equipment operations by furnishing a structured framework for deploying PBL modules tailored to specific learning objectives.</p> Viktorius Fikran Cahaya Gulo Yelisman Zebua Envilwan Berkat Harefa Aprianus Telaumbanua ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 618 631 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7699 A Qualitative Analysis of Obstacles and Obstacles in Implementing the EDLINK Application at the Surakarta <p>This research aims to conduct a qualitative analysis of the obstacles and obstacles that arise in implementing the EDLINK application at the Mamba’ul ‘Ulum Islamic Institute, Surakarta. This research uses a qualitative method with a case study approach. Data was collected through in-depth interviews with key informants, namely lecturers, administrative staff and students involved in using the EDLINK application. Other techniques used are observation and document analysis. Data were analyzed using qualitative data analysis techniques. The collected data was analyzed through a categorization process to identify the obstacles and barriers experienced by lecturers and students in using the EDLINK application. Based on the research results, it can be concluded that there are several obstacles and obstacles in implementing the EDLINK application at the Mamba’ul ‘Ulum Islamic Institute, Surakarta. Factors that cause these obstacles include limited infrastructure, lack of training and socialization, changes in work culture, and resistance factors. It is hoped that the results of this research will provide a comprehensive picture of the challenges faced in integrating technology in the higher education academic system. The findings of this research can provide valuable insight for the Mamba’ul ‘Ulum Islamic Institute to increase the effectiveness of implementing the EDLINK application and overcome obstacles that arise in the process. In addition, it is hoped that this research can contribute to the literature regarding the integration of technology in higher education academic systems.</p> Lailla Hidayatul Amin Muhammad Ja'far Nashir, MJ Nashir Haidar Abdullah Nurul Aulia Ahmad Najmuddin Zaki ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 632 640 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7629 The Effectiveness of Ethnopedagogy Based Problem Based Learning Model on Students' Digital Literacy <p>The aim of this research is to determine the effectiveness of the ethnopedagogy-based problem based learning model on students' digital literacy. The type of research is meta-analysis research. The data sources in the research come from 13 national and international journals published from 2021-2024. Search for data sources through the online databases Google Scholar, ScienceDirect, Wiley and Researchgate. Data collection techniques are direct observation and documentation. Inclusion criteria are research originating from journals and proceedings indexed by Sinta, Scopus, EBSCO, Copernicus International and IEEE, research related to ethnopedagogy-based project based learning models for students' digital literacy, research having complete data to calculate the effect size, research must be open access, and has a sample size of 25 students. Data analysis through quantitative analysis by calculating the effect size value of each study with the help of the JSAP application. The research results concluded that the problem based learning model based on ethnopedagogy had a significant influence on digital literacy with an average effect size value of 0.819 with high effect size criteria. These findings provide important information for teachers in implementing problem based learning based on student ethnopedagogy to develop digital literacy.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> David Marthen Salakory ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 641 649 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7700 Innovation of Evaluation of Plating Dance Learning for High School Students Based on “Find the Match” <p>Evaluation innovation in art learning using digital media is very necessary. In the era of digitalization development, teachers must have skills in designing and using innovative learning media to attract students' interest. Through evaluating learning innovations using the WorldWall "Find The Match" application in SMA in learning plate dance, students' creativity and interest in learning increase as well as cognitive traits. in developing students. The purpose of this study is to create an evaluation tool using the Wordwall application "Find The Match" to meet the needs of students in the digitalization era by learning plate dance. The research method uses qualitative data Research and Development (RnD) research with descriptive percentage analysis. The results of the study using the wordwall application "find the match" in learning plate dance for high school students and art and culture teachers were very effective and practical which was used in the title "West Sumatra Plate Dance". Using learning through the application makes students' interest in learning dance increase as evidenced by the excellent student response and stimulates students' cognitive development.</p> <p>Keywords: Dance Learning, Evaluation Innovation, Wordwall "Find The Match", Plate Dance.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Putri Ajeng Wulan Julitasari Agus Cahyono Syahrul Syah Sinaga Wahyu Lestari ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 650 653 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7696 Analyzing Cross-Linguistic Influence in Second Language Acquisition : A Bibliometric Study Using Vosviewer <p><em>This study aimed to determine the bibliometric data analysis of Cross Linguistic Influence in Second Language Acquisition using VOSviewer. It obtained the data through a reference management application. It used the keywords "Cross-linguistic, linguistic influence, language learning, and Second Language Acquisition" to search for data. Search data was taken from 2019 to 2023. The results showed that research data for five years obtained 219 articles. The number of studies every year fluctuates with a tendency to decrease. Most of the research occurred in 2019, with as many as 68 articles, and in at least 2023, as many as 4. The results of this study explain how important it is to use bibliometric analysis to discover the phenomena that occur regarding Cross Linguistic Influence in Second Language Acquisition. VOSviewer has analyzed numerous articles concerning the topic area, which is expected to stimulate researchers' enthusiasm in further developing research on this topic and function as a point of reference for upcoming material investigations</em></p> Ratnasari Ratnasari St. Asriati. Am Dian Tanri Wulan Syahruni Syahruni ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 654 659 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7637 Overcoming Bullying through Character Learning: Building Positive Personality in Students <p><em>Bullying </em>has become a disturbing problem in the school environment, with detrimental impacts on victims and the learning environment as a whole. To overcome this problem, an integrated and effective approach is needed, one of which is through character learning in schools. This research uses a qualitative approach with literature study to understand the relationship between character learning and <em>bullying prevention</em>. Through identification of problem topics, literature searches, analysis, and selection of the latest literature, this research aims to explore the effectiveness of character learning in overcoming <em>bullying</em>, understanding appropriate core values, self-strengthening, and managing students' emotions, short and long term impacts <em>of bullying</em>, as well as the role of bystander intervention in encouraging student intervention in <em>bullying situations</em>. The research results show that character education plays an important role in reducing <em>bullying incidents</em>, by strengthening values such as empathy, justice, respect for differences, responsibility and courage. The short and long term impacts <em>of bullying </em>on students include stress, decreased emotional well-being, impaired concentration, mental health problems and low self-esteem. The short and long term implications <em>of bullying </em>include hindered personal development, increased health care costs, and lost productivity. Prevention and intervention strategies include education and awareness, anti- <em>bullying policies</em>, emotional and mental health support, and development of social skills and resilience. <em>Bystander intervention </em>is also important in encouraging students to intervene and fight <em>bullying</em>. This research provides a comprehensive picture of the importance of character learning in overcoming <em>bullying </em>in the school environment and presents practical implications and recommendations for the future.</p> Gamar Abdullah Maria Purnama Nduru Mumu Muzayyin Maq Muh. Safar Fauzi Aldina ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 660 670 Enhancing Awareness of the Sleep’s Importance among Students: A Qualitative Study <p>Sleep is a vital biological state for humans, crucial for the body's recovery and enhancement of human stamina. In its complex process, sleep plays a crucial role in maintaining daily functions. Lack of sleep can result in concentration disturbances, decreased endurance, fatigue, anxiety, and decreased thinking ability, to other health issues. Particularly for students, insufficient sleep can have a negative impact on their academic performance. This study is a qualitative research with a literature review approach, comparing various existing research results. Sleep is extremely important for humans, including students. Therefore, the importance of adequate sleep time for students to support optimal academic achievement is significant.</p> Mareike Seska Diana Lotulung Juwinner Dedy Kasingku ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 671 677 Building 21st Century Skills: Focusing on Creative Thinking Capability and Critical Thinking Ability <p>Creative thinking and critical thinking skills have an increasingly important role in dealing with complexity and rapid change in the modern era. This research aims to illustrate the importance of skills in the 21st century, as well as describe the challenges in developing them and methods for strengthening learning. The research method used is a literature review with a qualitative descriptive approach, data is collected from various library sources such as scientific journals, books and related research reports. This study confirms that creative thinking and critical thinking skills are an important foundation in a holistic learning process, preparing individuals to face challenges in the ever-changing world of work. Challenges in developing these skills include changes in teacher roles, integration of technology, development of appropriate curricula, and project-based learning. However, by applying the right learning methods and relevant tips, future generations can be well prepared to become successful leaders and innovators in the modern era. The results of this study provide deep insight into the importance of creative thinking and critical thinking skills in the 21st century, and show the need for a holistic and innovative learning approach to prepare individuals to face future challenges.</p> Alif Lukmanul Hakim Darmawan Darmawan Apit Fathurohman Gamar Abdullah Yasir Arafat ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 678 689 Education as the Basis for State Development (Implications of Education in Improving State Welfare and Security) <p>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui konsep pendidikan sebagai dasar perkembangan sebuah Negara dilihat dari implikasi pendidikan dalam meningkatkan kesejahteraan dan keamanan negera. Metode penelitan ini adalah Library Research. Hasil penelitian ini yaitu Pendidikan diharapkan mampu mengantarkan kehidupan masyarakat Indonesia dan terus mengiringi perubahan-perubahan yang ada di dalam masyarakat seiring dengan perkembangan zaman. Dalam proses demokratisasi yang dilalui oleh negara Indonesia,pendidikan mampu menghadirkan nilai-nilai kehidupan masyarakat yang harus dimiliki oleh setiap individu. Nilai-nilai yang sesuai dengan norma-norma dan aturan yang berlaku di dalam kehidupan bernegara menjadi pegangan yang harus dimiliki dan diamalkan dalam pikiran dan perilaku manusia Indonesia. Individu yang cerdas akan mampu menjalani fungsinya sebagai makhluk individu sekaligus makhluk sosial. Individu yang cerdas akan mampu memainkan perannya tidak hanya dalam pemenuhan hak namun juga menunaikan kewajibannya terhadap negara. Dalam pemenuhan kewajibannya terhadap negara pendidikan bela negara menjadi salah satu cara yang bisa dilakukan untuk kembali menumbuhkan semangat keIndonesiaan pada setiap jiwa masyarakat. Arus globalisasi yang hadir tanpa batas perlahan demi perlahan telah berdampak kepada berkurangnya rasa nasionalisme dan cinta tanah air kepada masyarakat Indonesia,secara khusus generasi muda. Generasi muda atau generasi Y merupakan generasi modern yang kini terbawa dengan arus globalisasi dan menjalani kehidupannya sebagai masyarakat modern. Dimana sebagai masyarakat modern generasi ini bebas melakukan apapu yang diinginkannya dan cenderung mengabaikan kewajibannya kepada negara. Pendekatan-pendekatan kekinian perlu dilakukan untuk melakukan sosialisasi nilai-nilai yang ada dalam pendidikan bela negara terhadap generasi Y. Pemaksimalan penggunaan perkembangan teknologi harus dilakukan agar sosialisasi ini bisa dilakukan secara efektif. Pendidikan dengan pendekatan karakter juga bisa dilakukan untuk menyampaikan nilai-nilai yang ada dalam bela negara. Generasi yang khas dengan kecanggihan teknologi dan karakter yang unik seperti generasi Y dapat dimaksimalkan sebagai komponen pendukung menuju pembangunan pertahanan negara.</p> Galih Orlando Leli Hasanah Lubis Mulkan Darajat Yuslinda Yuslinda Sri Hayati Damanik ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 690 695 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7712 Educational Revolution in Era 5.0 Towards Improving Education Quality <p>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui konsep Revolusi Pendidikan di Era 5.0 Menuju Peningkatkan Kualitas&nbsp;Pendidikan. Metode penelitan ini adalah Library Research. Hasil penelitian ini yaitu Revolusi pendidikan di Era 5.0 menawarkan peluang besar untuk meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan secara menyeluruh. Dengan pemanfaatan teknologi yang tepat, perubahan paradigma pembelajaran, dan langkah-langkah konkret untuk meningkatkan aksesibilitas dan inklusi, kita dapat menciptakan sistem pendidikan yang lebih adaptif, inklusif, dan relevan dengan kebutuhan masa depan. Untuk mencapai hal ini, diperlukan komitmen dan kerjasama dari berbagai pihak, termasuk pemerintah, sekolah, industri, dan masyarakat. Hanya dengan bekerja sama, kita dapat menciptakan masa depan pendidikan yang lebih cerah bagi generasi mendatang. Sebagai individu, kita juga memiliki peran penting dalam mendukung perubahan ini, baik sebagai guru, siswa, orang tua, atau anggota masyarakat. Dengan bersama-sama berkomitmen untuk menciptakan perubahan positif dalam pendidikan, kita dapat membawa bangsa ini menuju masa depan yang lebih cerah dan berdaya saing.</p> Khoirun Nisak Yeni Elviza Febrianti Yeni Elviza Febrianti Mulkan Darajat Leli Hasanah Lubis Bestari Endayana ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 696 701 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7714 Development of Flip PDF Professional Based Flipbook Learning Media on Basic Practical Elements of Hair Beauty for Class X Beauty Students of Gelora Jaya Nusantara Vocational School Medan <p>This study aims to develop <em>Flipbook </em>learning media based on <em>Flip PDF Professional </em>and determine the feasibility of learning media on basic practical elements of hair beauty at SMK Gelora Jaya Nusantara Medan. The research method used in the <em>Research &amp; Development </em>(R&amp;D) research method with the ADDIE development model. The sample of this study was class X students of Beauty Management at SMK Gelora Jaya Nusantara Medan as many as 35 students. The research instrument used is a questionnaire instrument with descriptive statistical data analysis techniques. Based on the results of the research that has been done, the validation results from material experts get a score of 85.9% in the "Very Feasible" category. The results of validation from media experts get a score of 92.3% in the "Very Feasible" category. Student responses regarding learning media get a response of 91.86% in the "Very Feasible" category. The conclusion is that the Flipbook Learning Media Development based on Flip PDF Professional on Basic Practical Elements of Hair Beauty for Grade X Beauty Students is very feasible to use as learning media in the learning process.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Nurhayati Tanjung Dian Maya Sari Anastasya Sabatinit ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 702 709 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7695 Perspective Boarding Education Renewal K.H. Abdul Wahid Hasyim and Its Relevance to Contemporary Islamic Education <p>The development of Islamic boarding school education has brought changes to various aspects of human life. Although traditionalists are often not completely affected, there are similarities between traditional Islamic boarding school educational institutions and modernist changes. One of the Islamic boarding school education figures who made a contribution was KH. Abdul Wahid Hasyim, is known as a bridge between Islamic boarding school civilization and modern civilization. This research focuses on two main problems, namely the form of reform of Islamic boarding school education from the perspective of KH. Abdul Wahid Hasyim and its relevance to contemporary Islamic education. The research method used is library study, collecting data from various library sources such as books and articles related to Islamic boarding school education reform. The research results show that the idea of renewing Islamic boarding school education by KH. Abdul Wahid Hasyim emerged from disappointment with colonialism which was detrimental to indigenous people. These reform efforts include institutional, methodological, library and curriculum aspects. KH. Abdul Wahid Hasyim also founded Madrasah Nizamiyyah and developed Islamic higher education, which later developed into the State Islamic University (UIN). This reform plays an important role in advancing Islamic boarding school education and educating society. Its relevance to contemporary Islamic education can be seen in the transformation of Islamic higher education institutions in Indonesia. Thus, the contribution of KH. Abdul Wahid Hasyim has formed the foundation for the development of modern Islamic education in this country.</p> Sabar Sabar Sulthan Syahril Syaripudin Basyar ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 710 717 Effectiveness of IoT Integrated Problem Based Learning Model on Students Creative Thinking Skills Abilities <p><sup></sup></p> <p>This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the Internet of Things (IoT) integrated problem-based learning model on students' creative thinking abilities. This type of research is a meta-analysis research by evaluating the effect of the size of IoT-based problem-based learning models on students' creative thinking skills. Data search keywords are problem-based learning models; IoT-based problem-based learning model; and Students' creative thinking skills. Data collection techniques are through direct observation of journal databases and documentation. The eligibility criterion is that research comes from journals indexed by SINTA, Scopus and Web of Science; Research must be published in 2020-2024; Research obtained through mendeley database, google scholar, Researchgate; ERIC, and ScienceDirect, research related to the effectiveness of IoT-based problem-based learning models on students' creative thinking skills and research has complete data to calculate the value of effect size. Data analysis is a quantitative analysis by calculating the effect size value with the Microsoft Excel 2020 application. The results of the study concluded from 12 journals analyzed the application of the Internet of Things (IoT)-based problem-based learning model had a significant influence on students' creative thinking ability with an average value of effect size of 0.942 This finding provides important information for teachers, the application of the problem-based learning model exerts a high category of influence to improve creative thinking skills in the learning process.</p> Asrul Sani Dewanto Dewanto Heppy Sapulete Via Yustitia Adrie Oktavio Tomi Apra Santosa Ellina Rienovita ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 718 729 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7715 Improving the Skills of Making a Wedding Dowry Through a Project Based Learning Model for Deaf Children <p>Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengembangkan kemampuan pembuatan mahar pernikahan dengan pendekatan project based learning. Analisis data deskriptif kuantitatif digunakan bersamaan dengan pendekatan penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK) sebagai metodologi penelitian. Penelitian ini hanya terdapat satu siklus saja. Dua orang siswa tunarungu tingkat SMALB Kelas X SLB N 2 Pariaman dijadikan sebagai subjek penelitian. Prosedur tes, observasi, dan dokumentasi digunakan dalam pengumpulan data penelitian PTK. Berdasarkan hasil ujian pengetahuan siklus I, penelitian PTK menawarkan kepada siswa tuna rungu pendekatan pembelajaran berbasis proyek yang efisien untuk meningkatkan kemampuan mereka dalam membuat mahar pernikahan. Siswa telah mencapai hasil yang diharapkan. dimana muridnya</p> Rosy Mahersa Setia Budi Mega Iswari Johandri Taufan ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 730 733 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7717 Program Evaluation as a Foundation for Improving Program Quality in Educational Institutions <p>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui konsep Evaluasi Program Sebagai Landasan Peningkatan Kualitas Program Dalam Lembaga Pendidikan. Metode penelitan ini adalah Library Research. Hasil penelitian ini yaitu Evaluasi program pendidikan memainkan peran yang sangat penting dalam meningkatkan kualitas program pendidikan. Konsep-konsep seperti menetapkan tujuan evaluasi yang jelas, menggunakan pendekatan sistematis, melibatkan stakeholder, memilih metode evaluasi yang tepat, dan menggunakan data yang berbasis bukti, adalah kunci dalam melakukan evaluasi yang efektif. Dengan menerapkan konsep-konsep ini dengan baik, lembaga pendidikan dapat memastikan bahwa program-program pendidikan yang mereka tawarkan selalu relevan, efektif, dan berdaya saing.</p> Partahian Partahian Khoirun Nisak Leli Hasanah Lubis Tihawa Tihawa Ruminda Hutagalung ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 734 739 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7718 Development of multimedia-based learning media on safety and occupational health and environment (K3LH) material <p>The problem found by researchers through observations on the learning process at SMK Negeri 1 Mandrehe Barat, namely the learning process using media is still not optimal. The purpose of developing learning media in class XI-DPIB Based on Multimedia in the subjects of Basics of Building Construction and Land Measurement Techniques to determine the Feasibility, Practicality, and Effectiveness of Media Products. This type of research uses the ADDIE model (Analize, Design, Develompment, Implementation, Evaluation). The instruments used in this study were validation questionnaires for feasibility tests, student response questionnaires for practicality tests, and test essays for testing the effectiveness of learning outcomes. The results of this research are in the form of animated video-based media in the subjects of Basic Building Construction and Land Measurement Techniques. Very Feasible criteria based on 90% material expert assessment. Based on the assessment of linguists 98%. Based on the expert judgment of 95% Design. Media practicality is categorized as very practical based on 93% individual trials and 93% field trials. The criteria are very effective with a media effective percentage of 93%. So it can be concluded that the multimedia- based learning media developed is very feasible, practical, and effective to be used in the learning process. Suggestions from researchers (1) for students are expected with the existence of multimedia-based media to increase effectiveness and critical thinking in visible image material, (2) for educators can add innovation in using media (3) for researchers, can use this research as the next research to determine the feasibility of the product.</p> Bijaksana Harefa Envilwan Berkat Harefa Arisman Telaumbanua Aprianus Telaumbanua ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 740 765 Religious Moderation in Paguyuban Mejing Tabon's Local Wisdom as Support for Accomplishing SDGs <p><em>The Paguyuban Mejing Tabon citizens are people who have diverse religious backgrounds. Local wisdom which contains the values of religious moderation is an important factor in harmony between residents, so that social conflict can be avoided. This is in line with the SDGs concept of the United Nations where there are pillars that focus on Social Development, namely promoting peace and justice. Therefore, this research aims to explain the local wisdom that exists in the Mejing Tabon Community, reveal the correlation between local wisdom and the values of religious moderation and explain the contribution of local wisdom to achieving the UN SDGs. This research is important to emphasize the importance of preserving local wisdom and implementing the values of religious moderation to avoid conflicts based on religious differences. So that it becomes a form of contribution to achieving the SDGs. This research uses qualitative methods with a sociological approach. The results of this research are 4 indicators of religious moderation, including National Commitment, Tolerance, Anti-Radicalism, and Local Cultural Accommodation. The application of religious moderation in the local wisdom of the Tabon Mejing Community Association includes: the Tabon Mejing Association Logo Contains National Commitment; Tolerance in Interfaith Prayer Activities at Religious Celebrations; Mejing Tabon's philosophy of Rawuh, Lungguh, and Aruh as an effort to ward off radicalism; and Gagrak Ngayogyakarta Clothing as a form of accommodation to local culture.</em></p> Aridlah Sendy Robikhah Azza Abidatin Bettaliyah Arindah Oktavianti ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 766 773 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7708 A Learning Approach: Individual Differences in Teaching and Learning Languages through Literature Review <p>Language learning and teaching involves the acquisition and instruction of language skills. However, not all learners approach language learning in the same way, and individual differences play an important role in the effectiveness of the language learning and teaching process. This study aims at how to understand individual differences in language learning and teaching for educators as this allows them to adjust their instructional strategies to meet the needs of diverse students.This research method is qualitative which is taking references from books or from articles that these works provide valuable insights into individual differences and their impact on language learning, The results showed that there are several Affective factors that influence individual differences in the acceptance of language learning and teaching such as Learning Styles, Cognitive Abilities, Personality Traits, Motivation and Goal Orientation, Age and Language Learning, Linguistic Background, Cultural Influences, Language Anxiety, Learning Disabilities and Special Needs, Technology and Digital Literacy, Feedback and Individualized Assessment, Implications for Classroom Practice, Case Studies as a examples&nbsp; and create a more effective and engaging language learning environment. By addressing individual differences, teachers can better support students in their language learning journey and promote positive learning outcomes. In addition, considering individual differences fosters a sense of inclusiveness, appreciates students' unique strengths and challenges, and encourages a student-centered approach to language teaching.</p> Sitti Aisiah Eka Puspitasari Amaluddin Amaluddin ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 774 781 Effectiveness of the STEM based TPACK Learning Model on Students 21 Century Skills in Indonesia <p>This study aims to determine the effectiveness of STEM-based TPACK learning models on students' 21st century skills in Indonesia. This research is a meta-analysis research by analysing 13 national and international journals published in 2021-2024. The inclusion criteria in this study are that the research comes from SINTA and Scopus indexed journals, the research must be experimental or quasi-experimental methods, research related to the STEM-based TPACK learning model, the dependent variable is related to 21st century thinking skills consisting of critical thinking and problem solving, creative, collaborative and communicative, the research has complete data to calculate the effect size value, and the research must be open access and sample size &gt; 28 students. Data search through google scholar, ERIC, Taylor of francis and Mendeley. The data filtering process with the PRISMA method.&nbsp; Data analysis is quantitative analysis by calculating the effect size value with the help of the SPSS application. The results concluded that the STEM-based TPACK learning model had a positive effect on students' 21st century thinking skills in Indonesia with an average effect size value (ES = 1.09) in the high effect size category. The findings provide information for teachers that the implementation of STEM-based TPACK learning is effective in developing students' 21st century thinking skills</p> Muhammad Ichsan Abda Ahmad Zain Sarnoto Fahmi Abdul Halim Sri Tuti Rahmawati Miftachul Amri Andri Kurniawan ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 782 791 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7722 The Influence of Discipline and Learning Environment on the Learning Achievement of Student in Class VIII Subject IPS Subject Matter of Social Deviation at SMPK Yos Soedarso Ende <p>This study aims to determine and describe; (1) The effect of learning discipline on the learning achievement of VIII grade students of social studies subject matter of social deviation at Yos Sudarso Ende Junior High School, (2) The effect of learning environment on the learning achievement of VIII grade students of social studies subject matter of social deviation at Yos Sudarso Ende Junior High School, (3) The effect of learning discipline and learning environment on the learning achievement of VIII grade students of social studies subject matter of social deviation at Yos Sudarso Ende Junior High School. This type of research is quantitative research. The main data collection techniques; (1) Questionnaire (2) Test, and (3) (Documentation). The data collected was analyzed using the double correlation formula produced by the moment model Sugiyono. The results showed that: (1) There is a correlation between the achievement variable and the learning environment with the learning discipline control variable obtained a relationship of 0.546 (strong) with a sig probability of 0.000, meaning that the relationship is significant. The calculation results show that the t value for the interpretation coefficient for β0 = 0.615 provides a significant value at α = 0.05 (it can be seen that the t value = 5.349 with 59 degrees of freedom is greater than t table = 2.576 or Sig = 0.000); for β1 = 0.438 provides a significant value at α = 0.05 (it can be seen that the t value = 3.863 with 59 degrees of freedom is greater than t table = 2.576 or Sig = 0.000), meaning that learning achievement can be influenced by learning discipline by 0.438 (meaning that if learning discipline increases by 1% it will affect the increase in learning achievement by 0.437%, if the learning environment is constant), (2) There is an influence of the learning environment on the learning achievement of social studies students in class VIII SMPK Yos Sudarso Ende). Likewise, learning achievement can be influenced by the learning environment by 0.481 (meaning that if the learning environment increases by 1%, it will affect the increase in learning achievement by 0.481%, if the learning discipline is constant). Thus it can be suggested, (1) To the School. It is recommended that the school pay attention to the student learning environment because the results of the study prove that there is a significant influence between learning achievement and the learning environment, (2) To Parents. Parents of students are advised to create a conducive learning environment for children at home so that children can learn well.</p> Elias Beda ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 792 806 The Influence of the make a match model on Students’ Mapel PAI Learning Achivement and Civil Decision <p>This research aims to investigate the effect of using the Make a Match learning model in learning Islamic Religious Education and Character on the learning achievement of class VII students at State Junior High School 2 Tawangmangu.</p> <p>With a quantitative approach, this research involves a type of field research with an experimental design. Data was collected through direct observation in the field and the use of questionnaires to measure the level of implementation of the Make a Match model and student learning achievement. The research population was all class VII students with a total of 110 students, while the research sample was selected as 33 students using the random sample method. Data analysis was carried out using validity and reliability tests, as well as statistical analysis to determine the effect of using the Make a Match model on student learning achievement.</p> <p>The research results show that the level of use of the Make a Match model and student learning achievement are in the medium category. However, statistical analysis shows that there is no significant relationship between the use of the Make a Match model and student learning achievement. The correlation between the two variables is declared weak with a coefficient of 0.029 and a significance of 0.873. The conclusions of this research highlight the importance of further exploration of more effective learning methods in the context of religious and character education in junior high schools. This research provides insight into the effectiveness of the Make a Match learning model in the context of religious and character education at SMP Negeri 2 Tawangmangu. The implications of this research highlight the importance of further exploration of more effective and quality learning methods.</p> Yusuf Ridho Nur Hidayah Lailla Hidayatul Amin ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 807 815 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7723 Music Course Learning Program Analysis: Study at Indra Music School Bandung <p>Terselenggaranya pendidikan formal tentu perlu adanya dukungan tambahan sebagai upaya peningkatan tumbuh-kembang anak, salah satunya dengan pendidikan non-formal pada lembaga kursus musik. Artikel ini bertujuan menganalisis program pembelajaran kursus musik yang diselenggarakan oleh Indra Music School Bandung. Pendekatan kualitatif digunakan dengan metode analisis deskriptif dimana data dikumpulkan melalui observasi dan wawancara, kemudian dianalisis melalui teknik reduksi, verifikasi, dan ditarik kesimpulannya. Hasil penelitian mengungkap terdapat dua kurikulum yang digunakan Indra Music School, yaitu kurikulum independen hasil rancangan dan pengembangan lembaga itu sendiri serta kurikulum ABRSM. Proses pembelajarannya tidak memanfaatkan teknologi, hanya menggunakan buku sebagai pedoman pembelajaran. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan pemahaman komprehensif terkait penyelenggaraan kursus musik pada lembaga-lembaga lainnya.</p> Vista Amabile Moeradi Yudi Sukmayadi ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 816 819 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7650 Implementation of Classical Format Intelligent Character Education (PKC-KA) to Reduce Student Academic Procrastination <p>Prokrastinasi akademik merupakan salah satu permasalah yang sering terjadi, terutama dibidang akademik. Prokrastinasi akademik dapat didefinisikan sebagai kecenderungan seseorang dalam menunda kegiatan yang berkaitan dengan akademik. Salah satu penyebab terjadinya prokrastinasi&nbsp; pada siswa yaitu rasa malas dan tidak memahami tugas yang diberikan oleh guru. Salah satu perilaku siswa yang mengarah&nbsp; kepada prokrastinasi&nbsp; akademik adalah tidak megumpulkan tugas sekolah sesuai waktu yang telah ditentukan sebelumnya. Sampel penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas X-IPS 1 dan X-IPS 2 MAN 1 Batubara&nbsp; dengan&nbsp; kelompok&nbsp; eksperimen&nbsp; sebanyak&nbsp; 32&nbsp; orang siswa&nbsp; dan kelompok kontrol sebanyak 32 orang siswa. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan adalah model Skala Likert, selanjutnya akan dianalisis menggunakan uji Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test dan uji Kolmogorov-Smirnov Two Independent Sampel dengan bantuan SPSS versi 26.00. Temuan&nbsp; penelitian ini secara umum menunjukkan bahwa pendidikan karakter cerdas format klaskal (PKC-Ka) efektif untuk mengurangi prokrastinasi akademik pada siswa sehingga untuk selanjutnya dapat diberikan kepada siswa dalam upaya mengurangi prokrastinasi akademik siswa. Selanjutnya, temuan penelitian&nbsp;&nbsp; secara&nbsp;&nbsp; khusus&nbsp;&nbsp; yaitu:&nbsp;&nbsp; (1)&nbsp; terdapat&nbsp;&nbsp; perbedaan&nbsp;&nbsp; yang&nbsp;&nbsp; signifikan prokrastinasi akademik mahasiswa pada kelompok eksperimen sebelum&nbsp;&nbsp; dan setelah diberikan&nbsp;&nbsp; pendidikan karakter cerdas format klaskal (PKC-Ka), (2) terdapat perbedaan prokrastinasi akademik&nbsp; mahasiswa pada kelompok kontrol sebelum dan setelah diberikan informasi konvensional dan (3) terdapat&nbsp;&nbsp; perbedaan&nbsp;&nbsp; prokrastinasi&nbsp;&nbsp; akademik siswa&nbsp;&nbsp; antara&nbsp;&nbsp; kelompok eksperimen yang diberikan pendidikan karakter cerdas format klaskal (PKC-Ka)&nbsp; dengan kelompok kontrol yang diberikan layanan informasi konvensional</p> Asbi Asbi M Fauzi Hasibuan Mawar Sari ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-19 2024-03-19 8 1 820 833 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7672 Effectiveness of the STEAM based SETS Learning Model to Increase Student's Scientific Literacy in Science Learning <p>The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of STEAM-based SETS learning to improve students' science literacy in science learning.&nbsp; This type of research is a meta-analysis of data collection through the analysis of 11 national and international journals published in 2021-2024. Data sampling techniques through purposive sampling techniques. The inclusion criteria in this study are research accessed through the google scholar database; ERIC, Sciencedirect and Wiley, research related to the STEAM-based SETS model to improve students' science literacy in science learning, Research must be indexed by SINTA, Scopus and WOS and research has complete data to calculate effect size. Data search keywords are SETS learning models, STEAM, Science literacy and Science learning. Data selection process through PRISMA method. Data analysis is quantitative analysis with the help of Microsoft Excel application. The results concluded that the STEM-based SETS learning model had a significant effect on students' science literacy skills with an average value of effect size (ES= 0.834) in the high effect size category. The findings provide important information that STEM-based STEM learning modes are effective for improving students' science literacy in science learning with N-gain = 0.41.</p> Dalimawaty Kadir Tomi Apra Santosa Iswanto Iswanto Kartini Marzuki Bucky Wibawa Karya Guna Miftachul Amri Hadi Widodo Suyahman Suyahman ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 834 845 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7725 The Effect of PBL Model and Learning Motivation on the Mathematical Connection Ability of Class VIII MTs Darussalam Batumarta Students <p>Students in the eighth grade during the second half of the 2022–2023 school year were the focus of this research, which examines how the project-based learning (PBL) model and students' intrinsic motivation to learn affected their capacity to make mathematical connections. There was a quantitative approach to this research. Methods such as observation, interviews, documentation, surveys, and testing are used to gather data. This study used a quasi-experimental design. Because the individuals already existed before to the research, subject selection was not random. Using the total sampling approach, 66 students, representing the whole eighth grade, were selected as the population. Both tests and non-tests are used in the data collecting technique. Research consists of many stages, such as planning, execution, and data processing. Data analysis approaches involve quantitative data analysis and data quality assessment. Based on the results of research and discussion, it is known that 1) there are differences in the mathematical connection ability of students who obtain PBL model learning with students who obtain conventional model learning; 2) there is a difference in the increase in the mathematical connection ability of students who obtain PBL model learning with students who obtain conventional model learning; 3) there are differences in the mathematical connection ability of students who obtain PBL model learning with students who obtain conventional model learning on strong learning motivation; 4) there are differences in the mathematical connection ability of students who obtain PBL model learning with students who obtain conventional model learning on weak learning motivation; 5) there is an interaction between the use of learning methods and student learning motivation on the ability to solve thematic connection problems; and 6) there is a significant influence or interaction between the use of PBL models and the level of learning motivation on mathematical connection ability.</p> Nur Rosidah Sopiyan Hadi Mery Noviyanti ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 846 862 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7678 Implementation of ICT-Based Quiz Design Training in Improving the Pedagogic Competence of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Teachers in Sei Tulang Raso District <p>Information and Communication Technology (ICT)-based quiz design training is important in improving the pedagogical competence of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah teachers in Sei Tulang Raso District. In the context of modern education, the use of ICT as a learning tool has a very significant role. This study aims to explore the impact of ICT-based quiz design training on the pedagogical ability of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah teachers. This study used quantitative and qualitative approaches to collect data from teachers who attended this training. The results showed that ICT-based quiz design training was effective in improving teachers' pedagogic skills. Teachers who attended this training experienced an increase in designing engaging and interactive quizzes using technology. They also gained a better understanding of the integration of ICT in daily learning, which in turn improved the quality of teaching in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah. This research makes an important contribution to our understanding of the importance of ICT training in the context of religious education, particularly in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah. The practical implication of this research is the development of better training strategies to support teachers in the face of 21st century learning demands. In addition, the results of this study also provide a basis for more effective and relevant education policies in the future.</p> Rora Rizky Wandini Sholihatul Hamidah Daulay ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 863 872 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7727 The Impact of Directed Reading Thinking Activity Strategy in Increasing Students’ Reading Motivation and Learning Achievement <p class="JPEAbstractBodyEnglish" style="margin-bottom: 6.0pt; text-indent: 0cm;"><span lang="IN" style="font-style: normal;">This study aims to explore the effectiveness of the Directed Reading Thinking Activity (DRTA) strategy in enhancing students' reading motivation and learning outcomes. Conducted using a mixed-methods approach, it involved 27 ninth-grade students at the Al-Gazali Islamic Boarding School. The study meticulously examines how the DRTA strategy, which encourages students to make predictions, pose questions, and enhance their comprehension through engaged reading, impacts their motivation to read and their levels of reading comprehension. By integrating both quantitative and qualitative research methods, this study provides a comprehensive analysis of students' reading performance before and after the implementation of the DRTA strategy. The findings indicate a significant improvement in students' reading motivation and overall reading achievement. This suggests the potential of the DRTA strategy as an effective pedagogical tool for comprehensive reading enhancement. This research offers insights into reading strategies that can foster a more engaging and productive reading environment for students, including those in Islamic boarding school settings.</span></p> Gia Arya Azzahara Bachtiar Bachtiar Ruminda Ruminda ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 873 880 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7730 Optimization of Learning in Islamic Religious Education at Miftahul Ulum Vocational School, Tanjung Senang: A Review of the Influence of Problem Based Learning Strategies on Motivation and Learning Outcomes <p>This research is motivated by the need for effective learning strategies in increasing student motivation and learning outcomes in Islamic Religious Education (PAI) subjects at Vocational High Schools (SMK). As an integral part of the curriculum, PAI has a central role in shaping students' character, morals and religious values. However, its implementation is often faced with challenges, mainly related to a lack of student involvement and a lack of variety in teaching strategies. Therefore, this research aims to evaluate the effectiveness of implementing the Problem Based Learning (PBL) strategy in increasing student motivation and learning outcomes in PAI subjects at Miftahul Ulum Vocational School, Tanjung Senang. Using a quantitative approach and associative verification method, this research involved class X OTKP and RPL students as research subjects. The research results show that there is a significant relationship between the use of PBL strategies and student learning motivation and learning outcomes, with the PBL variable making a significant contribution in increasing student learning motivation and learning outcomes. The conclusion of this research highlights the importance of implementing innovative learning strategies such as PBL in the context of Islamic religious education in vocational schools, while considering the need for support and attention to challenges that may arise in the implementation process.</p> Titik Wahyuni Imam Syafe'i Heni Wulandari ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 881 890 Application of the Problem Solving Learning Model in Improving Science Learning Outcomes of Class VI Students of UPT SD Negeri 6 Pangkajene Sidenreng Rappang District <p>Low learning outcomes are a problem in this research. The question asked was whether class VI students at UPT SD Negeri 6 Pangkajene, Sidenreng Rappang Regency would learn better by using the Problem Solving learning approach. This research was carried out to find out whether the results of students' science subjects had improved. The type of research used is CAR, the methodology used is qualitative. Procedures and outcomes are the primary focus of the investigation. The research was conducted at UPT SD Negeri 6 Pangkajene, Sidenreng Rappang Regency. Teachers and students of class VI UPT SD Negeri 6 Pangkajene were used as research subjects. There are 18 students registered for the 2023–2024 academic year, divided into 10 female students and 8 male students, carried out in two cycles. Each cycle has 4 stages, namely planning, implementation, observation and reflection. Based on the information generated in cycles I and II, implementation data was collected through the observation, test results, learning and documentation stages. The results of cycle I research are included in category (C) for process emphasis and category (C) for results focus. Meanwhile, in cycle II it can be categorized as (B). The results of the research that has been carried out have increased learning outcomes in science content regarding sources of electrical energy and distribution of electrical energy.</p> Amelia Putri Usman M Syamsunir Syamsunir Hasanuddin Hasanuddin Hasan Hasan ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 891 898 The Influence of Understanding Learning Design, Learning Environment, and Student Acceptance on the Teaching Creativity of Driver Teachers at Tanjung Jabung Barat regency <p>This study aims to investigate the influence of understanding learning design, optimizing the learning environment, and fostering student acceptance on the creative teaching practices of driver instructors in Tanjung Jabung Barat regency. Specifically, it seeks to explore how driver instructors' comprehension of learning design principles affects their creativity in instructional delivery. Examine the impact of the learning environment, including classroom dynamics, resource availability, and technological integration, on teacher creativity in driver education. Analyze the role of student acceptance and engagement in shaping teacher creativity and innovation within the driver education context. Utilizing a mixed-methods approach, this research will employ qualitative interviews, quantitative surveys, and observational studies. Qualitative interviews will be conducted with driver instructors to gain insights into their perspectives on learning design, the learning environment, and student acceptance. Quantitative surveys will be distributed to gather data on teaching creativity and its determinants. Additionally, observational studies will be conducted in actual classroom settings to observe the dynamics between learning design, the learning environment, student acceptance, and teaching creativity. The analysis revealed significant relationships between understanding learning design, optimizing the learning environment, fostering student acceptance, and teaching creativity among driver instructors. Driver instructors' comprehension of learning design principles positively correlated with their creativity in instructional delivery. Furthermore, the learning environment significantly influenced teacher creativity, with conducive classroom dynamics and resource availability enhancing creativity. Student acceptance also played a crucial role, with higher levels of engagement positively associated with teacher creativity and innovation. This research underscores the importance of understanding learning design, optimizing the learning environment, and fostering student acceptance in promoting teaching creativity among driver instructors. The findings provide valuable insights for the development of evidence-based teacher training programs and curriculum frameworks aimed at enhancing creativity and innovation in driver education instruction. Ultimately, addressing these factors can contribute to the improvement of driver education programs, thereby promoting road safety and responsible driving behaviors in Tanjung Jabung Barat regency and beyond.</p> Firmansah Firmansah Sofyan Sofyan Raden Ali ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 899 904 Meta-analysis of The Ethopedagogical Based Blended Learning Model on Students' Problem Solving Ability <p><em>The 21st century has had such a big influence on the development of the world of education. Education today has been based on technology which is very helpful for teachers in carrying out learning activities. Blended learning is a learning model that utilizes technology. However, the many applications of the blended learning model have not reached in-depth conclusions related to ethnopedagogy-based blended learning models on students' problem-solving abilities. This study aims to determine the effect of ethnopedagogy-based blended learning models on students' problem-solving skills. This study is a type of meta-analysis research. The research data comes from an analysis of 17 national and international journals that have been published in 2019-2024. The criteria for data eligibility are that research must be experimental methods or quasi-experiments; Research comes from national and international journals indexed by SINTA and Scopus, Research related to ethnopedagogy-based blended learning models on students' problem-solving abilities, research data obtained through trusted databases namely mendeley, ERIC, ScienceDirect, Wiley and Google Scholar. The technique of displaying data samples is purposive sampling. Data analysis in research is quantitative data analysis by calculating the value of effect size with the help of the OpenMEE application. The results showed that the application of ethnopedagogy-based blended learning models had a significant effect on students' problem-solving abilities with an average effect size value of 0.927 with a high effect size category</em>.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Loso Judijanto Andrie Oktavio Jeheskial Saudale Rian Mitasari Sutarto Sutarto Miftachul Amri Tomi Apra Santosa ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-23 2024-03-23 8 1 905 915 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7738 Public Relations in Improving the Quality of Education <p>The aim of this research is to determine community relationships in improving the quality of<br>education. The methodology of this research is library research. Obtaining information or data<br>from the library and using it as a basis for study is the goal of library research. The results of<br>this research show that public relations is an organization's reputation management strategy<br>to determine public views and inform the public about how good public relations are in<br>improving the quality of education. In line with recent educational advances, educational<br>public relations professionals working with communities consider and seek to improve the<br>quality of educational activities. A pleasant school environment is always created so that<br>students can receive education according to their abilities, and improving teachers' skills or expertise in managing schools can help improve the quality of education and ensure that the<br>teaching given to students can be well absorbed.</p> Melia Putri Utami Rahmat Fikri Bradley Setiyadi ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 916 922 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7737 Development of Teaching Materials on Vesicular-Arbuscular Mycorrhiza (VAM) Topic for Biotechnology Course in Science Education Undergraduate Program <p>This research aims to develop teaching materials on the topic of vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhiza (VAM) for biotechnology courses in the science education undergraduate program at Universitas Negeri Manado that are suitable for use. This type of research is the research and development (R&amp;D) model by Borg &amp; Gall. The research steps consist of (1) potential and problems, (2) data collection, (3) product design, (4) design validation, (5) design revision, and (6) product trial (small group trial). The research instrument we used was a questionnaire consisting of a material expert validation questionnaire, a media expert validation questionnaire, and a small group product trial questionnaire. The results of expert validation showed that the material expert was 93% and the media expert was 93%. The percentage obtained is included in the very good category, so it is feasible to use. Furthermore, the product trial in a small group consisting of 7 students in the Science Education Undergraduate Program obtained a result of 92%, including in the very good category. Thus, the teaching materials that have been successfully developed on the topic of vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhiza (VAM) for biotechnology courses in the Science Education Undergraduate Program at Universitas Negeri Manado are declared fit for use in lectures.</p> Paula Nita Tandaju Jovialine Albertine Rungkat Ester Caroline Wowor ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 923 929 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7697 The Influence of the Realistic Mathematics Learning Approach Assisted by the Mathcitymap (Mcm) Application on the Mathematical Problem Solving Ability and Learning Interest of Class V Students <p>Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui dan mendeskripsikan pengaruh pendekatan pembelajaran matematika realistik berbantuan aplikasi <em>Mathcitymap</em> terhadap kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematis dan minat belajar siswa Kelas V UPT SPF SDN Kompleks IKIP I. Jenis penelitian ini adalah <em>quasi experiment</em> dengan desain model <em>posttest only control group design</em>. Jumlah sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah 76 siswa yang terdiri dari 38 siswa dari kelas eksperimen dan 38 siswa dari kelas kontrol. Kelas eksperimen diberi perlakuan berupa penerapan pendekatan pembelajaran matematika realistik berbantuan aplikasi <em>Mathcitymap</em> sedangkan kelas kontrol diterapkan pendekatan pembelajaran konvensional. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan yakni tes, angket, dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan yaitu teknik analisis statistik deskriptif dan uji manova. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai hasil uji manova menunjukkan nilai signifikansi sebesar 0,000 &lt; 0,05 yang berarti terdapat perbedaan secara simultan kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematis dan minat belajar siswa pada kelas eksperimen dengan kelas kontrol. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh signifikan pendekatan pembelajaran matematika realistik berbantuan aplikasi <em>Mathcitymap</em> terhadap kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematis, minat belajar, dan secara simultan terhadap kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematis dan minat belajar siswa kelas V UPT SPF SDN Kompleks IKIP I.</p> Nazwar Muslan Sukmawati Sukmawati Mukhlis Mukhlis ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 930 940 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7731 Development of interactive learning media based on Lectora Inspire on the basics of building construction and soil measurement techniques <p>This research was based on a preliminary study at SMK Negeri 1 Mandrehe Barat, it was found that students were passive and monotonous in learning process activities and had not used interactive learning media which means the learning process was not optimal. The solution to this problem is to use interactive learning media based on <em>Lectora Inspire</em> in the learning process. The purpose of this research is to develop valid, practical and effective interactive learning media based on <em>Lectora Inspire</em>.This type of research is <em>Research and Development </em>(R&amp;D) development research using the ADDIE model (<em>Analize, Design, Developtment, Implementation, Evaluation</em>). The instruments used in this study were validation questionnaires for feasibility tests, student and teacher response questionnaires for practicality tests, and essay question tests for testing the effectiveness of learning outcomes.The types of data used in this study are qualitative data and quantitative data. Qualitative data in the form of comments, and suggestions given by validators to the learning media developed. While quantitative data is in the form of questionnaire results from validators, student and teacher response questionnaires and learning outcome tests. Based on the results of the study, the interactive learning media based on <em>Lectora Inspire </em>developed has been tested and declared valid both in terms of material validity 95%, language validity 94%, and design validity 92. Furthermore, interactive learning media is also very practical to use by students based on the percentage of individual tests of 93%, field trials of 94%, and teacher responses of 93% practicality of 95.47% and the percentage of practicality results from teachers of 93.81%. Interactive learning media is also effective in increasing students' learning ability with an average score of 89% and is in the high category. So it can be concluded that the interactive learning media developed has met the expectations or research objectives.</p> Petrus Desniatman Zega Envilwan Berkat Harefa Aprianus Telaumbanua Arisman Telaumbanua ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 941 957 Development of Code-Based Chess Board Media to Improve Calculating Abilty in Collection Material <p><em>Numeracy ability is mathematical intelligence which includes the ability to use numbers and calculations, patterns and logic, and a scientific mindset. This increase in numeracy skills can be improved with the help of learning media in the form of a code-based chess board. Innovations in implementing learning using games can be used as a reference for teachers so they can present interesting learning for students. The aim of this research is to determine the stages of development, level of validity and improvement of students' numeracy skills. This research is development research using a modified Borg &amp; Gall development model. This research uses research instruments in the form of interviews, questionnaires, tests (pre-test and post-test) and also documentation. The results of this research show that the validity level of material experts got a score of 86% and the validity level of media experts got a score of 83%. Both validation results show that the media developed by researchers is very feasible and does not require revision. Meanwhile, the increase in students' numeracy skills after using code-based chess media in learning is included in the moderate category.</em></p> Moch. Faizin Mohamad Fatih ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 958 964 The Impact of Leadership on the Participation of Congregation Member <p>Quality of leadership is highly needed and essential in an organization, including the church. A reliable, responsible, loyal, diligent, and honest leader can have a positive influence on members to collaborate in achieving the church's goals. In the context of Christian leadership, spiritual leaders must demonstrate attitudes and characters by emulating the teachings and examples of Jesus. However, there are many cases where church leaders engage in misconduct and do not set a good example for the congregation, such as cases of sexual violence and other misconducts, resulting in members becoming inactive in the church due to this. This study uses a qualitative method with a literature study approach to find out the influence of leadership on the activity of congregation members. The results show that the views and expectations of congregation members towards leadership are very diverse, but the most important thing is that leaders must serve with full loyalty, patience, and show concern for the congregation members. Factors such as dissatisfaction in service, laziness in worship, family struggles, lack of trust, and busyness in work are the main causes of the inactivity of members in the church. Therefore, effective strategies are needed to provide motivation and support to congregation members to be active and willing to participate in every worship activity, including worship services</p> Juwinner Dedy Kasingku Winda Novita Warouw Edwin Melky Lumingkewas ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 965 976 Students’ Perception of Social Media Effect in Public Speaking Skills <p><em>This research uses descriptive qualitative method as the research methodology. This research was conducted to find out students' perceptions of the impact of using social media in public speaking skills.The population in this study were students of Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidenreng Rappang in this research were 38 students’ the 3<sup>rd</sup> semester. The data collection method used in this research is interview.The results showed that the perception of students based on their experience is that social media is very impactful to improve their speaking skills and the most frequently used social media is Youtube. Social media can influence students to improve their speaking skills because in social media there is a lot of content that can be used to learn English, especially to improve students' public speaking skills such as videos, video shorts, and others.</em></p> Salwah Musti Ramadhani Buhari Buhari Nadirah Nadirah Sam Hermansyah ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 977 985 Investigating Students’ Problem Selft-Taught in English Learning <p><em>The aim of of this research to determine the independen learning problems of odd semester students at Muhammadiyah Sidenreng Rappang University. This research uses descriptive qualitative methods as research methodology. This research was conducted to determine students' autodidactic learning problems. The population in this research were 24 Muhammadiyah Sidenreng Rappang University students from semester 1. The data collection methods used in this research were questionnaires and interviews. The research results show that students' autodidactic learning problems have a big impact on the way they learn when they learn on their own. Autodidactic student learning problems can be caused by several things, namely, not being able to learn on their own, lack of understanding, fear of making mistakes, lack of guidance and lack of learning motivation to learn autodidactically.</em></p> Ilhamuddin Ilhamuddin Andi Sadapotto Ibrahim Manda Sam Hermansyah Muhammad Hanafi Syamsu T ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 986 993 Tafsir Al-Kasysyaf, Defense of Al-Zamakhshari Against the Mu'tazilites <p>Lokus dan waktu sebuah karya tulis dibuat sangat berpengaruh terhadap karya tulis itu sendiri. Aspek subjektifitas akan banyak terjadi, termasuk dalam penyusunan kitab tafsir. Setelah periode nabi, sahabat, tabi’in dan setelahnya, periode tafsir memasuki masa afirmatif, yaitu penafsiran al-Qur’an sebagai justifikasi sekte atau mazhab, tidak murni keilmuan dan penggalian makna ayat. Kitab tafsir Al-Kasysyaf karya Imam Al-Zamakhsyari adalah salah satu kitab tafsir yang lahir pada periode afirmasi ini dan menurut penelitian yang sudah banyak dilakukan sangat tendensius sekali penafsiran yang dilakukan Al-Zamakhsyari, terutama keras dan vulgarnya pembelaannya terhadap sekte teologis Mu’tazilah. Penelitian ini menggunakan kajian pustaka dan melakukan analisis secara langsung kitab tafsir Al-Kasysyaf terhadap beberapa ayat yang ditafsirkan Al-Zamakhsyari yang kental terlihat keberpihakannya terhadap teologi Mu’tazilah dan mazhab fiqih Hanafi, seperti ketidakberterimaan Al-Zamakhsyari terhadap ayat-ayat <em>tajassum</em>. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah pengaruh latar keilmuan, sosio-historis, aliran teologis, mazhab fiqih yang dianut Al-Zamakhsyari sangat berpengaruh terhadap penafsiran yang dilakukannya, dan sangat kental terlihat pembelaannya terhadap –terutama- sekte Mu’tazilah yang saat itu berkuasa. Jika ayat Al-Qur’an sejalan dengan paham Mu’tazilah, ia mengkategorikan ayat itu ayat <em>muhkamat</em>, dan jika tidak sesuai, ia kelompokkan ayat itu menjadi <em>mutasyabihat</em>. Pembelaan itu sangat dipengaruhi oleh <em>ushul al-khamsah</em>-nya Mu’tazilah yang bertentangan dengan paham <em>ahlu al-sunnah wa al-jama’ah</em>. Salah satu aspek yang sangat kentara adalah negasi sifat-sifat Allah seperti sifat-sifat yang mirip dengan sifat-sifat manusia seperti melihat, mendengar, berkata, dan sebagainya. Al-Zamakhsyari secara tegas menolak <em>tajassum </em>terhadap sifat-sifat Allah, karena Allah menurutnya tidak boleh disifati seperti sifat makhluk.</p> M. Fathi Dikla Syamsu Syauqani Fatmawati Fatmawati ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 994 1011 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7751 The Influence of Public Service Motivation on the Performance of Batu Mila Village Officials, Maiwa District, Enrekang Regency <p>The aim of this research is to determine Public Service Motivation and Performance of Batu<br>Mila Village Officials as well as the factors thet influence Public Service Motivation on the<br>Performance of Village Officials in Batu Mila Village, Maiwa District, Enrekang Regency. There were<br>425 families in the study population, and 43 people were sampled. Simple random sampling is the<br>sampling method used. This kind of research is carried out using numbers. To collect data for this study,<br>questionnaires, interviews, and literature reviews were used. By using a Likert scale and the SPSS<br>program, the data analysis technique used is basic linear regression analysis, validity and reliability. The<br>results showed that there is an influence between public service motivation and the performance of Batu<br>Mila village officials is categorized as “significantly influential”, from the ANOVA test, the F count<br>obtained was 5.355 with a significance level of 0.026. the calculated t value (2.314) &gt; t tabel (2.019)<br>means that public service motivation has a significant effect on the performance of the Batu Mila<br>Village device by 11,5%.</p> Nurlaila Sari Jamaluddin Andi Uceg Sapri Sapri ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 1012 1017 The Analysis of the Formation of the Religious Character of Santri as Memorizers of the Al-Quran at Tahfidz Al-Bayyinah's House <p>This article discusses the formation of the religious character of santri which is analyzed based on daily activities that are usually carried out as befits a memorizer of the Al-Quran. Where in its implementation there are interesting problems to be discussed. The aim of this research is to analyze how the religious character of the Al-Bayyinah santri can be formed through habituation from routine activities, discuss who plays a role in forming the religious character of the santri, and discuss what problems there are in forming the religious character of the santri and how to solve them. The type of research used in this research is qualitative research using descriptive methods. The data in this research was obtained through observation techniques, in-depth interviews, and documentation where researchers came directly to the field to obtain research data. The data analysis technique uses the Miles and Huberman method. The results of this research show that the formation of the religious character of students can be formed because it starts with discipline regarding program regulations that have been scheduled, so that this discipline will provide consistency in continuing to do it so that in the end they will get used to continuing to do it. However, in implementation there are also problems caused by several factors, one of which is boredom. From these factors, a solution will emerge, namely approaching the students with several activities such as giving rewards, rihlah (tadabbur nature journey), and other interesting activities.</p> Cendani Alfanizha Hidma Nurika Khalila Daulay ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 1018 1027 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7757 Teacher and Elementary School Students Perceptions of Online Learning Methods <p>The objective of this research is to investigate and understand the perspectives of teachers and students regarding the experience of online learning implemented during the Covid-19 pandemic in class VIA at SDN 199 Mappa. This study adopts a qualitative approach, specifically utilizing a case study design. The primary respondents include teachers and students from higher classes (IV, V, and VI). Data were collected through interview methods, while data validity was analyzed through triangulation techniques. The research findings indicate that teachers and students at SDN 199 Mappa express their understanding of the concept of online learning. Some applications utilized include Google Form and WhatsApp. However, both parties also express the view that online learning is less effective due to constraints in facilities and infrastructure, especially internet network disruptions during the implementation of online learning. Furthermore, the learning process is considered to impose limitations on teachers in monitoring student progress.</p> Wasti Sanda Priska Efriani Luansi Ero Mas’ud Mas’ud ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 1028 1036 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7605 The Application of Design Thinking in Understanding the Profile of Pancasila in the Elementary School Teacher Education Study Program <p>Abstract</p> <p>&nbsp;This study was motivated by knowing the application of design thinking in lectures in the PGSD study program. The benefit of this research is to know and become material for evaluating lecture activities carried out with the design thinking model. This research method is applied research. The data used is a combination of qualitative and quantitative data (mixed method). This research is the subject of research on 3rd semester students of the PGSD study program where these three courses are related to the formation of attitudes, knowledge and skills for elementary school teachers. As many as 80% of students who took the course had succeeded in making teaching media products independently and obtained topic ideas from ideas and arguments that had been latent, 100% of students stated that they were happy with the experience, this can be seen from each stage of the application of design thinking starting from the empathy, define, idea, prototype, implementation stages running well and fun. And succeeded in shaping the profile of Pancasila students with critical reasoning.</p> <p>Keywords: Design Thinking, PGSD Lectures, Pancasila Student Profile</p> <p>Abstrak</p> <p>Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi mengetahui penerapan design thinking dalam perkuliahan di prodi PGSD. Manfaat penelitian ini adalah mengetahui dan menjadi bahan evaluasi kegiatan perkuliahan yang dilakasanakan dengan model design thinking. Metode penelitian ini adalah penelitian penerapan/applied research. Data yang digunakan adalah penggabungan data kualitatif dan dan kuantitatif (mixed method). Penelitian ini subyek penelitian pada mahasiswa semester 3 prodi PGSD dimana ketiga mata kuliah ini berhubungan dengan pembentukan sikap, pengetahuan dan keterampilan bagi guru SD. Sebesar 80% mahasiswa yang mengambil mata kuliah tersebut telah berhasil membuat produk media ajar secara mandiri dan memperoleh ide topik dari gagasan dan argument yang selama ini terpendam, sebesar 100% mahasiswa menyatakan senang dengan pengalaman, hal ini dapat dilihat dari setiap tahapan penerapan design thinking mulai dari tahap empaty, define, idea, prototype, implementasi berjalan dengan baik dan menyenangkan. Dan berhasil dalam membentuk profil pelajar Pancasila bernalar kritis.</p> <p>Kata Kunci: Design Thingking, Perkuliahan PGSD, Profil Pelajar Pancasila</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Robert Budi Laksana Adrianus Dedy Puji Ayu Rachmawati ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-04-01 2024-04-01 8 1 1037 1041 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7657 Cultural Literacy of Angguk Dance: Traditional Creation Art Group 'Karya Remaja <p><br>Increasing Cultural Literacy can be an important factor in strengthening identity and maintaining the sustainability of local cultural arts heritage, including the Grobogan Angguk Dance carried out by the Traditional Creation Art Group 'Karya Remaja 'Karya Remaja '. The purpose of this study is to provide education about the Cultural Literacy of Angguk Grobogan Dance from the Traditional Creation Art Group 'Karya Remaja ' in maintaining and preserving the art of Angguk Grobogan Dance. The method in this study uses descriptive qualitative research using three theories, namely Cultural Literacy theory, Digital Technology Literacy and Education and Cultural Identity Theory. The results of this study are 1) increasing Cultural Literacy of Angguk Grobogan Dance from the Traditional Creation Art Group in strengthening identity and maintaining the sustainability of cultural heritage, 2) Being an effective means in local culture, especially Angguk Grobogan Dance by accessing information and distributing cultural materials easily and quickly, 3) The important role of the Traditional Creation Art Group 'Karya Remaja ' in maintaining, strengthening, expanding understanding and sustainability of Angguk Grobogan Dance, 4) The influence of Cultural Literacy can increase awareness about culture in today's digital era.<br><br></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Aditya Aditya Rinanjani Hartono Hartono Sahrul Syah Sinaga ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 1042 1049 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7752 School Principial Strategy Management in Promoting Al-Hidayah SMP Medan <p>The promotional strategy carried out by the Principal to introduce Al-Hidayah Medan Middle School is an effort to realize the vision, mission, goals and objectives that have been set. School principals must manage promotional strategies effectively so that the school can be better known and develop, including Al-Hidayah Middle School in Medan. Based on the research results, the promotion strategy involves several stages, namely promotion planning which includes forming a promotion team, formulating a strategy, and preparing attractive promotional materials; implementation of promotions which include outreach activities, distributing brochures, installing banners with community cooperation, as well as distributing pamphlets via social media such as Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and WhatsApp; and the evaluation stage as the final step in promoting the school, by assessing the achievement of the objectives of the promotion that has been carried out.</p> Maulina Sari ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 1050 1064 Problem of Educational Facilities and Infrastructure in MTs Muhammadiyah 15 Medan <p>This research was conducted to find out what problems there are in the management, use, procurement and maintenance of infrastructure and what steps and solutions are being taken at Mts Muhammadiayah 15 Medan. Researchers use qualitative methods with the Field Research Model. In conducting data analysis, the author used a descriptive approach with the Miles and Huberman model with data collection techniques in the form of observation, interviews and documentation of students and teachers as data sources / primary informants. Meanwhile, in data analysis, the author carried out data collection, data reduction, and presented the data in the form of a short description. With this research, the author hopes to find out the quality of management, use, procurement and maintenance of educational facilities and infrastructure at Mts Muhammadiyah 15 Medan.</p> Sri Wahyuni Silalahi Nurzannah Nurzannah ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 1065 1068 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7747 Inclusive Teaching Strategy as a Reinforcement of Religious Moderation in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah, Teluk Nibung District <p><em>This research aims to explore and analyze inclusive teaching strategies as a reinforcement of religious moderation in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah, Teluk Nibung Subdistrict. In the context of inclusive education, where students with diverse backgrounds and learning needs are taught together, this study focuses on the development of teaching methods that support religious moderation within the school environment. A qualitative research approach was employed to collect data through classroom observations, interviews with teachers and school staff, and analysis of documents related to the curriculum and inclusive teaching guidelines.</em></p> <p><em>The research findings indicate that inclusive teaching in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah, Teluk Nibung Subdistrict, has significantly contributed to religious moderation among students. Inclusive teaching strategies, such as cooperative learning, formative assessment, and curriculum adjustments, enable students from different religious backgrounds to learn together by understanding and respecting their differences. Furthermore, the active role of teachers in creating an inclusive learning environment strengthens religious moderation, reduces inter-religious tensions, and enhances religious understanding.</em></p> <p><em>This research provides in-depth insights into how inclusive teaching strategies can play a role as a reinforcement of religious moderation in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah. These findings offer valuable perspectives for the development of inclusive education and the cultivation of religious moderation within the school environment. Additionally, they serve as a foundation for further research in broader contexts.</em></p> Emeliya Sukma Dara Damanik Pangulu Abdul Karim ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 1069 1077 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7728 A Descriptive analysis of British Accents in 'Bring Me The Horizon' Interview <p>The British accent, spoken by individuals from the United Kingdom (UK), comes in various forms. "Bring Me The Horizon" is a renowned British band featuring British musicians who employ diverse British accents. This study aims to identify the prevalent British accent utilized by Oliver Sykes and Jordan Fish and to assess students' perceptions of the British accent spoken in the video, with the goal of facilitating their English language learning. The researcher used a descriptive qualitative research in order to gain the data.The researcher used an article from ‘Accent Bias Britain’ and was guided by a native speaker from UK in order to validate the data. The participants in this study included four students who had viewed the video. The data collection instruments comprised the video itself, transcripts of the dialogue, and an article sourced from Accent Bias Britain.. The research reveals that Oliver Sykes used General Norther English, and Jordan Fish used Multicultural London English</p> Wiggy Ramadhani Iwan Setiawan Bibit Suhatmady ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 1078 1084 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7358 Story Telling Techniques in Group Guidance Services to Increase the Self-Confidence of Thai Postage School Students <p>Study This study uses a case study approach to explore the application of storytelling techniques in group guidance services to increase the self-confidence of class X students at Thammasat Wittaya Satun School, Thailand. Literature analysis and initial observations show students' low self-confidence, especially in public speaking. This research involves the application of storytelling techniques in group guidance services, by monitoring student reactions and collecting qualitative data through interviews. The results show an increase in students' self-confidence after active participation in storytelling activities.</p> Qurratul Aini Sri Ngayomi Yudha Wastuti M Fauzi Hasibuan ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 1085 1095 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7733 Factors That Influence the Performance of North Sumatra Province Education Service Employees <p>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kinerja pegawai Dinas Pendidikan Provinsi Sumatera Utara. Data penelitian diperoleh dari penyebaran kuesioner kepada 35 orang pegawai Dinas Pendidikan Provinsi Sumatera Utara, hasil penelitian yang diperoleh dari regresi linier berganda adalah Kinerja Pegawai (Y) = 3.586 + 0.146 Gaya Kepemimpinan (X1) + 0.362 Kedisiplinan (X2) + 0.773 Pendidikan (X3). Hasil perhitungan secara simultan diperoleh hasil uji Anova yaitu uji F 0,007 &lt; 0,05, signifikansi variabel X1, X2 dan X3 terhadap variabel Y. Variabel gaya kepemimpinan berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja karyawan atau H1 diterima. disiplin berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja karyawan H2 diterima dan variabel pendidikan berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja karyawan atau H3 diterima.</p> Nurmadiah Nurmadiah ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 1096 1101 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7758 Analysis of Extrinsic Elements in the Novel Rindu By Tere <p>Literature is the result of a writer's disclosure of the problems of human life in all its aspects, which is a combination of imagination, expression and creativity. Literary works are the author's expression of the world through literary works. The aim of this research is to explain the relationship between extrinsic elements in the sociocultural form of culture depicted in the Novel Rindu by Tere Liye. The data is then classified, interpreted, and studied. The research results show that the Novel Rindu Tere Liye shows the relationship between extrinsic elements and sociocultural and cultural elements in society. This is shown by the combination of two languages, namely Indonesian and Dutch, in the interactions of the characters, and by the knowledge that tells the story of the long journey of the Tere Liye pilgrimage in 1938. The community organization depicted is ordinary people, and the equipment system which is described as still using tr. This study provides an overview of how the external elements of the novel interact with sociocultural and cultural aspects of society.</p> Eka Putri Saptari Wulan Sarma Panggabean Ernawati Br Surbakti ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 1102 1108 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7670 Facilities and Infrastructure Management In MI Al-Ihsan IIIB, Pragaan District, Sumenep Regency <p>Sarana dan prasarana adalah suatu benda atau barang yang bersifat materi yang berfungsi sebagai penunjang proses pembelajaran supaya dapat berjalan dengan nyaman, lancar, efisien dan efektif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kelengkapan dan manajemen pengelolaan keberadaan sarana dan prasarana di MI Al-Ihsan IIIB, Kecamatan Pragaan, Kabupaten Sumenep. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian kualitatif dengan metode deskripsi. Pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. teknis keabsahan data menggunakan triangulasi teknik dan analisisdata diawali dengan mereduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Kepala madrasah, guru dan kepala staf bidang sarana dan prasrana penulis jadikan informan dalam penelitian ini. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa sarana dan prasarana di MI Al-Ihsan IIIB masih kurang lengkap karena terkendala biaya. Sementara dari sisi pengelolaannya sudah berjalan dengan baik. Implikasi dari penlitian ini mampu memberikan tambahan pengetahuan bagaimana manajemen sarana dan prasarana diterapkan di sekolah supaya pembelajaran yang dilaksanakan dapat berjalan secara efektif dan efisien.</p> Eiffan Fanani Muhammad Andi Syafruddin Yuli Astutik ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 1109 1122 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7761 The Use of Clustering Tehnique to Improve Students’ Achievement in Writing Recount Text at the Eight Grade of UPTD SMP Negeri 5 Gunungsitoli in 2022/2023 <p>Menulis merupakan salah satu keterampilan penting yang harus dipelajari. Menulis adalah cara yang baik untuk mengembangkan kemampuan bahasa Inggris siswa. Menulis merupakan suatu proses untuk menghasilkan produk yang dipengaruhi oleh beberapa unsur seperti kosa kata, tata bahasa, organisasi, ejaan dan tanda baca. Salah satu permasalahan yang peneliti temukan adalah siswa tidak mampu membedakan bentuk regular dan irreguler verbs pada past tense. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan prestasi siswa dalam menulis teks recount dengan menggunakan teknik clustering. Peneliti menggunakan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) khususnya metode kuantitatif sebagai metode penelitiannya. Terdapat dua siklus yang mana siklusnya terdiri dari dua pertemuan yang masing-masing pertemuan terdiri dari perencanaan, pelaksanaan tindakan, observasi dan refleksi. Data dikumpulkan peneliti dari hasil observasi, catatan lapangan dan lembar evaluasi. Dari hasil penelitian setiap siklusnya mendapatkan perbaikan dengan menggunakan teknik clustering. Pada siklus I siswa gagal, rata-rata nilai siswa sebesar 59,86. Pada siklus II seluruh siswa berhasil lulus KKM dengan rata-rata nilai siswa 82,86. Peneliti menyimpulkan bahwa cara terbaik untuk meningkatkan prestasi siswa dalam menulis teks recount adalah dengan menggunakan teknik clustering. Oleh karena itu, peneliti menyarankan dan merekomendasikan siswa dan guru untuk menggunakan teknik ini guna meningkatkan kemampuan mereka dalam menulis sebuah teks, khususnya teks recount.</p> Niska Restina Gulo Adieli Laoli Nursayani Maru’ao Afore Tahir Harefa ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 1123 1132 Secondary Metabolite Profile of Essential Oils of Kaffir Lime, Kalamansi, and Lime Fruit Peels from South Sumatra <p><em>This study aims to determine the secondary metabolite content of the essential oils of kaffir lime, kalamansi and lime peels from South Sumatra. This research consisted of several stages, namely the stage of identifying kaffir lime, calamansi and lime plants, the stage of preparing tools and materials, the stage of distillation of the essential oils of kaffir lime, calamansi and lime peels and the stage of identifying the chemical components of essential oils using the GC-MS method. Based on research, it can be concluded that the main essential oil content of kaffir lime peel, calamansi and lime from South Sumatra are citronellal (24.55%), limonene (97.12%) and limonene (35.24%) respectively.</em></p> Astri Indah Lestari Salni Salni Laila Hanum ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 1133 1142 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7753 The Description of Teaching Reading Comprehension through Group Work and the Students’ Achievement at Eighth Grade of SMP Negeri 2 Gido in 2022/2023 <p>Reading is one of the basic communicative skills to get information in the text. Reading comprehension is established to understand the meaning of the words, sentences, and paragraph sense relationship among ideas as it is.&nbsp; Teaching reading comprehension is a learning process that teaches students to understand a text more easily. In this learning process, the teacher gives instructions to students to form groups. Each group consists of four to five students. Students achievements in teaching reading comprehension are based on the structure of the text determined by the students. Therefore, the objectives of this research were to describe and to find out how the teacher&nbsp;&nbsp; teaching reading comprehension through Group work and Students’ Achievement at the eighth grade of SMP Negeri 2 Gido in 2022/2023. The method used in this research was descriptive qualitative. Data were obtained from observation checklist&nbsp; which were&nbsp; analyzed using the group work by the teacher and from interviews every student in classroom at the eighth grade students. After carrying out the analysis, it shows that the students' results in group work show that students are able to work together to understand the reading text, share the knowledge they each gain with their group friends. So they need the good method to encourage them to study effectively. And then the student achievement in teaching reading comprehension is that students are able to analyze the social function of the text and students are able to determine the structure of the text.</p> Trisman Lombu Adieli Laoli Yasminar A. Tel Elwin P. Zebua ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 1143 1149 Parents and Teachers Collaboration in Children’s Education <p><em>Collaboration between teachers and parents is considered important in educating children effectively. This research emphasizes the need for integrated roles and responsibilities between teachers and parents in educating children. Effective collaboration not only benefits a child's academic development, but also creates strong bonds between school and family, providing a solid foundation for a child's holistic growth and development. The research method used is a literature method with a focus on reviewing articles related to parent and teacher collaboration in children's education. Of the 28 articles studied, 17 articles were selected for in-depth analysis based on the criteria of relevance and full text availability. The research results show that active collaboration between parents and teachers, including two-way communication and participation in school activities, has a positive impact on children's development both at school and at home. Key findings highlight the importance of effective communication as the basis for the success of these collaborations, with a variety of communication methods, including technology, used to facilitate the exchange of information. Relationships built on trust and mutual understanding are the keys to successful collaboration. However, challenges such as unrealistic expectations or discipline problems also need to be handled carefully to focus on the child's interests.</em></p> Siti Rohimah Suhadi Suhadi Fachri Basalamah Misbah Auliya ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 1150 1158 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7764 Exploring the Learning Methods Used in Teaching English at SMP Kristen Makale <p>The purpose of this study is to find out what learning methods are most often used in teaching English at Makale Christian Junior High School. In carrying out this study, the researcher used descriptive qualitative research. Data analysis used qualitative data analysis, which is the process of reducing data, presenting data, and drawing conclusions. The purpose sampling strategy was used to obtain data from English teachers two who teach at Makale Christian Junior High School. The data were obtained using interview and observation. Based on the results of this study, the researcher concluded that there is one learning method that is most often used by teachers in teaching English at Makale Christian Junior High School, namely the lecture plus method or the lecture plus discussion and task (CPDT) method. and as for the reasons why teachers at Makale Christian Junior High School often use it in teaching because this method is very practical, efficient and also in the lecture plus method it includes almost all activities such as discussion, question and answer exercises and also practice. And as for the weaknesses and advantages of the lecture plus method, namely students can actively participate through questions and answers and exercises, it is very easy to use or practical and also very efficient and has almost included several teaching and learning activities such as questions and answers, discussions, exercises and assignments. while the weakness is that the learning process does not occur in two directions because the lecture plus method is more teacher-centered than with students. From the results of the data analysis above, the researcher concludes that some of the methods used by English teachers at Makale Christian Junior High School in learning English are very helpful for students so that they can achieve effective and efficient learning outcomes and optimize student learning achievement</p> Nehru Pasoloran Pongsapan Jones Cherady Yizrel Nani Sallata Andi Sadapotto ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 1159 1165 Adapting Islamic Education to Modern Realities: Trends and Challenges in 2024 <p>The landscape of Islamic education is undergoing significant transformations in response to the evolving demands of the modern world. This study delves into the trends and challenges facing Islamic education in 2024, focusing on the imperative of adapting traditional teachings to contemporary realities. Through a comprehensive analysis of current practices and emerging trends, this research seeks to elucidate the strategies employed by educational institutions to navigate the complexities of globalization, technology integration, and socio-cultural shifts while preserving the core tenets of Islamic pedagogy. Key themes explored include the integration of digital learning platforms, the cultivation of critical thinking skills within an Islamic framework, and the promotion of religious tolerance and interfaith dialogue. Additionally, the study examines efforts to enhance educational accessibility and inclusivity, particularly for marginalized groups such as women and minorities. Furthermore, this research investigates the role of Islamic education in fostering social cohesion, ethical leadership, and sustainable development in the face of contemporary challenges. By highlighting innovative approaches and best practices, this study aims to provide valuable insights for educators, policymakers, and stakeholders invested in the advancement of Islamic education in the twenty-first century. Ultimately, the findings of this research contribute to the ongoing dialogue on the harmonization of tradition and modernity in Islamic pedagogy, with implications for fostering a more inclusive, dynamic, and relevant educational paradigm.</p> Elihami Elihami Sukman S Sing Sicat ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 1166 1175 Teaching English Speaking Skills to Thai Students as a Foreign Language by Non-Thai Pre-Service Teachers: Strategies and Obstacles <p>&nbsp;<em>The objective of this study is to investigate efficient methods for improving the English-speaking abilities of Thai students, implemented by non-Thai pre-service instructors. Additionally, this research attempts to identify and overcome any potential challenges that may develop throughout the teaching process. The study used a qualitative technique and descriptive case study design to examine data collected from in-depth interviews and questionnaires. The findings indicate that non-Thai pre-service teachers employ many successful ways to enhance the English-speaking abilities of Thai students. Nevertheless, obstacles like language and cultural barriers continue to be significant issues. This research also emphasizes the significance of hands-on experience in negotiating these challenges. However, there is a need for more improvement in institutional support in order to boost teacher effectiveness and improve student results. The study's implications are to facilitate cross-cultural education and enhance educational advancement in Thailand's linguistically varied setting</em>.</p> Rani Meilani Pirman Ginting Yenni Hasnah ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 1176 1189 Models and Strategies for Management of Higher Education Public Relations <p>The aim of this research is to find out models and strategies for managing higher education public relations. The research method is library research. Library research aims to collect data or information in the library and then use it as a basis for research. The research results show that strategy can be interpreted as a comprehensive plan to achieve targets even though there is no guarantee of success. Strategy is often associated with the terms tactics, techniques and methods, these three terms actually only remain within the strategy environment, only having more practical, narrow and detailed implications. Public relations models that can be used globally by all audiences according to the needs of the four models include: prees agentry with the type of one-way communication with propaganda. Public information with the type of one-way communication and disseminating correct and accurate information. Two-way asymmetrical type of two-way communication with scientific persuasion techniques. Two way symmetrical with two-way communication type to build mutual understanding.</p> Yelvi Apriandini Fazza Erwina Dwi Bradley Setiyadi ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 1190 1196 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7779 The Meaning of Songkok Recca Semiotic Perspective in Nusantara Module Activities for Independent Student Exchange Participants 2 <p>All regions in Indonesia from Sabang to Merauke have different cultures, from dance, music, clothing to handicrafts which have unique characters, identities, symbols and philosophies that are characteristic of each region. Through the Indonesian Independent Student Exchange (PMM) 2 inbound Nusantara Module activity at Padjadjaran University, students from South Sulawesi had the opportunity to introduce one of the cultural heritages owned by the Bugis Bone tribe, namely songkok recca as an identity or marker for men. This research aims to determine the meaning contained in songkok recca in Bone district in relation to the strata or social status of the Bugis community in Bone district. Research that utilizes a qualitative approach to data collection is obtained from sources or informants who are Bone Regency cultural figures, as well as Songkok Recca craftsmen. Songkok recca is a symbol of power which can be seen from the material of the songkok breaker which is made of pure gold. There are rules for those who wear songkok recca, each of which is seen from the social strata such as nobles, children of kings, slaves and servants.</p> Meliana Meliana Andi Tenri Sua Andi Muh. Taufiq ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 1197 1201 Improving Balloon Bouquet Making Skills Through the Direct Instruction Model for Deaf Children <p><em>One of the skills learned at SLB Muhammadiyah Pauh IX Padang is making balloon bouquets. This is the background to the problems found at the school. This problem arises when the process of learning the skill of making balloon bouquets has not provided maximum results due to the lack of suitability of the learning methods that have been used, namely demonstrations and lectures. This research aims to improve skills in making balloon bouquets through direct instruction. The method used is classroom action research. The research consisted of two cycles. Each cycle consists of four meetings with stages consisting of planning, implementing actions, observing and reflecting. Data collection techniques consist of observation, documentation and tests. The results of the research show 1) the process of learning the skill of making balloon bouquets for deaf children in grades IX and direct instruction. 2) increasing the ability of deaf students in learning balloon bouquet making skills. This can be seen from the comparison of students' scores before being given action, namely IS got a score (50%) and AI (46%). After being given action in cycle I, the capabilities of IS and AI increased with the same score (68%). Then the research continued in cycle II to maximize students' abilities with the final scores obtained by IS (90%) and AI (89%). So it can be concluded that the direct instruction model can improve the skills of deaf students in making balloon bouquets.</em></p> Azzahra Firdausi Salma Zulmiyetri Zulmiyetri Nurhastuti Nurhastuti Ardisal Ardisal Retno Triswandari ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 1202 1206 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7782 The Influence of the ICT- Based Inquiry Based Learning Model on Students' Critical Thinking Skills: Meta-analysis <p>The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of ICT-based inquiry-based learning model on students' critical thinking skills. This research is a type of quantitative research with a meta-analysis approach. The data in this study came from the analysis of 16 national journals published in 2020-2024. The inclusion criteria in this meta-analysis consisted of experimental or quasi-experimental method research, data derived from SINTA and Scopus indexed journals or proceedings, research related to ICT-based inquiry-based learning models on students' critical thinking skills, sample size&gt; 25 students; Data obtained from trusted databases, namely sciencedirect, ERIC, Wiley and Taylor of Francis and research describing complete data to calculate the effect size (ES) value. Data analysis in this study is quantitative analysis by calculating the effect size value of each study with the help of OpenMEE software. The results concluded that the ICT-based inquiry-based learning model had a positive effect on students' critical thinking skills with an ES value = 0.839; z= 6.024; &lt; 0.001 This finding provides important information for educators in implementing ICT-based inquiry-based learning model in learning.</p> Asrul Sani Miftachul Amri Yosep Heristyo Endro Buruno Venty Sopacua Muhammad Lutfi Tomi a Santosa ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 1207 1215 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7785 The Influence of Learning Outcomes on Students’ Career Choices at Shailendra High School Palembang <p>This research aims to determine the relationship or influence of learning outcomes on career choices for students at Shailendra High School Palembang. Bearing in mind that during the initial visit the researcher primarily consulted regarding students' career choices, for this reason there is something that this research wants to achieve, namely to find out the influence or relationship between learning outcomes and students' career choices at Shailendra High School Palembang. The method used in this research is a quantitative correlation type method which seeks to determine the relationship or influence or connection between the two variables in this research X and Y. In taking samples in this research using a purposive sampling technique with a total of 75 students from part of the population. The results of research and data analysis show that there is an influence or relationship and a small relationship on the intensity of learning outcomes (X) on career choice (y). Obtaining R Square data of 0.06, this value is converted into a percentage of the results obtained, 0.06 x 100% = 0.6, so it can be said that the influence or relationship between variable X and variable Y is only 0.6. This means that there is a relationship or influence or relationship between the intensity of learning outcomes and career choices, but at a small or low level. So it can be concluded that there is a small influence or relationship between learning outcomes on students' career choices at Shailendra High School Palembang.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Maharani Widya Puspa Edi Harapan Nurlela Nurlela ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 1216 1222 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7366 Development of Counting Board Media in Class II Mathematics Learning Subject SDN 06 Rantau Alai <p>Counting board media is a tool to attract students' learning attention. With one of the supporting subjects, namely mathematics. However, learning math in elementary school (SD) is very feared by students and is considered difficult even though learning math is very easy when we already know the method. This study uses development research or research and development. In this study the number of subjects was 22 students. This media was developed using the ADDIE model which consists of 5 stages, namely Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. Data collection was carried out by observation, validation questionnaire sheet, and student response questionnaire sheet. This research produces counting board media which is a real learning media and there are animated images. The data analysis technique was carried out by analyzing validity using a validation questionnaire sheet addressed to experts, and analyzing practicality using student response questionnaires. The results of data analysis of the development of counting board media in mathematics learning subjects conducted and developed by researchers are categorized as very valid from the validation questionnaire sheet with an average of 92%, the counting board media in mathematics learning subjects developed are categorized as very practical from the aspect of teacher response with an average of 88% and small group questionnaire sheets in trials with an average value of 89.5%. The counting board media in mathematics learning subjects developed was categorized as effective in the posttest test of students with an average of 86%. Based on the results of validation and trials, it is concluded that the counting board media in mathematics learning subjects is suitable for use in the learning process and can be an attractive alternative for students.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Tarisa Tarisa Adrianus Dedy Allen Marga Retta ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 1223 1228 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7490 Using Lecture Method Plus Demonstration and exercise to Improve the Ability to Make Sentences Uses Mandarin Vocabulary <p><em>This research was carried out based on the results of observations of teachers who only use the lecture method in teaching Mandarin vocabulary, and there are still many students who still have difficulty understanding the meaning and use of vocabulary, as well as making sentences using Mandarin vocabulary. This research was conducted for finding out whether the lecture method plus demonstration and exersice could improve the ability of Immanuel II Sungai Raya Christian Vocational School students in making sentences using Mandarin vocabulary. Data collection in this research used experimental, observation, literature and test methods. This research was conducted by comparing the use of the lecture method for the control group and the lecture method plus demonstration and exercises for the experimental group. The final results of the research showed that the experimental group students were able to use Mandarin vocabulary in making sentences very well compared to the control group, and the control group students experienced more mistakes in making sentences compared to the experimental group.</em></p> Lily Thamrin Felicia Siou Hun Lusi Lusi ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 1229 1237 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7304 The Impact of Animation Video Media on the Ability to Write Explanatory Texts of Class VIII MTs Rahmat Sa'id Bongkot Students <p><em>This research is motivated by the lack of students' ability to write explanatory texts. Application of YouTube animated video learning media to reduce students' weak writing abilities. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of YouTube animated video media on the skills of writing explanatory texts for class VIII MTs Rahmat Sa'id Bongkot in terms of structure and linguistic rules. This study used a Quasi-Experimental Design quantitative research method with a Nonequivalent Control Group design. This study used a sample of class VIII A as the control class and VIII B as the experimental class. Data collection techniques used are tests, questionnaires, and observation sheets. Prerequisite tests in this study used the normality test, homogeneity test, and T test. In calculating the normality test data, the experimental class pretest 0.12 &lt; 0.294 and the experimental class posttest 0.138 &lt; 0.294 were categorized as normally distributed. The results of the data calculation pretest control class 0.19 &lt;0.287 and posttest control class 0.115 &lt;0.294 are categorized as normally distributed. Homogeneity test pretest 1.466 &lt;2.137 and posttest 1.565 &lt;2.137 categorized as homogeneous. T test 2.512 &gt; 2.093 then Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. Based on the results of the prerequisite test calculations, there is an influence of YouTube animated video media on the ability to write explanatory text.</em></p> Ayyu Subhi Farahiba Umi Fadhilah ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 1238 1244 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7686 Development of a Contextual-Based Learning Module for Quadrilateral Material <p><em>Learning modules are one of the learning resources that can&nbsp;be used&nbsp;by teachers and students in the learning process. This research aims to develop a mathematics learning module with valid contextually based quadrilateral material. This research is Research and Development with the Thiagarajan model. Due to time constraints, researchers only carried out&nbsp;3&nbsp;stages&nbsp;out of 4 stages, namely Define, Design, and Develop. Apart from learning modules for students, this research also develops teacher guides related to these learning modules. The results of this research showed that the contextual-based rectangular material learning module was said to be valid with a percentage of 83.12%&nbsp;so&nbsp;the learning module was suitable for use by students in the learning process.</em></p> Niluh Sulistyani Catarina Sarah Devi ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 1245 1250 Basic concepts and models of educational policy analysis <p><em>Education is a crucial topic to discuss because typically, human intelligence is judged by how much education one has attained. Policy analysis is an applied social research systematically arranged to understand the substance of policies to clearly grasp information regarding the issues addressed by the policy and the potential issues that may arise as a result of policy implementation. Understanding policy models is essential to ensure that the resulting policies can lead to the success of educational objectives. This research method employs a qualitative approach. The research model utilizes library research, with inductive-deductive analysis derived from several literature analyses (O'Dwyer &amp; Bernauer, 2013; Moser &amp; Korstjens, 2018). The aim of educational policy analysis is to analyze educational data and information and to maintain aspects within the process of designing and making a policy. It has 6 characteristics of education and there are 3 types of Education Policy Formulation Models.</em></p> Melia Putri Utami Rts Rista Maharani Yelvi Apriandini Alief Firmansyah ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 1251 1258 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7793 The Implications of the Application of the Hannafin and Pack Learning Model on Student Learning Outcomes in Learning Islamic Religious Education at SDN Sukamantri, Cileunyi District, Bandung Regency <p>This paper examines the implications of implementing the Hannafin and Pack learning model on student learning outcomes in Islamic Religious Education learning at SDN Sukamantri, Cileunyi District, Bandung Regency. The learning model is one of the key factors for teacher success in improving student learning outcomes. Therefore, every teacher is required to be able to develop the Hannafin and Pack learning model in Islamic Religious Education learning so that students' level of development, knowledge, and learning outcomes increase. This research uses descriptive methods and a quantitative approach. The technique and collection of the data sources refer to the results of empirical observations, interviews with respondents, and relevant book reviews. The results of this research show that the application of the Hannafin and Pack learning model has proven to have positive implications for increasing student learning outcomes in Islamic Religious Education subjects at SDN Sukamantri, Cileunyi District, Bandung Regency with a learning outcome level of 87% (good category). The implication of this research is every teacher needs to use various models, strategies, methods, approaches and learning techniques in Islamic Religious Education subjects so that student learning outcomes increase.</p> Yanti Mulyati Mulyawan Safwandy Nugraha Ujang Dedih ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 1259 1263 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7357 Challenges in Teaching English at the University Level: Guidance and Self-reflection for English Language Instructors <p><em>English language learning in higher education is a topic that continues to receive attention, especially in the context of globalization and the importance of cross-cultural communication. This paper outlines the main issues faced by English as a foreign language’ students, covering challenges in instruction as well as the need for reflection for teachers. The main problems in English language instruction in higher education include the varying ability levels of students, irrelevant curriculum, and the suboptimal use of technology in teaching. English teachers also often face difficulties in assessing student progress and developing effective teaching strategies. Reflection is a key element in overcoming these problems. English teachers need to regularly reflect on their teaching practices, identify their weaknesses and strengths, and adapt teaching methods according to students' needs. In addition, cooperation between English teachers and universities in the development of relevant curricula and continuous teacher training are also important in addressing the problems of English language learning. This paper further discusses the problems of English language instruction in higher education, provides practical suggestions for English lecturers and students, and emphasizes the importance of reflection and collaboration in improving the quality of English language learning at the higher education level</em></p> Adolfina M. S. Moybeka Astina Y Kabbi ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 1264 1281 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7796 The Impact of Contextual Approaches to Teaching and Learning (CTL) on Students' Learning Motivation in Mathematics Lessons <p>Pendidikan merupakan sebuah proses bimbingan yang diberikan kepada orang dewasa yang disalurkan kepada anak yang sedang berkembang untuk mencapai perkembangan yang optimal sehingga anak mencapai kedewasaannya. Melalui pembelajaran-pembelajaran yang diberikan terutama matematika, akan tetapi pada kenyataannya matematika sendiri seringkali menjadi momok yang menakutkan bagi para siswa, sehingga diperlukannya pendekatan yang sesuai untuk meningkatkan motivasi belajar siswa. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh pendekatan <em>contextual teaching and learning </em>(CTL) terhadap motivasi belajar siswa pada mata Pelajaran matematika. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini ialah menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukan jika hasil pengujian hipotesis yang didapat dari hasil uji <em>Independent Sample T- Test </em>diperoleh nilai probabilitasnya (Sig. (2-tailed) sebesar 0,000&lt;0,05 sehingga diterima, yang artinya ada pengaruh pendekatan <em>Contextual Teaching And Learning </em>(CTL) terhadap motivasi belajar siswa. Sehingga bisa disimpulkan jika pembelajaran matematika dengan menggunakan pendekatan <em>Contextual Teaching and Learning</em> (CTL) dapat mempengaruhi motivasi belajar siswa.</p> Nida Iftinah Ramadani Emilda Sulasmi ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 1282 1288 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7790 Analysis of the Implementation of the Independent Curriculum by Pancasila Study Profile Strengthening Project Class IV SDN 2 Rantepao <p>The &nbsp;of this research is to learn about and describe a project inteded for improving the profile of Pancasila Class IV SDN 2 Rantepao students. The subjects of this study were fourth-grade students &nbsp;and the teachers of SD Negeri 2 Rantepao. &nbsp;It is located at Dr. Ratulangi, Singki' Village street, Rantepao District, North Toraja Regency, South Sulawesi. This research approach is qualitative research that focuses on the use of data obtained on site. This type of research is descriptive research that aims to describe or provide an overview of the implementation of the independent curriculum through a Project to Strengthen the Profile of Pancasila Students in Class IV of SD Negeri 2 Rantepao. The data collection methods used were observation, interviews and documentation. The results of the investigation indicated that the implementation of the autonomous curriculum by strengthening the&nbsp; student profile of pancasila in Class IV SD State 2 Rantepao was successfully implemented. In school or outside the school, the students have successfully applied all the indicators of the profile of the students of Pancasila, namely, faithful, godly and noble, globally independent, confident, critical and creative. The P5 activities are carried out in a local context.</p> Hakpantria Hakpantria Mersilina L. Patintingan Yusem Ba’ru ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 1289 1297 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7797 The Effect of Think Pair Share (TPS) Model Based on Flipped Learning on Students' Creative Thinking Skills <p>The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of Think Pair Share (TPS) model based on flipped learning on students' creative thinking skills. This type of research is quantitative research with a meta-analysis approach. The eligibility criteria in this study are research from national or international journals published in 2020-2024; research must be indexed by SINTA and Scopus, research must relate to the effect of the TPS model based on flipped learning on students' creative thinking skills, research obtained through the google scholar database, ScienceDirect, Wiley, ERIC and Hindawi, and research attaching complete data to analyse effect size. The data analysis technique is quantitative analysis by calculating the effect size value with the help of the OpenMEE application. The results of this study concluded that there was a positive effect of the TPS model based on flipped learning on students' creative thinking skills with a value of ES = 0.826; P &lt; 0.001 with a high effect size category. This finding informs that the implementation of TPS model based on flipped learning has a significant effect on students compared to conventional model.</p> Andika Dirsa Fryan Sopacua Heppy Sapulete Sukini Sukini ilwandri Ilwandri Aat Ruchiat Nugraha Sofan Rizqi ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 1298 1305 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7798 Influence of Problem Based Learning Model on Elementary School Students Critical Thinking Abilities <p>Studi ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif yang menggunakan metode desain pre-eksperimental untuk mengeksplorasi dampak dari penerapan model pembelajaran berbasis masalah terhadap kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa kelas V di SD Negeri Kedungringin 1 Beji Pasuruan. Sampel terdiri dari 30 siswa di kelas tersebut. Data dikumpulkan melalui lembar observasi serta tes pre dan post dalam mata pelajaran IPA. Analisis data menggunakan dua teknik statistik: deskriptif dan inferensial dengan bantuan program SPSS versi 27. Hasil pre-test dan post-test menunjukkan peningkatan signifikan dalam rata-rata kemampuan berpikir kritis. Nilai rata-rata pre-test menunjukkan kategori rendah (47), sementara post-test menunjukkan kategori tinggi (84). Hasil analisis inferensial menggunakan uji-t paired sample test menunjukkan bahwa Sig. &lt; α = 0.05 (0.026 &lt; α = 0.05), sehingga H0 ditolak. Kesimpulannya, penerapan model pembelajaran berbasis masalah memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap kemampuan berpikir kritis melalui mata pelajaran IPA pada siswa kelas V di SD Negeri Kedungringin 1 Beji Pasuruan.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Febrya Wulan Sari Tri Linggo Wati ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 1306 1314 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7760 The Effectiveness of Group Guidance to Improve Students’ at Darul Uloom School Satun Thailand <p><em>This research focuses on the role of Educational Guidance and Counseling (EGC) in supporting students' adjustment at Darul Uloom School, Satun, Thailand. Utilizing a qualitative approach through a case study, the study explores the dynamic interaction between students and EGC in the context of multicultural Islamic education. The research findings highlight the challenges students face in adapting to new environments, cultures, and languages. The key role of EGC is identified in assisting students in overcoming these challenges through group counseling. Practical recommendations are provided to strengthen cultural adjustment programs, student-centered learning, and collaboration among schools, parents, and communities to enhance the quality of education in multicultural environments. The implications of this research contribute to the literature on group counseling and Islamic education, offering practical guidance for similar institutions.</em></p> Asnaini Agusnar M. Fauzi Hasibuan Sri Ngayomi Yudha Wastuti ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 1315 1325 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7663 Use of Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic (VAK) Models in Learning Mathematics on Curved-Sided Spatial Materials <p>This research was obtained due to the low direct participation of teaching participants in training. This research aims to identify comparisons using shapes or not using shapes. The use of forms is very important in ensuring the success of an educational process, the better the form used, the more efficient the target income, one of which is the VAK form. The visual auditory kinesthetic (VAK) form is a form of training that maximizes 3 learning styles in the form of visual, auditory and kinesthetic to make students feel safe. This research aims to look at the use of the VAK (visual, auditory, kinesthetic) form in Mathematics training for class IV students at SDN 167647 with the volume module of curved sided space shapes. The instrument used in this research is monitoring by looking directly using the VAK form in Mathematics with the volume module of curved sided shapes. After carrying out this research, you will find the desired success in the ongoing training.</p> Ulha Aulia Affandi Lilik Hidayat Pulungan ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 1326 1335 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7799 Development of Practical Guide on Single Slit Diffraction Materials Using He-Ne Lasers and Diode Lasers <p>Belum adanya sumber belajar berupa bahan ajar penuntun praktikum&nbsp; fisika modern yang khusus dikembangkan untuk mahasiswa program studi pendidikan fisika FKIP Universitas Jambi menjadi alasan dilakukan penelitian ini. Berdasarkan hal ini perlu dilakukan pengembangan bahan ajar untuk mendukung perkuliahan mata kuliah fisika modern. Salah satu materi yang dikembangkan bahan ajarnya adalah materi difraksi celah tunggal. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian pengembangan, dimana dalam pelaksanaannya menggunakan model 4D. Salah satu tahapan pengembangan bahan ajar yang dilakukan adalah uji ahli. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah instrumen non-tes yaitu berupa angket. Ahli atau validator dalam penelitian ini adalah dosen pendidikan fisika FKIP Universitas Jambi. Validitas bahan ajar yang dikembangkan dinilai oleh validator melalui angket.. Hasil yang diperoleh dalam penelitian ini adalah bahan ajar penuntun praktikum fisika modern pada materi difraksi celah tunggal untuk menghitung panjang gelombang laser He-Ne dan laser dioda cukup valid dengan nilai validasi 3,33 dan sangat baik dengan nilai 3,83.</p> Dwi Sartikasari Sri Purwaningsih Hebat Shidow Falah ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 1336 1346 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7802 The Effectiveness of the PowerPoint-Based Make A Match Interactive Learning Model for Improving Beginning Reading Skills for Children with Physical Impairment <p><em>This research aims to improve the initial reading skills of children with physical impairments at SLB Negeri 1 Harau by using the PowerPoint-based Interactive Make A Match learning model. The interactive learning model is a learning approach in which students are active in the teaching and learning process so that students can be fully involved, both physically and mentally. This research uses a quantitative approach with experimental methods, namely Single Subject Research (SSR) and A1-B-A2 Design, and data is analyzed using visual graphs by entering data in graphs which are then analyzed based on conditions A1-B-A2. The results of research using the PowerPoint-based Make A Match Interactive learning model can improve the initial reading skills of children with physical impairments at SLB Negeri 1 Harau.</em></p> Intan Aulia Nurhastuti Nurhastuti Zulmiyetri Zulmiyetri Ardisal Ardisal Retno Triswandari ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 1347 1351 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7806 Improving Skills in Making Plastic Canvas Bags Through the Direct Instruction Learning Model for Deaf Children <p>This research discusses the problems of deaf students who experience difficulties in the skills of making plastic canvas bags. This research aims to determine the process of improving students' skills in making plastic canvas bags through a direct instruction learning model. The type of research is classroom action research in class VIII SLB Negeri 1 Lubuk Basung with a qualitative and quantitative approach. The research procedure consists of planning, action, observation and reflection carried out over two cycles using data collection techniques in the form of observation, documentation and tests. The results obtained are that the ability of deaf students in class VIII SLB Negeri 1 Lubuk Basung in making plastic canvas bags can be improved through the direct instruction learning model.</p> Deska Dwi Rahma Anggraini Zulmiyetri Zulmiyetri Mega Iswari Asep Ahmad Sopandi Riza Elita ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 1352 1355 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7811 Content Validity Results Of Students' Perceptions of Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders <p><em>This research is intended to see the results of the research instrument that has been tested for validity to provide valid intersection data. Therefore, the validity of the contents of the research instrument should be tested before use. CVI, performed with a quantitative descriptive approach, is one of the methods that can be used to test the validity of content. The results showed that the validation of the lift consisting of two elements of content and language had an i-CVI average of 0.87 and the s -CVI was 0.87. The lift was considered appropriate, relevant, and valid based on those values. Regarding the validity of the trigger, the results showed that 13 issues had a high validity criterion with i-CVI 0.67, 29 issues had very high validation criteria with i -CVI more than 1,00, and the s - CVI value was 0.87.</em></p> Widia Maharani Rahmahtrisilvia Rahmahtrisilvia Mega Iswari Rila Muspita ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 1356 1360 Drug Education Information Services with a Humanistics Approach in Preventing Narcotics Use in PIK R Asam Kumbang Organization <p>This study aims to explore the implementation of information services with a humanistic approach in socializing education about drug abuse (Narcotics, Alcohol, Psychotropics, and Other Addictive Substances) at PIK-R (Adolescent Counseling Information Center) Asam Kumbang. The research method used is a qualitative descriptive approach using the Miles and Huberman Model. Data was collected through observation, interviews, and documentation. The results showed that although PIK-R has been active in providing information and counseling on reproductive health and adolescent problems, socialization about the dangers of drug abuse is still lacking in the Asam Kumbang environment. Further efforts are needed to improve such socialization, with a humanistic approach that emphasizes empathy, unconditional acceptance, and strengthening individual potential. The implementation of NAPZA Education at PIK-R Asam Beetle is expected to help adolescents understand the dangers of narcotics and prevent their misuse in their environment.</p> Salbiah Salbiah Sri Ngayoumi Yudha Wastuti ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-30 2024-03-30 8 1 1361 1368 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7685 The Role of PIK-Adolescent Peer Counselors in the Efficient Use of Smartphones among Students at SMA Negeri 11 Medan <p>The development of communication and information technology is increasing rapidly in the current digital era. One of them is a smartphone which is owned by almost all levels of society. This research aims to analyze the role of PIK-Remaja peer counselors in increasing the efficiency of smartphone use among students at SMA Negeri 11 Medan. This research uses a qualitative approach with a case study method. Data collection was carried out through observation and in-depth interviews with PIK-Temaja counselor teachers and students who used smartphones. The research results show that PIK-Remaja peer counselors play a role in increasing the efficiency of smartphone use through services and counseling for students. Peer counselors encourage students to use smartphones wisely which has a positive impact, such as as a communication tool, increasing knowledge and expanding relationships. On the other hand, peer counselors also warn of the dangers of excessive use of smartphones which can disrupt students' growth and development and learning. This research recommends increasing the role of peer counselors in guiding students to use smartphones efficiently and productively.</p> M David Kurniawan Sri Ngayoumi Yudha Wastuti ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-30 2024-03-30 8 1 1369 1376 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7683 Implementation of Peer Counselors in Strengthening Mental Health at PIK-R Sei Nagalawan Village <p>Adolescent mental health is a major concern in an effort to improve the welfare of the younger generation. Through the PIK-R program established by BKKBN, adolescents gain knowledge and life skills in order to live a healthy and prosperous life. This study aims to implement peer counselors as a strategy to strengthen adolescent mental health in PIK-R Sei Nagalawan Village. The research method used is qualitative descriptive with case study techniques. Research data were obtained through interviews, observation and documentation. The results showed that the implementation of peer counselors in PIK-R Sei Nagalawan Village had a positive impact on improving adolescent mental health in Sei Nagalawan Village. Where Nagalawan village teenagers already have good skills in solving problems, support each other in their groups, are more confident in expressing their ideas, are able to discuss and accept other people's opinions, and there is an improvement in their life skills. Thus, peer counselor services are an effective step in strengthening adolescent mental health, and improving the overall well-being of the younger generation.</p> Nur Ainun Damanik Sri Ngayoumi Yudha Wastuti ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-30 2024-03-30 8 1 1377 1383 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7684 Analysis of Lecturer Readiness Assessment Standards for Semester III PBA Students at UIN Sunan Kalijaga In Implementing The Independent Curriculum <p>The UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta Campus has taken part in a series of activities towards implementing the Curriculum merdeka, namely the Independent Curriculum training in the city of Yogyakarta from 16 October to 13 November 2023. This activity was specifically carried out for the UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta Campus. The aim of this research is to analyze teacher readiness in facing the curriculum Merdeka at the UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta Campus. This research is a case study research (qualitative). Observation, interviews and documentation are the research methods used in this research mine. The data collection procedure is that data is collected, reduced, conclusions drawn, and tested using angulation. The research results show that: 1) Only a small number of lecturers as a worksheet (Lk) for CP, TP, ATP, and others and teaching modules. But it's not finished yet. 2) The lecturer has not prepared the learning project module, only prepared a worksheet (LK) for students to fill in. 3) For all courses taught in class C, facilities in the form of teaching materials (books) have been provided by the madrasah. Additional facilities in the form of ebooks and other teaching materials are owned and prepared by each lecturer in the Arabic language learning planning course. 4) Only some lecturers plan differentiated learning. 5) Only a small number of lecturers carry out assessments, both cognitive diagnostics and non-cognitive diagnostics. Keywords: Student Readiness, Implementation of the Independent Learning Curriculum, UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta.</p> Tolibuddin Siregar Zainal Arifin Ahmad Zamakhsari Zamakhsari Muhajir Muhajir ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 1384 1391 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7820 The Impact of Topic Interest on EFL Incidental Vocabulary Acquisition <p><em>This research was conducted to find out whether there is an impact of topic interest on EFL incidental vocabulary acquisition or not. The sample of this research consist of 39 students, 19 students in experimental class and 20 students in control class. The method used in this research was quantitative with Quasi- Experimental design. The data was analyzed by using SPSS 26.0. The result showed that there was an impact of topic interest on EFL incidental vocabulary acquisition. It was proved by the t count value higher than t-table value (-13.419 &lt; -1.734). Thus, Ha was accepted and Ho was rejected. The result of the pre-test mean value for the experimental class is 78.94, while the mean of post-test is&nbsp;</em><em>91.84. Therefore, the mean value of students increased 12.9.</em></p> Nunung Nurhayati Arief Styo Nugroho Puji Siswanto Obay Jambari Habib Cahyono Anatasya Anatasya ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 1392 1399 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7821 Implementation of Super Camp Activities in Shaping Student Prophet Leadership Character at Smait Ukhuwah Banjarmasin <p>Implementasi Kegiatan Super Camp dalam Membentuk Karakter Prophet Leadership Siswa di SMAIT Ukhuwah Banjarmasin merupakan sebuah studi yang membahas upaya penanaman pendidikan karakter kepemimpinan yang diadaptasi dari prinsip-prinsip kepemimpinan Nabi Muhammad SAW. Melalui kegiatan Super Camp, siswa dilibatkan dalam berbagai kegiatan seperti shalat berjamaah, pembiasaan thaharah dan berwudhu, qiyamul lail, pembagian tugas kelompok, serta pentas seni dengan pesan dakwah. Selain itu, kegiatan ini juga menekankan nilai-nilai seperti amanah, tabligh, dan fathanah sebagai bagian integral dari pembentukan karakter kepemimpinan. Dengan demikian, kegiatan Super Camp di SMAIT Ukhuwah Banjarmasin memberikan kontribusi positif dalam pengembangan kepemimpinan berbasis nilai-nilai Islam pada siswa. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam studi ini adalah studi kasus (case study) dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan cara mengumpulkan data melalui observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi.</p> Rifa Azizah ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 1400 1407 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7829 Problem Formulation of Education Policy Analysis <p>The main aim of this research is to pinpoint the problems that need to be addressed through educational policy and to gain comprehensive knowledge about the underlying causes of these problems. This research approach is a library research method or literature study. Relevant literature, which includes books, journals and scientific papers on the selected issue, is used as a source of research data. The findings of this study indicate that, from a technical perspective, education policy development is the most important aspect of the ongoing policy analysis process. Therefore, the phrase “the circle of education policy that keeps turning” is not surprising when discussing the process of developing education policy. It is important for education policies to be carefully designed to minimize disruption. new educational issues that go beyond existing issues that need to be addressed or resolved in terms of complexity, breadth, and depth. Identifying the correct problem is undoubtedly necessary for successful problem solving. Different conceptualizations of an educational problem condition are produced and tested through the formation of educational policy challenges.</p> Wellty Mely Betesda Br Sinaga Renova Manullang Melia Putri Utami Hansein Arif Wijaya ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 1408 1417 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7824 The Effect of Pegword Method on the Students’ Ability in Mastering Vocabulary at the Eighth Grade of SMP Negeri 1 Lahewa Timur <p>Vocabulary is central to language and crucial for effective communication, both orally and in writing. Insufficient vocabulary hinders students' ability to express themselves. Recognizing this challenge, a researcher investigated the efficacy of the Pegword Method in enhancing vocabulary acquisition among eighth-grade students at SMP Negeri 1 Lahewa Timur in 2020/2021. This quasi-experimental study involved a population of 60 students, selected using Cluster Sampling Technique. Pre-test results indicated comparable vocabulary levels between the experimental and control groups. The experimental group received Pegword Method instruction, while the control group received Conventional Teaching Method. Post-test results revealed significant improvement in the experimental group, with a mean score of 79.33 compared to 68.33 in the control group. Statistical analysis confirmed the effectiveness of the Pegword Method, with t-count (2.39) exceeding the critical value (2.002). Therefore, the null hypothesis was rejected, indicating a significant positive impact of the Pegword Method on vocabulary mastery.Suggestions for educators include implementing the Pegword Method to enhance vocabulary instruction and fostering student motivation through engaging materials and ample library resources. Further research in this area is recommended to enrich teaching practices and optimize student learning outcomes.</p> Ikardi Zalukhu Hasrat Sozanolo Harefa ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 1418 1424 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7827 The Thought of Ibn Rushd : Science and Religion <p>In Ibn Rushd's view, philosophy and religion occupy the main position and are comparable in the theory of knowledge (epistemology), both of which are positioned as subjects in seeing things. This is what is then called, the relationship between religion and philosophy. Then Ibn Rushd came to the conclusion, philosophizing is something that is required or recommended in sharia. Ibn Rushd has the real name Abu al-Walid Muhammad Ibn Ahmad Ibn Muhammad Ibn Rushd was born in Cordoba in 520 AH or 1126 AD. He died on 9 Safar, 595 H or December 11, 1198 AD at the age of 72. Ibn Rushd thought that true science is knowledge and recognition (ma'rifat) of Allah and knowledge of all His creations in accordance with the truth, in accordance with their characteristics, in accordance with their specialty, knowledge of science for the happiness of the hereafter. According to ibnu rusyd, science is considered a true science if it has reached the stage of recognition of Allah SWT and all His creations. So this true knowledge is the main goal of sharia which of course must also be accompanied by the correct practice. No form of thought that developed in his time escaped his criticism and analysis, a criticism built on established rationality. The emergence of Ibn Rushd's thought was like a "shock" to the status quo. Besides shouting the opening of the door to ijtihad in all fields, he also tried to rationalize all forms of science in his time.</p> Ahmad Fatoni Maya Fitriyatul Farida ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 1425 1434 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7808 The Effectiveness of Animation Videos to Improve the Ability to Order Numbers 1-50 for Children with Physical Impairment <p><em>This research aims to improve the ability to order numbers 1-50 for children with physical impairments at SLB N 1 Pariaman by using Animation Video Learning media. Animation Video Learning Media functions to make it easier for students to remember the material for ordering numbers. This research uses a quantitative approach with experimental methods, namely Single Subject Research (SSR) and A1-B-A2 Design, and data is analyzed using visual graphs by entering data in graphs which are then analyzed based on conditions A1-B-A2. The results of research using animated video learning media can improve the ability to order numbers 1-50 for children with physical impairments at SLB N 1 Pariaman.</em></p> Puja Permai Sari Nurhastuti Nurhastuti Mega Iswari Johandri Taufan ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 1435 1442 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7826 Literacy as a Foundation for Education and Empowerment in Muhammadiyah to Form a Quality Generation <p style="font-weight: 400;"><em>This research aims to explore the literacy approaches and practices implemented by Muhammadiyah, as well as their impact on the character formation and social contribution of the younger generation. The research method used involved document analysis and literature study to gain an in-depth understanding of the various literacy initiatives carried out by Muhammadiyah. The research results show that literacy has a very significant role in forming a quality generation in Muhammadiyah. This organization not only emphasizes the academic aspects of literacy, but also places emphasis on developing strong character, understanding Islamic values, and community empowerment. This holistic approach to literacy makes a major contribution in producing individuals who are intellectually intelligent, moral, and contribute positively to society. This research highlights the urgency to continue to increase efforts to strengthen literacy as a foundation for education and empowerment in Muhammadiyah. This includes increasing access to education for all groups, developing a curriculum that focuses on literacy skills, teacher training, and integrating Islamic values ​​in every aspect of learning. In order to strengthen literacy as the main strategy in advancing education and empowerment within Muhammadiyah, it requires strong commitment from various parties, as well as continuity in the development of relevant and effective literacy programs. By strengthening literacy, Muhammadiyah can continue to be at the forefront in forming a quality generation that is ready to face future challenges and contribute positively to the progress of the nation and people</em><em>.</em></p> Syawal Sitonda ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 1443 1446 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7831 Use of Guided Discovery Teaching Style in Learning Football Passing <p>Physical and health education is one of the teaching and learning activities provided by teachers to students which aims to provide movement learning experiences as an effort to develop The potential possessed by students. Teaching style according to the term, namely (teaching style) is often replaced by the term teaching strategy (teaching strategy) whose meaning is considered the same, namely strategies to encourage student participation in carrying out the tasks given. This research was based on government efforts and policies that are in accordance with students' needs in learning and self-development, in terms of knowledge (cognitive), attitudes (affective) and movement skills (psychomotor). The aim to be achieved in this research is to reveal data regarding the use of the Guided Discovery Teaching Style in Learning Football Passing in Class VIII at SMP Negeri 2 Ciasem. This research uses a qualitative approach. The subjects of this research were the sources of information, namely 4 class VIII students studying at SMP Negeri 2 Ciasem and 1 teacher. Thus, the number of subjects for this research was 5 people.</p> <p><em>Keywords: Teaching style , Football passing , Guided discovery</em></p> Giptun Daksinanuaji Aria Kusuma Yuda Tedi Purbangkara ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 1447 1453 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7836 Analysis of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Elements Novel Rain by Tere Liye <p><em>This research aims to determine the intrinsic and extrinsic elements of the novel Rain by Tere Liye. This research focuses on intrinsic and extrinsic elements in the novel Rain by Tere Liye. This type of research is qualitative research, namely analyzing the form of description, not in the form of numbers or coefficients regarding the relationship between variables. The data source in this research is the novel Rain by Tere Liye, consisting of 315 things. Length 21 cm, width 34 cm, published by Gramedia main library Jakarta 2016. The data collection technique for this research is note-reading technique, considering that the object of study in this research is a text, namely the novel Rain by Tere Liye. The data analysis used in this research is content analysis or scientific methods for studying and drawing conclusions by utilizing text.The research results show thatThe intrinsic elements in the novel Rain by Tere Liye have a theme of romance, the plot used is a back and forth plot, setting of place, setting of time, namely day, morning and evening. The characters in this novel are Lail, Esok, Maryam, Elijah, Lail's mother, Lail's father, Tomorrow's mother, Queen Mother, Mayor's wife, Mayor and Claudia. The point of view in this novel is as he, she and the person's name. The language styles used in this novel are personification, contradiction and pleonasm. The message in this novel is to accept everything that God has given us and always be unyielding. The extrinsic element in this novel is the author's background. Thus, it can be concluded that this novel proves that the tools used are very sophisticated because this novel is set in the future which prioritizes practicality.</em></p> Jumriati Jumriati Herawati Arief S ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 1454 1469 Community Communication Strategy Bangun Raya in Maintaining Harmony Between NU and Muhammadiyah Religious Groups <p>Communication is the process of sending and receiving messages. The purpose of communication is for the communicator to do what is intended in the message. Communication can be successful when people perceive the closeness or similarity of the communication message. Otherwise, conflicts will arise. Conflict affects harmony. Conflict can strengthen harmony or divide a nation. Strategies in communication are needed to facilitate the communication process, especially in communication between cultures or religions. Culture and religion are very prone to conflict, so communication between cultures or religions is very necessary in Indonesia because the Indonesian language is very diverse. In other words, the function of communication is to maintain multicultural or multireligious harmony. The aim of this research is to determine the communication strategies of the Bangun Raya community in maintaining harmony between the NU and Muhammadiyah religious groups. Apart from that, this research is qualitative in nature. Data collection was carried out observationally, by making observations at the research location. regarding data analysis, starting from data collection, data reduction, data presentation to drawing conclusions. The results of this research show that the communication strategies carried out by the NU and Muhammadiyah community in Bangun Raya are intrapersonal communication, interpersonal communication, group communication and intercultural communication. Apart from that, there are also four factors that can strengthen relations between these two religious groups, namely Muhammadiyah and NU, namely awareness of differences in understanding, a high level of meeting, and the existence of kinship relations.</p> Roni Apriadi Akhmad Rifa'i ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 1470 1479 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7832 The Impact of Gamification on Problem Solving Skills in STEM Education: A Meta-analysis <p>This meta-analysis aimed to investigate the impact of gamification on problem-solving skills in STEM education. The study analyzed 16 studies that compared gamification-based interventions with traditional teaching methods in primary and early secondary education. The results showed moderate positive effects of gamification on problem-solving skills, with a weighted mean effect size of 0.67. Additionally, the analysis revealed significant heterogeneity between studies, suggesting that the effectiveness of gamification varied across different contexts. Moderator analyses indicated that primary school students benefited more from gamification-based interventions than secondary school students, but gender did not have a significant moderating effect. The study highlights the potential benefits of gamification in enhancing problem-solving skills in STEM education, particularly for primary school students. However, the findings also suggest that the effectiveness of gamification may depend on various factors, such as the specific context and student demographics, which warrants further investigation.</p> Ellina Rienovita Arifin Arifin Venty Sopacua Wahyu Kumala Sari Bambang Mardi Sentosa Mia Aina Hersiyati Palayukan Tomi Apra Santosa ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 1480 1488 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7843 The role of independent curriculum policy in improving character education in the 4.0 era in Indonesia <p>This article aims to see how the 4.0 era or the industrial era and also this technology affects the character of students in Indonesia as well as the role of independent curriculum policies in addressing student character education and still being able to master technology which is a global need. This research uses a process similar to a review literature or studies. Collecting references from many previous studies and combining them to produce findings is one method of conducting literature studies (Mardalis, 1999). There are various strategies that can be used to carry out the process of changing student characteristics through digital learning to develop their reading comprehension skills through the use of comprehension software. reading.In the context of the era of globalization and technological progress, education has a vital role in shaping the character of students who are strong and ethical. Challenges do not only come from the pandemic, but also from the industrial revolution and technological developments in the digital era, which affect the way we learn and interact . The independent learning policy - independent campus is an effort to enable the development of creativity and skills that are relevant to the demands of the ever-changing world of work. Through this approach, we can strengthen character values ​​such as nationalism, religiosity, independence, integrity and mutual cooperation, thereby helping students to face the era of disruption better.</p> Alika Rema putri Yupita Dwi Saputri Denny Prayuda Hansein Arif Wijaya ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 1489 1495 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7818 Mathematical Literacy in Mathematical Learning Visual Auditory Kinestetic (VAK) Model Using The Mathcitymap Application <p>Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kualitas literasi matematika pada pembelajaran model VAK dengan menggunakan <em>mobile math trails</em>, serta untuk mengetahui dan mendeskripsikan literasi matematika pada pembelajaran model VAK. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kuantitatif dengan menggunakan teknik sampel cluster random sampling dengan membagi sampel menjadi 2 kelompok yaitu kelompok eksperimen dan kelompok kontrol. Kualitas hasil pembelajaran model VAK dengan menggunakan aplikasi <em>Math City Map</em> pada penelitian ini akan diukur menggunakan uji ketuntasan, uji beda kemampuan literasi, dan uji peningkatan kemampuan literasi, yang sebelumnya akan dilakukan uji normalitas, homogenitas, dan uji banding independent t-Test pada data pretest dan posttest. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa rata-rata peningkatan literasi matematika pada pembelajaran VAK menggunakan aplikasi <em>MathCityMap </em>lebih tinggi dari literasi matematika siswa pada pembelajaran PBL.</p> Widi Pratiwi Oktaristanti Wardono Wardono Adi Nur Cahyo ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 1496 1501 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7841 Teachers’ Perception Toward Silent Way Method Used in EFL Classroom <p><em>Today's English learners are required to learn English independently and motivated because they cannot rely too much on their teachers to learn in the classroom. The present study was to seek how the teachers’ perception toward silent way method used in EFL classroom. Title: Teachers' Perceptions of the Silent Way Method in EFL Classrooms: A Qualitative Inquiry. This study investigates the perceptions of teachers regarding the utilization of the Silent Way method in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) classrooms. The Silent Way approach, characterized by its learner- centered, non-verbal communication techniques, has garnered attention for its potential to enhance language acquisition. Through a qualitative inquiry employing interviews, observations, and document analysis, this research explores teachers' experiences, challenges, and beliefs concerning the implementation of the Silent Way method. Findings offer insights into the effectiveness of this approach, its alignment with pedagogical principles, and implications for EFL instructional practices. Adopting quantitative methodological design and analyzing the data collected through questionnaires, it was revealed that (1) teachers’ perception toward the use of silent way in English class is really positive and helpful for teachers’ itself (2) the use SWM is really have many advantages, teachers are suggested to tried using this because by the students’ think it’s more challenging; as for learners, learners are encouraged to be independent in language learning through training activity in the classroom or with grouped learning activity outside the class with peers and merits the internet for good.</em></p> Nihta V. F. Liando Maria I. Poluan Ignatius J. C. Tuerah ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 1502 1515 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7850 Improve Beginning Reading Skills Through Braille Rotary Wheel Media for Blind Children <p><em>The problem was motivated by the discovery of blind students in SLBN 1 Alahan Panjang class VII who were unable to read words with braille vowel consonant (KVKV) vowel consonant patterns. As a result, the student is still in phase A. The purpose of the research is to find out the braille rotary wheel media in improving initial reading with the KVKV pattern. Single Subject Research (SSR) is a method that will be carried out by researchers with research design A-B-A. Variable (Y) of this study is the ability to read the beginning of braille while variable (X) is braille rotary wheel media.</em> <em>Data collection techniques are carried out using observations and deeds tests, while data collection tools are checklist instruments loaded in the form of percentage scores. The results obtained explain that the ability to read the beginning of braille in baseline conditions (A1) percentage of test results (38%-44%), intervention conditions (50%-63%) and baseline conditions (A2) percentage of test results (66%-77%). The conclusion obtained is that there is an increase in initial reading after the use of braille rotary wheel media.</em></p> Faiqah Dzakiyatus Safna Damri Damri Asep Ahmad Sopandi Johandri Taufan ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 1516 1520 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7654 Efforts of Islamic Education Teachers Through the Card Sort Method in Improving Learning Outcomes of Islamic Education in Junior High School <p>This research investigates the effectiveness of using the card sort method in improving students' learning achievement in Islamic education. Teachers employ this method as a learning strategy to facilitate understanding of complex concepts in Islamic religion. The research approach is qualitative, with a field study design conducted at the research site with the goal of description. Data collection techniques include interviews, observations, and documentation. After conducting observations and research in the field, the results indicate that using the card sort method significantly enhances students' understanding of Islamic religious material, especially in self-awareness and introspection. This is evidenced by a significant improvement in test scores through practice exercises. The practical implications of this research highlight the importance of implementing innovative and interactive learning methods in Islamic education to enhance student learning achievement.</p> Mita Septianah Deni Priansyah ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 1521 1524 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7840 TRECB (Transformative Reflexive Empowering Character Building) Based Practice Student Profile in Elementary Schools <p><em>The era is so sophisticated, information is developing rapidly, of course accompanied by side effects, namely moral decline, thus the researchers take a solution attitude. The purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness of the application of the TRECB model. Information Gathering, Planning, developing initial product forms, initial field tests, main product revisions, main field tests, operational product revisions, operational field tests, final product revisions, and dissemination and implementation of the results of the research from 7 schools the researchers visited 60% that is 4 schools have implemented character education, then 3 schools still have not used the right method in its implementation so researchers found an effective formula in formulating the TRECB model character education with 4P+1i services namely introduction, practice, repetition, habituation , and internalization, research results this is the realization of a significant change of 80% to the realization of an internalized character profile in students, character habituation has begun to cultivate the essence of children who are consciously carrying out good behavior, so that it can be concluded that the idea of developing the TRECBEducational Model is a solution to reflect better changes in student character elementary school that we desire without any coercion the students carry out good character habituation.</em></p> M. Bambang Edi Siswanto Suryanti Suryanti Mochammad Nursalim Siska Nur Wahida ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 1525 1535 Improving Lateral Series Addition Ability for Deaf Children Through Class VI Counting Funnel Media at SLB Kemala Bhayangkari <p><em>This research aim</em> <em>to improve</em><em>d</em><em> the abi</em><em>l</em><em>lity to add lateral series for deaf children at SLB Kemala Bhayangkari, Lintau Buo by using the educational media Funnel Counting. The counting funnel media acts as educational demonstration equipment that can be sen and make it easie for student to add up. Th</em><em>e</em><em> research use a quntitative approa</em><em>a</em><em>ch with e</em><em>k</em><em>perimental method, name</em><em>l</em><em>ly Sing</em><em>el</em><em> Subject Research(SSR)</em> <em>and Design A1-B-A2, and information is analy</em><em>s</em><em>ed using visual</em><em>l</em><em> graph by enter data in graphs wich are then anal</em><em>l</em><em>yzed basd on condition A1-B-A2. The result of reseach using count</em><em>ed</em><em> funnel medi</em><em>a</em><em>can improve the abil</em><em>l</em><em>ity to add lateral series for deaf children in class VI at SLB Kemala Bhayangkari, Lintau Buo.</em></p> Elsia Sri Wahyuni Zulmiyetri Zulmiyetri Rahmatrisilvia Rahmatrisilvia Setia Budi ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 1536 1539 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7860 Improve the Ability to Recognize Vowal Letters through the Media Sand Paper Letter Modification in Deaf Children <p><em>This study aims to improve the ability to recognize vowel letters through Modified Letter sandpaper media for deaf children in class VI at SLB Negeri 1 Pagaruyung. This research uses Single Subject Research &amp; experimental research type with A-B design. Data collection in this study was carried out by observation, question and answer &amp; trial. Data collection tools use percentages. The research output guidelines are described through graphs.&nbsp; Based on the research output, it can be seen that the ability to recognize vowel letters of deaf children increases after using modified sandpaper letter media. So it can be concluded that the modified sandpaper letter media can improve the ability to recognize vowel letters in deaf children in class VI at SLB Negeri 1 Pagaruyung. </em></p> Berlina Anisa Putri Zulmiyetri Zulmiyetri ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 1540 1544 Efforts to Increase Student Activity and Learning Outcomes with Flat Building Materials Using the Problem-Based Learning (PBL) Learning Model <p>This research aims to increase students' activeness and learning outcomes regarding flat shapes by using the problem-based learning model in class III of SD N Ploso. This research is classroom action research. The data analysis technique uses qualitative and quantitative descriptive analysis. The subjects of this research were 4 students in class III of SD N Ploso. The research results show an increase in student activity and learning outcomes in each cycle. During the pre-cycle the average student learning activity was 25%, then in cycle I the average increased to 50% and in cycle II the average increased by 75%. Furthermore, the average value of student learning outcomes also increased in each cycle starting from the pre-cycle of 62.5. Furthermore, in cycle I it increased by 70, and in cycle II it increased again to 82.5. Based on the results of the research, it can be concluded that the use of the problem-based learning model can increase the activity and learning outcomes of class III students at SD N Ploso in the shape material.</p> Cyrenia Novella Krisnamurti ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 1545 1549 The Influence Of Communication Competency, Content Creation Competency, Security Competency And Teacher Work Competency On The Performance Of State Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Teachers In Lampung Province <p>Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi penerapan literasi digital dalam menyelesaikan tugas-tugas sekolah dengan melakukan pencarian informasi pada internet dan media digital lainnya, sebagai guru pencarian di internet dan penggunaan teknologi digital sudah sangat sering dilakukan meskipun implementasi literasi digital belum sepenuhnya dimiliki oleh guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Negeri, guru seringkali masih kesulitan menyelesaikan tugas di sekolah. Adapun metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu metode pendekatan deskriptif kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa hasil penilaian kinerja dapat digunakan oleh guru, kepala sekolah, dan pengawas untuk melakukan refleksi terkait dengan tugas dan fungsinya dalam rangka memberikan layanan kepada masyarakat dan meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan melalui peningkatan kinerja guru, dapat digunakan sebagai bahan evaluasi diri bagi guru sehingga mengetahui kekuatan, kelemahan, peluang dan tantangan yang dimilikinya sebagai bahan untuk mengembangkan potensi dan profil kinerjanya.</p> Laila Maharani Deri Firmansyah Syamsuri Ali Yuli Supriani Mega Aria Monica ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 1550 1560 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7866 Implementation of Case-Based Method (CBM) Learning Model under OBE paradigm in the Electromagnetic Field Course <p>This paper evaluates the implementation of the Case-Based Learning Model (CBM) in the Electromagnetic Field course under the Outcome-Based Education (OBE) approach in the undergraduate Electrical Engineering program at Universitas Andalas (Unand). CBM, involving students in case analysis, is integrated into OBE to achieve desired learning outcomes. Evaluation is conducted through attendance, mid-term exams (UTS), final exams (UAS), and case study reports. The analysis of student grades shows satisfactory class performance but with significant variability. Improvement focus is recommended on enhancing conceptual understanding, especially prior to UTS and UAS. By focusing on strengthening conceptual understanding and intervening with low-performing students, this model can continue to enhance the quality of learning in the Electromagnetic Field course. This evaluation provides in-depth insights into individual achievements and class dynamics overall. In conclusion, the implementation of CBM in Electromagnetic Field within the OBE framework provides opportunities to produce graduates with relevant theoretical knowledge and practical skills.</p> Abdul Rajab Baharuddin Baharuddin ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 1561 1565 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7089 Implementation AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process) Method As A Decision Support Model For Determining Tourist Location In Lampung Province <p>Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi perkembangan wisata khususnya di Indonesia mengalami fluktuasi yang cukup luar biasa, begitu juga terkait wisata berbasis religi. Hal ini dikarenakan nilai yang dimiliki dari lokasi wisata religi tersebut. Objek wisata memiliki nilai sejarah khususnya sejarah perkembangan dan perjuangan tokoh-tokoh muslin dalam mengusir penjajahan di Indonesia. Khususnya di Propinsi Lampung. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui impelementasi metode AHP (analitical hierarcy process) sebagai model pendukung keputusan penentuan lokasi wisata di Provinsi Lampung. Adapun metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu metode pendekatan kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kualitas transaksi site sangat erat kaitannya dengan kualitas sumber daya manusia (SDM) dimana pada produk jasa, manusia menjadi mind product. SDM bidang Pariwisata adalah semua aspek manusia yang menunjang kegiatan kepariwisataan, baik berwujud maupun tidak berwujud, yang bertujuan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan dan menciptakan kepuasan wisatawan serta memberikan dampak positif bagi perekonomian, kesejahteraan, serta kelestarian lingkungan dan budaya di suatu kawasan wisata. Peningkatan kualitas sumber daya manusia sangat penting dalam meningkatkan kualitas destinasi wisata khususnya wisata religi.</p> Syamsuri Ali M. Indra Saputra Laila Maharani Yuli Supriani Istihana Istihana ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 1566 1575 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7870 Development of an Acid Base E-Module based on Flip Book Vocational School Industrial Pharmacy Skills Program <p><em>The development of e-modules aims to become an effective learning resource for students, especially in studying acid-base material at the vocational school level. This research aims to evaluate the validity and responses of students to e-modules on acid-base material created using the Flip Book application. The research method used is development research with the ADDIE model. Data was analyzed quantitatively descriptively. The object of the trial is limited to practical aspects, namely class XI students in the Industrial Pharmacy skills program. The research results show that the e-module developed using Flip Book has been validated by material experts, media experts, chemistry subject teachers and pharmaceutical expertise programs, and laboratory assistants, with a score of 95.17%, indicating a very good category and suitable for use in learning . The results of the e-module practicality test of 3.58 are included in the very good category.</em></p> A. Afrinaramadhani Hatta Nur Indah Sari Fandi Ahmad Zulqifli Alqadri ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 1576 1585 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7871 The Effectiveness of Facebook Social Media-Based Learning in Improving Student Learning Outcomes at MTs Islamiyah Bumi Agung <p><em>The selection of media to be used in the learning process is important. </em>Facebook<em> is one of the social media platforms that can be used to deliver subject matter during learning. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of using </em>Facebook<em> social media during learning to improve student learning outcomes at MTs Islamiyah Bumi Agung. This research was conducted at MTs Islamiyah Bumi Agung using two classes, namely class VII 1 as the experimental class and class VII 2 as the control class. This type of research is a type of quantitative research with the help of experimental methods using a true experimental design. The data collection technique in this study used a test instrument whose results were obtained from students of MTs Islamiyah Bumi Agung. The results of the study based on the results of statistical analysis using the t-test obtained a significance value (sig. 2-tailed) of 0.13 which is smaller than 0.05. So based on the t-test decision it can be concluded that if the significance value is smaller than 0.05 then H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted. This shows that there is a significant difference in student learning outcomes in Jurisprudence subjects between students who are taught using </em>Facebook<em> social media and not taught using </em>Facebook<em> social media.</em></p> Muhammad Faisal Haqi ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 1586 1591 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7847 Effectiveness of Mentessori Multiplication Board Learning Media to Improve the Ability to Multiplicate 1-10 for Cerebral Palsy Children <p>This research was motivated by problems that researchers found at SLB N 1 Lima Kaum. A Cerebral Palsy student who is still not optimal in multiplication 1-10. This research aims to improve the ability to multiply numbers 1-10 using the Mentessori Multiplication Board learning media. Researchers use quantitative research with an experimental approach in the form of Single Subject Research (SSR). With A-B-A design. Data was analyzed using graphic visual analysis. Techniques for collecting data include tests and data collection tools for test questions. The subjects of the research were Cerebral Palsy students in class VIII SLB N 1 Lima Kaum. The research results show that the Mentessori multiplication board learning media is effectively used to improve the ability to multiply 1-10.</p> Nadya Nurhasanah Nurhastuti Nurhastuti Mega Iswari Damri Damri ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 1592 1599 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7877 Community Perception of the Todilaling Grave in Napo Village, Limbor Districy, Polewali Mandar <p>The Todilaling Tomb is the Tomb of the first King of Balanipa. Pilgrimages to the Todilaling <br>Tomb have been carried out for generations, but some people make pilgrimages to the Todilaling Tomb<br>to ask for blessings. This gives rise to differences in perception in society. The sub-problems in this<br>research are 1) what was Todilaling's policy as the first King of the Balanipa Kingdom in Polewali<br>Mandar Regency, 2) what was the public's perception of the Todilaling Tomb in Napo Village, Limboro<br>District, Polewali Mandar Regency. Study This aim For know policy Todilaling as the first King of the<br>Balanipa Kingdom and perception public towards the Todilaling Grave . This research is study field<br>with use approach Qualitative. The results of this research show that, 1) during Todilaling's reign there<br>were several policies issued, including the policy of changing the Kingdom's government system, before<br>Todilaling Reign condition become a King does not own condition after Todilaling come policies issued<br>is All King selection systems are based on lineage, which means that only the King's descendants have<br>the right to become the next King. Then the second policy is change Community customs which is<br>inhumane , 2) The Tomb of King Todilaling creates a perception among the public, there are people who<br>believe that if they want something they can ask at the Tomb of Todilaling, then there are also people<br>who don't believe it because they think this act is an idolatrous act.</p> Musyarif Musyarif Ahdar Djamaluddin Rezki Kasim ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 1600 1605 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7881 Transformation of Learning in the Digital Era: Towards Innovative and Effective Learning at MTs TPI (Taman Pendidikan Islam) Purbasinomba Paluta <p>The digital era has brought significant changes to the world of education, including at MTs TPI (Islamic Education Park) Purbasinomba Paluta. This research aims to explore the transformation of learning in the digital era and its impact on innovation and learning effectiveness in the school. This research uses qualitative methods with case studies. Data was collected through interviews, observation and document analysis. The research results show that MTs TPI (Islamic Education Park) Purbasinomba Paluta has implemented several forms of technology in learning, such as computers, projectors, digital learning platforms and digital teaching materials. Despite efforts to implement technology, several challenges are still faced, such as limited infrastructure, teacher competency, and student participation. To overcome this challenge, this research recommends several strategies, such as teacher training, infrastructure development, and implementation of project-based learning. This research found that the technology-based learning transformation at MTs TPI (Islamic Education Park) Purbasinomba Paluta had a positive impact on student interest and motivation, digital literacy skills, and learning outcomes. In conclusion, learning transformation in the digital era can increase innovation and learning effectiveness with the right strategy. This research provides valuable insights for other schools looking to adopt technology in their learning processes</p> Ahmad Taufik Henrawansyah Harahap Monica Mulyani Batubara Leli Hasanah Lubis ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 1606 1611 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7890 Development of Education Pancasila Citizenship Learning Media based on Edutainment as an Effort to Nurture the Character of Students of SDN 105343 Ramunia I/II <p><em>In this very modern era, it is possible that Indonesian children, especially students, prefer more modern things, so that in learning there are many media that can be used to attract students' interest in learning so that it becomes more interesting. motivated in learning. Pancasila Citizenship Education is the subject that students are least interested in, there are very few people interested in it, therefore edutainment-based interactive media in learning Pancasila Citizenship Education can be useful in attracting students' attention to learning Pancasila Citizenship Education. The media used can make students have a high level of interest and curiosity so that students become more active, creative and have a higher enthusiasm for learning.</em></p> Anwar Anwar Eka Nurbulan Emi Juwita Saragih Sri Yunita Yakobus Ndona ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 1612 1617 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7801 Principal's Planning in Teacher Performance Development and Learning Improvement at SMP Nurul Hikmah Lombok <p>Perencanaan yang efektif oleh kepala sekolah merupakan hal yang penting dalam pembinaan kinerja guru dan peningkatan pembelajaran di Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP) Nurul Hikmah, Lombok. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi peran perencanaan kepala sekolah dalam mempengaruhi kinerja guru dan pembelajaran di SMP Nurul Hikmah. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, dengan teknik pengumpulan data melalui wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi, Responden penelitian meliputi kepala sekolah dan guru. Adapun teknik analisis datanya menggunakan model interaktif. Sehingga hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa perencanaan yang disusun secara sistematis oleh kepala sekolah memiliki dampak yang signifikan terhadap kinerja guru dan peningkatan pembelajaran di SMP Nurul Hikmah. Perencanaan ini mencakup pengembangan rencana kerja yang jelas dan terukur, pemanfaatan teknologi dalam pembelajaran pemantauan dan evaluasi kinerja guru. Selain&nbsp; itu juga perencanaan yang dilakukan oleh kepala sekolah mempunyai dampak yang sangat signifikan dalam kemajuan lembaga pendidikan seperti kejelasan tujuan pembelajaran dan peningkatan kesiapan mengajar.</p> Miftahul Jannah Muhammad Muhammad ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 1618 1626 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7898 Dynamics of Bima City Islamic Boarding’s School: Study of Sustainability and Unsustainability Factors <p>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan pondok pesantren Kota Bima mampu bertahan (sustainability) dan ketidak mampuan pesantren bertahan (unsustainability). Penelitian ini termasuk Field Research dalam kerangka metode kualitatif. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini ialah Kepala Kementerian Agama Kota Bima, para pendiri pondok pesantren di Kota Bima, para pemimpin pesantren, tokoh masyarakat di daerah lokasi pesantren, tokoh agama, ustad/guru/mudabir pesantren, santri pesantren. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan, yaitu observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Prosedur analisis data yang digunakan ialah pengumpulan data, kondensasi data, display data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa dalam perkembangannya, pondok pesantren di Kota Bima mengalami sustainability dan unsustainability. Sustainability pesantren ditentukan oleh adanya figur ulama pada pondok pesantren yang menjadi panutan dan disegani oleh masyarakat. Sedangkan unsustainability pesantren disebabkan absennya dua unsur penting pesantren yaitu tidak tersedianya kiai dan ngaji kitab kuning, dan tidak tersedianya manejerial pondok pesantren sehingga banyak potensi yang terdapat dalam pondok pesantren tidak terkelola dengan optimal dan tidak terlaksananya proses kaderisasi di pesantren, hal ini dapat dilihat setelah wafatnnya kiai sebagian pesantren tidak mampu bertatahan bahkan tutup. Adapun upaya pesantren Kota Bima dalam mempertahankan Sustainability dan Unsustainability, antara lain: a) Optimalkan program Kaderisasi; b) Mengoptimalkan manajemen pesantren; dan c) Inovasi pesantren.</p> Supriadin Supriadin Ismail Thoib Mukhlis Mukhlis ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 1627 1643 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7901 Management of Digitalization of Islamic Boarding Schools in Realizing the Quality of Modern Education at Nahdlatul Wathan Quran House Lombok <p>Penelitian ini mengkaji tentang pengelolaan digitalisasi di Rumah Quran Nahdlatul Wathan Lombok dalam upaya mewujudkan kualitas pendidikan modern. Dalam era globalisasi dan digitalisasi, pesantren dituntut untuk mengadopsi teknologi informasi guna meningkatkan efisiensi dan efektivitas proses pembelajaran serta pengelolaan administrasi pendidikan. Studi ini berfokus pada langkah-langkah yang diambil oleh Rumah Quran Nahdlatul Wathan Lombok dalam membangun infrastruktur teknologi, mengembangkan kurikulum digital, serta meningkatkan kompetensi digital para pendidik dan santri. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah studi kasus dengan pendekatan kualitatif, melibatkan observasi langsung, wawancara mendalam dengan pihak pengelola, sedangkan teknik analisis data menggunakan model interaktif. Adapun hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa digitalisasi telah membawa dampak positif signifikan dalam berbagai aspek, termasuk aksesibilitas materi pembelajaran, efisiensi administrasi, dan peningkatan keterampilan digital santri.</p> Husnul Haetami Muhammad Muhammad ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 1644 1651 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7899 Meta-Analysis of Discovery Learning Interventions in Higher Eduaction <p>Discovery learning is an active, student-centered teaching method, where students are encouraged to independently explore and build their own understanding of a topic. This model can improve student learning at various levels of Education including higher education. However, there is no comprehensive meta-analysis of the effect size of research models in higher education. This study aims to conduct a meta-analysis of discovery learning interventions in higher education.&nbsp; Data sources come from 13 national and international journals published in 2022-2024. The source data was obtained through the scientific journal database google scholar, ScienceDirect, Wiley and ERIC. The inclusion criteria in this meta-analysis are that the research must be an experimental method; research comes from SINTA or Scopus indexed journals; Research must be relevant to the discovery learning model in higher education; Journals must be open access and have complete data to calculate the effect size. The results of this study concluded that the Discovery learning model had a significant impact applied to universities with an effect size value of 1,062; p &lt; 0.001) with very high effect size criteria. The findings of this study support the use of discovery learning interventions in higher education.</p> Fahmi Qodrul Asphar Asmawati Asmawati Dawi Yanti Sukini Sukini Mohammad Edy Nurtamam Hadi Widodo Tomi Apra Santosa ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 1652 1659 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7900 Strengthening the Professionalism of Pre-Service Elementary School Teachers in the Preparation of Learning Tools on the Independent Curriculum <p>The purpose of this community service activity is to increase the knowledge and understanding of prospective elementary school teachers in preparing learning tools based on the Independent Curriculum and to determine the participants' response to the training activities carried out. The method used is training and hands-on practice. With the stages of activity consisting of the preparation stage, activity implementation stage, and activity evaluation. The instruments used were a preliminary study questionnaire and a training participant response questionnaire. Training activities were carried out at the Shanti Bhuana Institute, Bengkayang Regency with a total of 70 prospective elementary school teachers. The results of the training showed that 67.2% of participants felt very helpful and 32.8% answered helpful, indicating that this training was declared useful for prospective elementary school teachers and motivated prospective teachers to develop their own learning tools so as to improve the quality of education in Bengkayang Regency.</p> Kartono Kartono Rio Pranata Hairida Hairida Siti Halidjah Agung Hartoyo Hery Kresnadi Asmayani Salimi Dyoty Auliya Vilda Ghasya ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 1660 1664 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7057 Track Record of Islamic Education at Al Fatih Islamic Private Elementary School, Deli Serdang Regency (Historical Study of Islamic Education) <p>This research aims to determine the development of the Al-Fatih Islamic Elementary School and find out the curriculum used. In this research the author uses historical methods or historical methods. The historical method consists of data collection, source criticism, interpretation and finally historiography.&nbsp; The research approaches used in this research are the geographical approach, sociological approach, educational approach and historical education.</p> <p>The results of this research are 1) Al-Fatih Islamic Elementary School or abbreviated as SD I Al-Fatih was founded in 2014 and is located at Jln. Medan-Tanjung Morawa Gg. Darmo KM. 13.5 Hamlet VII Bangun Sari Village. From the first year to the fourth year, namely 2014-2017, the principal was Ustad Indra Rustam, M.Ag. Then from 2018 until now, the principal was Ustad Ahmad Solihin, S.HI. and received accreditation in 2019 with accreditation B. Currently this school has 276 students. 2) the curriculum used at this Islamic Elementary School is Curriculum 13 and focuses on the Tahfid program, which is mandatory in every class. The number of subjects is 16 lessons, namely: a) Tahfidz, b) Physical Education, Sports and Health (PJOK), c) Arabic, d) Hadith, e) Aqidah Akhlak, f) Indonesian, g) Mathematics, h) Fiqh , i) Qur'an Hadith, j) Pancasila and Citizenship Education (PPKn), k) Arts and Culture, l) History of Islamic Culture (SKI), m) Natural and Social Sciences (IPAS), n) English, o) Social Sciences (IPS), and p) Social Sciences (IPA).</p> Muhammad Sapii Harahap Ahmad Zaky Suhendri Suhendri Suswanto Suswanto Fatkhur Rohman Romat Efendi Sipahutar ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 1665 1676 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7927 Effectiveness of Colored Stick In Improving Addition Skills for Deaf Children <p>This research aims to investigate the effectiveness of colored sticks in improving lateral addition skills, with sums ranging from more than 10 to 20, among sixth-grade deaf students at SLB Hikmah Reformasi Padang. The research employs an SSR approach with an A-B-A design. It consists of 13 sessions divided into three phases. The first phase, baseline (A1), spans 3 meetings, showing stable results with a score of 20. The second phase, intervention (B), lasts for 7 meetings, indicating improvement with scores increasing from 30 to 75 and demonstrating stability from the 9th to the 10th meeting. The final phase, another baseline (A2), takes place over 3 meetings, showing stable results with a score of 90 in the 12th and 13th meetings. These findings indicate an enhancement in addition skills, with results up to 20, using colored sticks among deaf children.</p> Cahaya Sha'adah Aiyouti Zulmiyetri Zulmiyetri Mega Iswari Setia Budi ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 1677 1680 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7931 An Analysis of Teachers’ Professionality Competences in Teaching English at SMK Negeri 1 Gunungsitoli Alo’oa in 2023/2024 <p>Teachers' professional competence is very important to be owned by an educator so that students' abilities can be improved properly. This study aims to find out how the professional competence of teachers and what factors influence the low achievement of teacher professional competence at SMK Negeri 1 Gunungsitoli Alo'oa, especially for two English teachers who became participants in this study. The method used in this research is qualitative method. To obtain the data, the researcher used two data collection techniques, namely observation and interview. After obtaining the data, the researcher analysed the data by using Saputri's theory in Huberman (2023: 30), namely reducing data, displaying data and concluding data. The results of the research are as follows. Of the five indicators of teacher professional competence, two indicators have been achieved, namely indicators of mastery of learning materials and mastery of competency standards, while indicators that have not been achieved are creative development of learning materials, creative development of learning media and utilisation of information technology. The factors that influence the non-achievement of the three professional competencies of teachers are The first factor is the beliefs and values that exist in the teacher. Both teachers do not have the confidence to create new creativity and innovation due to inadequate school facilities. The second factor is personality characteristics, the lack of cohesiveness between teachers in collaborating to improve teachers' professional competence. The third factor is motivation, both teachers are motivated in creating new innovations, the obstacle is the lack of support for these innovations, for example when looking for new innovations there are obstacles in references due to unsupportive internet access. then the fourth factor is emotional problems. Both teachers admitted that they were afraid of making mistakes in creativity because it would hurt if the results of the creativity they created were not used.Based on these results, it can be concluded that the professional competence of teachers in both English teachers at SMK Negeri 1 Gunungsitoli Alo'oa has not been achieved.</p> Teti Mawati Gulo Riswan Zega Trisman Harefa Yasminar Amaerita Telaumbanua ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 1681 1688 The Influence of Alpha Waves in Cultural Arts (Music) Learning at Secondary School <p>Pendidikan musik, seperti yang dirasakan oleh para siswa, terutama berkisar pada aspek-aspek praktis, sering kali mengabaikan dimensi kognitif, afektif, dan psikomotorik yang melekat dalam pendidikan. Akibatnya, aspek kognitif dari pendidikan musik cenderung kurang menarik bagi siswa. Sebagai tanggapan, berbagai upaya telah dilakukan untuk merangsang konsentrasi kognitif siswa selama aspek teori pendidikan musik dengan memanfaatkan gelombang alpha. Gelombang alpha ini diintegrasikan selama pelajaran teori musik dan disajikan dalam bentuk video yang diunggah ke YouTube agar dapat diakses kapan saja dan di mana saja.Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menyelidiki dampak dari penggunaan YouTube sebagai media, dikombinasikan dengan musik latar yang mengandung frekuensi gelombang alpha, terhadap aspek teoritis pendidikan Seni Budaya (mus-ik). Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif untuk mengkorelasikan kinerja antara kelompok kontrol (tidak terpapar gelombang alpha) dan kelompok eksperi-men (mengalami stimulasi gelombang alpha). Data dikumpulkan melalui penilaian yang dilakukan oleh guru Seni Budaya dan kemudian dianalisis dengan menggunakan teknik korelasi Pearson sebagai bentuk analisis data. Setelah meninjau hasil dari sampel pertama (kelompok eksperimen) dan sampel kedua (kelompok kontrol), terlihat jelas bahwa hipotesis akhir (hasilnya) tidak sesuai dengan hipotesis awal (H0 &gt; Ha).</p> Danny Rozano Sukanta Sukanta Sukanta Sukanta ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 1689 1692 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7930 Description of Numeracy Literacy Skills in Science Learning <p><em>This research is a descriptive study with a quantitative approach with a survey method to describe the numeracy literacy skills of each question answered by 7th grade students of SMP IT wahdah islamiyah Makassar. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of numeracy literacy skills of 8th grade students at SMP IT Wahdah Islamiyah Makassar. The population of this study were all 8th grade students at SMP IT Wahdah Islamiyah Makassar consisting of 3 classes with a total of 89 students. The sample was selected using saturated sampling technique so that the determination of the sample when all members of the population were used as samples and the number of research samples was 89 students. The research instrument is a numeracy literacy test instrument totaling 14 questions. The data collection technique is by giving tests directly. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistical analysis techniques. Based on the results of the analysis it can be concluded that the level of numeracy literacy skills of students has an average value of 30.34 fsn is in the low category.</em></p> Salma Samputri Rifda Nur Hikmahwati Arif ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 1693 1703 Improving the Ability to Recognize Alphabet Letters Through the Use of Educational Posters on Alphabet Sounds for Mildly Mentally Impaired Children <p><em>This research focuses on improving the ability to recognize alphabet letters in mildly mentally retarded children at SLB Negeri 1 Harau, Limapuluh Kota Regency by using educational posters for alphabet sounds. Alphabet sound education poster media can combine audio and visual functions by pressing the buttons available on the media. This research uses a quantitative approach with experimental methods, namely Single Subject Research (SSR) and A1-B-A2 Design, and data is analyzed using visual graphs by entering data in graphs which are then analyzed based on conditions A1-B-A2. The results of research using educational posters using alphabet sound media can improve the ability to recognize alphabet letters in mildly mentally retarded children at SLB Negeri 1 Harau, Kabupaten Lima Puluh Kota.</em></p> Fauziyah Tabitha Wandari Damri Damri Asep Ahmad Sopandi Grahita Kusumastuti ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 1704 1708 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7937 The Influence of Religiosity and Mutual Cooperation on Organizational Commitment <p>This study aims to analyze the influence of religiosity and mutual cooperation on lecturers' organizational commitment, as well as the role of mutual cooperation as a mediator of religiosity, and to assess the quality of the model formed. A quantitative research design with a survey method was used to collect data from 163 lecturers at 13 Health Sciences Colleges in Jakarta. Data analysis was performed using Partial Least Square-Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM). The results show that mutual cooperation and religiosity have a significant direct influence on lecturers' organizational commitment. Additionally, religiosity also has an indirect effect through mutual cooperation. These findings underscore the importance of mutual cooperation in creating a harmonious work environment, supporting collaboration, facilitating professional growth, and building an inclusive organizational culture. The practical implications of this study suggest that higher education institution management can design programs to enhance lecturers' organizational commitment by focusing on mutual cooperation and religiosity.</p> Didi Sutisna Yunita Endra Megiati Noor Komari Pratiwi Dian Novita Rizki Rizkyatul Basir ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 1709 1722 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7940 Application of Picture Alphabet Calendar Media (KALFABER) Towards Literacy Skills of 4-5 Year Old Children in Kindergarten Bina Harapanku <p>This study aims to determine the description of the Application of Picture Alphabet Calendar Media (KALFABER) to the Literacy Skills of 4-5 Year Old Children at Bina Harapanku Kindergarten. The type of research used is descriptive qualitative research. Research respondents were 1 teacher and 15 students. Data collection techniques using observation, interviews and documentation. Data analysis uses data reduction analysis, data presentation and verification. Based on the results of the study that after applying the pictorial alphabet calendar media (Kalfaber), children's literacy skills have developed very well. This proves that the pictorial alphabet calendar media (Kalfaber) can hone children's literacy skills such as the ability to recognize and mention letters, know the sound of the initial letter and can distinguish between letters, distinguish animal sounds from surrounding objects, read syllables and match words with pictures and read words and match words with pictures.</p> Sitti Nur Lina Sitti Nurhidayah Ilyas Rika Kurnia R ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 1723 1731 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7816 Exploring the Relationship Between Education and Economic Growht: A Critical Review Literature <p>&nbsp;Education and economic growth are closely interrelated. Education enhances individual skills and knowledge, which can increase productivity and promote economic growth. On the other hand, economic growth can increase access to education and other resources needed to improve the quality of education. This study aims to critically review the literature on the relationship between education and economic growth. This study used a literature review method to analyze relevant literature on this topic. The literature analyzed included empirical studies, economic theory, and policy papers. Research findings show that there is a strong positive relationship between education and economic growth. Individuals with higher levels of education generally have higher incomes and are more productive. Countries with higher levels of education also tend to have higher economic growth. The study's findings have important implications for education and economic policy. Increased investment in education can improve individual skills and knowledge, which can promote economic growth and improve people's well-being.</p> Daniel Pasaribu ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 1732 1737 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7941 Improvement of Initial Reading Skills through Analytical and Synthetic Structural Methods (SAS) in Grade 1 SD Inpres Timbuseng with Literature Study <p>The aim of this research is to find the main themes and categories of research on improving beginning reading abilities through analytical and synthetic structural methods. Data taken to fulfill the objectives of this research, the author conducted a search from several relevant sources from Google Scholar. Articles are determined by four combinations of keywords, then the articles are included in the data set, researchers apply analytical and synthetic structural methods (SAS). The articles that will be the source of the research are limited to the last five years. The dominant research methodology of the articles reviewed is qualitative. The four main themes revealed from the qualitative content analysis are: SAS method, causes of initial reading ability using the SAS method, cases of initial reading ability using the SAS method, solutions to overcome initial reading ability using the SAS method. Articles are filtered starting from topic description, eligibility criteria and search strategy. The total of articles studied was 15 from different sources. Then review it again according to the theme in the title obtained. The reason why children are less interested in reading is first and foremost because parents are not aware of the importance of reading from an early age. Second, the books in the school library are less interesting, have no pictures, and are not colored according to the child's preferences. Third, public interest in establishing environmental reading parks is very low, even though good reading can improve students' academic achievement. One of the factors causing students' difficulties in reading is the use of methods in learning activities. The solution offered by the teacher is to use several methods and learning media that are appropriate to the child's condition. The main steps taken by researchers when applying the SAS method include dividing sentences into several words, dividing words. into several syllables, dividing syllables into letter sounds, and combining letter sounds into syllable sounds and sound combinations as many as syllables.</p> Perawati Bte Abustang Jusmawati Jusmawati Mutmainna Mutmainna Yandika Putra Fransiska Falentina Asa Kristin Lestari ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 1738 1746 Gender Vocabulary in Qs. Al-Hujurat: Lexicological Study <p><em>This study aims to find out the forms of gender vocabulary in Al-Hujurat and the meaning gender vocabulary. This study uses qualitative research, by collecting information in the form vocabulary and analyzing by presenting data to be studied. Al-Hujurat is the primary data source used to find data, as wellas several other supporting books and journals related to theory. The results of gender vocabularyresearchin Al- Hujurat lexicology study are: (1) the forms gender vocabulary in Al-Hujurat consist (a) two forms of </em><em>مؤنث</em> <em>(female)</em> <em>vocabulary;</em> <em>(b)</em> <em>seven</em> <em>forms</em> <em>of</em> <em>مذكر</em> <em>(male)</em> <em>vocabulary;</em> <em>(c)</em> <em>five</em> <em>forms</em> <em>of</em> <em>gender</em> <em>netral</em> <em>vocabulary;</em> <em>(2) </em><em>analysis of the meaning of gender vocabulary in Al-Hujurat consisting of (a) the meaning of </em><em>مؤنث</em> <em>(female) vocabulary; (b) meaning of muzakkar vocabulary (male); (c) meaning of gender netral vocabulary. From several gender vocabularies that the researcher analyzed, such mu'annas, muzakkar, and gender neutral, the researcher found diverse vocabularies.</em> <em>The meaning of gender contained in Al-Hujurat, researchers found various meanings of mu'annas vocabulary including: al-nisa' (adult women) and </em><em>األنثى</em> <em>(girls). The meanings</em> <em>of</em> <em>muzakkar vocabularyinclude: </em><em>al-zakar, an-nabi, akhun, al-rosul, and al-mu'minun. The meanings of gender netral vocabulary include: </em><em>آمنوا</em><em>, </em><em>الناس</em><em>, </em><em>طائفتين</em><em>, Allah, and </em><em>قوم</em><em>.</em></p> Dyah Ayu Khoirunnisa Arina Elma Husna Nur Hasaniyah ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 1747 1753 Tuan Guru Nyatok's Sufi Heritage in Maintaining Local Cultural Identity in Pujut Central Lombok <p>Penelitian ini mengkaji peran tokoh sufi Tuan Guru Nyatok dalam melestarikan identitas budaya lokal di Pujut, Lombok Tengah. Melalui pendekatan sufistik, Tuan Guru Nyatok berhasil menyebarkan ajaran Islam tanpa menghilangkan tradisi dan kearifan lokal masyarakat setempat. Dengan menekankan aspek spiritual dan cinta kepada Tuhan, beliau mampu menyatukan nilai-nilai Islam dengan budaya lokal yang telah mengakar di masyarakat Pujut. Warisan Tuan Guru Nyatok tercermin dalam berbagai tradisi budaya yang masih dilestarikan, seperti upacara adat merariq, seni pertunjukan tradisional, arsitektur rumah adat, dan pengelolaan sumber daya alam berbasis kearifan lokal. Masyarakat Pujut berhasil menyerap nilai-nilai Islam tanpa menghilangkan identitas budaya mereka, seperti kepercayaan terhadap roh leluhur dan ritual-ritual adat yang dipadukan dengan ajaran-ajaran Islam. Ajaran tasawuf Tuan Guru Nyatok memberikan pengaruh mendalam terhadap kehidupan masyarakat Pujut, seperti pola hidup sederhana, penghayatan spiritual, dan hidup selaras dengan alam. Meskipun menghadapi tantangan modernisasi, masyarakat Pujut tetap berupaya melestarikan warisan Tuan Guru Nyatok sebagai identitas budaya yang bernilai tinggi. Penelitian ini menegaskan pentingnya mempertahankan kearifan lokal sebagai benteng identitas masyarakat dan menjadi contoh harmoni antara Islam dan budaya lokal di Indonesia.</p> Baiq Ulfahani Muhammad Muhammad ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 1754 1759 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7936 The Urgent Digitalization Asesmen Needs of Convention and Consulting In The Development of Conselor Competence <p>Every human being living in any world needs what is called evolution. If we as humans are stagnant and don't want to follow the evolution of the times, we're going to get stuck with the development of the IPTEK, so that we are not out of date or out of age. So did the counsellor. Counselors are required to be able to understand the student in depth. A deep understanding of the students is called an assessment process. The realities in the field, the realities on the ground, the implementation of assessments in schools are not implemented to the maximum, besides requiring a sufficiently long mastery of knowledge, practice and synthesis, these conventional methods are irrelevant to the development of students who are very familiar with technology. Therefore, to address such challenges, it is possible to develop digital-based guidance and counseling assessment devices. The data obtained as many as 717 articles covering keywords “urgent digitalization assessment of guidance and counselling needs” and 146 articles that cover the keyword “counsellor competence” then found 15 research articles relevant to the urgency of digitalisation assessments of the need for mentoring and counseling in the development of the competence of counsellors, this is as a measure of evaluation. These results are important for a prospective Islamic consultant to enhance his professional competence in order to be able to compete with today's global challenges.</p> Nur Ainy Pricillia Susanti Budi Purwoko Elisabeth Christiana Retno Tri Hariastuti ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 1760 1776 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7895 Enforcement of Educator Professional Ethics as the Main Pillar in Early Childhood Education <p>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi peran penting etika profesi dalam membentuk karakter anak usia dini, menganalisis tantangan yang dihadapi oleh guru Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini (PAUD) dalam menerapkan etika profesi, serta menyajikan strategi yang dapat digunakan untuk memperkuat etika profesi dalam konteks PAUD. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kajian literatur, di mana data relevan dikumpulkan sebagai sumber utama. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penegakan etika profesi pendidik diperlukan untuk menciptakan lingkungan yang mendukung perkembangan peserta didik. Namun, tantangan yang ada memerlukan pendekatan strategis untuk mengatasinya, seperti meningkatkan kesadaran akan pentingnya etika profesi, memberikan pelatihan yang sesuai, dan memperkuat kerjasama antar guru PAUD dalam memecahkan masalah yang berkaitan dengan etika profesi.</p> Tumewa Pangaribuan Sri Indriani Harianja Naura Salsabila Putri Pahlefi Riska Fitriyanti Nadia Eldiana ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 1777 1789 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7947 Multicultural Education in Islamic Education Didactic-Methodical Review <p>Multicultural education is a cross-border discourse because it is related to democracy and human rights, social justice, and honesty and tolerance for cultural diversity in plural societies. Multicultural education basically aims to create educational discussions, policy makers in the field of Islamic education, students majoring in education science, and general students. This type of research is Library Research, Any form of basic theory related to the research topic is discussed in the literature review, also known as library research. This research uses a qualitative approach, which means that researchers collect descriptive data, namely written or spoken words of people and their observable behavior. After starting the data, researchers use existing theories to provide explanations. The ultimate goal of multicultural education is that students can not only understand and comprehend the subject matter, but they are also expected to have a strong character to act democratically, pluralistically, and humanistically throughout their lives. Because these three things are the core of multicultural education. The didactic-methodic review of Islamic education in multicultural education usually involves various methods and approaches or methods and approaches because they are concepts that must be incorporated into multicultural education.</p> Dhimas Alunandika Saiful Amien ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 1790 1797 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7950 The Influence of Using the Vn Application on the Poetry Learning Motivation of Class X Students of SMA Negeri 7 North Luwu <p>The aim of this research is to determine the effect of using the VN application on the motivation to learn poetry in class X students at SMA Negeri 7 North Luwu. This type of research is Pre-Experimental Design (non design). The population in this study were students of SMA Negeri 7 North Luwu with selected samples from class X.1 of SMA Negeri 7 North Luwu. The assessment instruments used in this research are observation, documentation, and observation results test sheets. The data collection technique is by using documentation and tests. The analysis used in this research is descriptive analysis and inferential analysis. The results of this research show that the use of the VN application can be used as a medium in learning Indonesian, especially reading and musicalizing poetry because it can provide efficiency in learning and effectiveness for students in demonstrating reading and musicalizing poetry, thereby increasing student learning motivation. This was obtained from processing the hypothesis. 2.378 is greater than the critical value of t (2.032), meaning that H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted. Thus, the results of the hypothesis test show that using the VN application in editing videos of reading and musicalizing poetry significantly increases students' learning motivation compared to using the default smartphone editing application at SMA Negeri 7 North Luwu.</p> <p><strong>Keywords </strong>: VN Application, Learning Motivation, Poetry</p> Cici Nurul Aulia Andi Adam Nur Khadijah Razak ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 1798 1810 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7954 Analysis Structure and Rule Language Text Explanation Magazine Voice Muhammadiyah 19th Edition 2023 <p>The aim of this research is to analyze the structure and linguistic rules of explanatory texts in Suara Muhammadiyah magazine, edition 19 of 2023. This research uses a library research type of research <em>with </em>a . The researcher chose this magazine as research material because it is media produced by Muhammadiyah and there has been no previous research using Suara Muhammadiyah magazine. The results of this research found that in the 19th edition of Suara Muhammdiyah magazine three explanatory texts were found which were composed of a complete structure, namely identification of phenomena, series of incidents, and interpretation. As well as linguistic rules in the form of the use of time adverbial indicators, manner adverbial indicators, causality conjunctions, and pronouns.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Ananda Aulya Natasya Syahruddin Syahruddin Anin Asnidar ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 1811 1816 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7953 Effect of Problem-Based Learning Model on Learning Motivation in Quality Control Course <p><em>This study is to evaluate the effectiveness of problem-based learning in increasing student learning motivation in quality control course at college in Lubuk Pakam, North Sumatra Province. The method approach used is quantitative research involving 40 college students as respondents. This research was conducted by providing teaching using problem-based learning, learning model for one semester, and then evaluating student learning motivation. Hypothesis testing uses simple regression analysis. The result showed that the implementation of problem-based learning model significantly increased students' learning motivation in quality control course. Students showed improvement in active engagement in learning, deeper conceptual understanding, and development of problem-solving skills. The findings highlight the importance of interactive and student-centered learning approaches in improving learning effectiveness in higher education.</em></p> Josua Alexander Gultom Windo Sinurat Manaor Silitonga Eliya Fatma Harahap Abdurohim Abdurohim ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 1817 1824 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7904 Use of the Discovery Learning Model on Description Text reading Skills fo Class VII Students of SMP Negeri 2 Sungguminasa in Gowa District <p>This research aims to test the truth about the influence on the application of the <em>Discovery Learning </em>model in learning to read descriptive text in Class VII Students of SMP Negeri 2 Sungguminasa, Gowa Regency.The type of research is experimental research of the <em>True Experiment type </em><em>. </em>The population in this research was Class VII students of SMP Negeri 2 Sungguminasa, Gowa Regency with a total of 42 people. Because the population studied was less than 100 students, in this study a total sample was <em>used </em>. This means that the entire population was sampled in this study, namely 42 samples. The sample in the study was grouped into two groups, namely 21 students in class VII.A as the control group/class and 21 students in class VII.B as the experimental group/class l. To obtain accurate data in this research, questions were used as research instruments. The data that has been collected is analyzed using descriptive techniques to describe the characteristics of the score distribution from the results of the control class and experimental class and inferential analysis techniques (experiments) using the <em>t test analysis type </em>to test the hypothesis.</p> <p>The calculation results are significant between the descriptive text reading skills of class VII students who use the <em>Discoveri Learning model </em>and students who do not use the <em>Discoveri Learning model </em>. This significant difference was proven based on the results of the t-test carried out on the <em>posttest scores </em>of the control and experimental groups with SPSS 20.0. The t-test results of <em>the posttest scores </em>for learning to read descriptive text for the control and experimental groups showed that tcount was 76.66 which was greater than ttable which was 51.42 with db 40.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Keywords: </strong><em>Reading descriptive text, Experiment</em></p> Hanana Muliana ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 1825 1834 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7862 Al-Zarnuji's Thoughts On Islamic Education And Its Relevance <p>Dalam menerapakan nilai-nilai spiritual, religious, dan etika bagi peserta didik diperlukan pendidikan Islam agar nilai-nilai tersebut dapat terbentuk. Namun yang terjadi dilapangan belum mencapai apa yang mejadikan tujuan dari pendidikan. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan suatu pembaharuan dalam konsep pendidikan. Dalam penulisan makalah ini, penuis menggunakan metode studi pustaka (library research). Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif analisis. Penelitian pendidikan al-Zarnuji yang relevan dengan pendidikan era modern ini menunjukkan hasil bahwa: 1) Tujuan pendidikan, hal ini releven berkaiatan dengantujuan pendidikan yang mana keduanya menekankan pada akhlak. 2) Pendidik, hal ini relevan dengan adanya kesesuaian tentang kompetensi kepribadian guru, yaitu guru haruslah memiliki kepribadian yang baik, berakhlak mulia, arif, dan berwibawa serta menjadikan contoh tauladan yang baik. 3) peserta didik, hal ini relevan dengan adanya kesesuaian dengan UU Sisdiknas nomor 23 Tahun 2003 Bab V pasal 12 bahwasannya peserta didik memiliki kewajiban menjaga norma-norma pendidikan. 4) kurikulum, hal ini dapat dilihat dari landasan dasar kurikulum pendidikan Islam yang berkaitan dengan dasar agama dan juga dasar psikologis. 5) metode pendidikan, pada era modern ini metode menghafal dan diskusi masih digunakan sesuai dengan kebutuhannya.</p> Aliya Rohmani ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 1835 1845 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7955 The influence of technology on the development of PAI education on the intellectual intelligence of Yaspia Middle School students <p>Penggunaan teknologi memiliki dampak yang positif dan juga negatif tergantung pada kemampuan siswa SMP yaspia dalam memanfaatkannya . Kebijaksanaan dalam penggunaan Teknologi mempunyai pengaruh yang cukup besar bagi pembentukan kemampuan siswa dan akan berpengaruh terhadap tingkat kecerdasan intelektual siswa. Guru memiliki peran untuk dapat mengetahui perubahanperubahan yang terjadi selama tumbuh kembang Kecerdasan siswa Smp Yaspia Jakarta. Tujuan dari Penelitian ini akan menunjukkan seberapa besar perubahan yang terjadi pada siswa SMP yaspia jakarta setelah mereka menggunakan teknologi dan apakah pengaruh yang diberikan teknologi memiliki pengaruh yang positif atau negatif untuk tingkat kecerdasan siswa&nbsp; yang terdiri dari kecerdasan intelektual. Penelitian ini menggunakan metodologi deskriptif kualitatif(penelitian lapangan) dengan pengambilan data menggunakan kuisioner, wawancara dan observasi .pengolahan data, analisis data dan menyajikan data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa teknologi memiliki dampak yang cukup baik untuk bidang kecerdasan intelektual siswa yang telah disebutkan dengan nilai yang diperoleh dari perhitungan kuisioner. Hasil perhitungan kuisioner untuk kecerdasan intelektual memiliki dampak positif</p> Lia Alviana Lismawati Lismawati ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 1846 1850 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7961 Implementation of Character Education from Parents in Overcoming the Danger of Drugs in Labuhanbatu District <p>This research discusses the implementation of character education from parents in preventing the dangers of drugs in Labuhanbatu Regency. This research was conducted using a qualitative method with a phenomenological approach. Research informants consisted of parents, teenagers and community leaders in Labuhanbatu Regency. The results of the research show that the implementation of character education from parents in Labuhanbatu Regency is quite effective in preventing the dangers of drugs. This is proven by several findings, namely: a. Children who have good character education are more protected from the dangers of drugs. b. Parents who implement character education well have stronger relationships with their children. c. The community in Labuhanbatu Regency supports the implementation of character education. The conclusion of this research is that the implementation of character education from parents is an effective effort to ward off the dangers of drugs in Labuhanbatu Regency. By providing good character education, parents can help their children become a drug-free and high-achieving generation.</p> Mulkan Darajat Galih Orlando Hamna Sari Siregar Naimah Agustina Leli Hasanah Lubis ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 1851 1857 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7958 Development of Quantum Physics E-Modules on Wave Function Material Assisted by Flip PDF Professional <p><em><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hasil pengembangan e-modul fisika kuantum pada materi fungsi gelombang, mengetahui kelayakan pengembangan e-modul, dan mengetahui persepsi mahasiswa terhadap e-modul fungsi gelombang menggunakan flip pdf professional. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian dan pengembangan. Model pengembangan yang digunakan adalah model ADDIE yang terdiri dari lima tahap meliputi analisis, desain, pengembangan, implementasi, dan evaluasi. Namun penelitian ini masih sebatas tahap pengembangan. Instrumen yang digunakan berupa angket validasi ahli materi, ahli media, dan persepsi siswa. Jenis datanya adalah data kualitatif dan kuantitatif. </span></span></em> <em><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Hasil penelitian diperoleh melalui validasi ahli dan persepsi siswa. Pada hasil akhir validasi ahli materi diperoleh skor rata-rata mencapai 4,94 dengan kategori sangat baik. Selanjutnya hasil akhir validasi ahli media memperoleh skor rata-rata 4,82 dengan kategori sangat baik. Kemudian dilakukan uji coba operasional lapangan dengan rata-rata skor mencapai 4,22 dengan kategori sangat baik. Keunggulan utama e-modul yang dikembangkan adalah hadirnya video cara membaca rumus, video pembelajaran tambahan, kuis, dan contoh soal yang memudahkan pemahaman materi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang diperoleh dapat disimpulkan bahwa e-modul fisika kuantum pada materi fungsi gelombang menggunakan professional flip pdf yang dikembangkan berada pada kategori sangat baik untuk digunakan dan disebarluaskan sebagai sumber belajar pelengkap bagi siswa.</span></span></em><em>&nbsp; </em></p> Nur Kholija Harahap Sri Purwaningsih Febri Berthalita Pujaningsih ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 1858 1862 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7962 The Influence of Using Interactive Media on Middle School Students' Ability to Understand Folklore Texts <p class="JPEAbstrakTitle"><span lang="EN">Abstrak</span></p> <p>This type of research is quantitative with an experimental research design. The aim of this research is to determine the results of media use interactive in increase motivation Study And ability understand Folklore text structure in Indonesian language learning. Population in This research consisted of class VII students at SMP Negeri 6 Barru with a selected sample class VII.1 JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL Country 6 Barru. Technique collection data that is with using observation, tests ( <em>pretest </em>and <em>posttest </em>) and questionnaires. Data What was collected was data regarding descriptive analysis and inferential analysis with testing hypothesis use t- test <em>. </em>Results analysis descriptive shows that there is a significant increase after using the media interactive with a percentage of 62.54% or 16 students who obtained excellent marks tall. Whereas results analysis inferential by using formula <em>t- </em>test obtain mark t count =16.46 And t table <em>= </em>2.05, become t count &gt;t table or 16.46&nbsp;&gt;2.05. H o is rejected and H 1 is accepted, so it can be concluded that utilization Interactive media influences learning motivation and ability to understand student</p> Aisyah Eka Alfina Munirah Munirah Desy Ayu Andhira ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 1863 1873 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7948 Analysis Of The Art Education Curriculum Islamic-Based Universities In The Performing Art Education Study Program <p class="JPEAbstractBody"><span lang="IN">The curriculum is the life of a learning program so that its existence requires dynamic design, implementation and evaluation in accordance with the times, the needs of Science, Technology and Art (IPTEKS) and the competencies needed by society, as well as users of higher education graduates. Higher Education as a producer of educated human resources needs to measure its graduates, whether the graduates produced have the ability to be equivalent to the ability of learning outcomes that have been formulated at the Indonesian National Qualifications Framework (KKNI) level. The purpose of this research is to analyze the curriculum policy study built by UMTAS on the Sendratasik Education Study Program based on Islamic Universities. This research uses a qualitative research approach with analytical descriptive methods. The main subjects of this research are stakeholders in the UMTAS Sendratasik Education Study Program who are also the main sources. Data collection was taken from observation, interviews and document analysis related to the problem. The findings of this study are the UMTAS Sendratasik Education Study Program curriculum planning policy is carried out by: a) Preparation of the vision and mission of the study program which refers to the vision and mission of UMTAS; b) Determination of graduate profiles in accordance with the needs of stake holders.</span></p> Chandra Diana Islamanov Yudi Sukmayadi ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 1874 1878 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7969 Rudolf Puspa's Communication Style in the Teater Keliling <p class="JPEAbstractBodyEnglish"><span lang="IN">One of the keys to the success of a theatre performance is the communication pattern between the director and the crews. Any organization (regardless of its form) can run well if the conversations among its crews and leaders function smoothly, especially if the organization consists of members with a significant age difference. To be precise, age differences can sometimes become barriers in communication or the process of conveying messages. This article aims to provide an analytical exposition on Rudolf Puspa's leadership style through communication management in managing the Teater Keliling. This type of research is qualitative research using a qualitative descriptive approach. The author will research natural object conditions, where the research subject is a key factor. All data obtained are in the form of interviews, documentation, field notes, and observations. In addressing the age gap in Teater Keliling, Rudolf Puspa strives to learn several things, one of which is to study topics that attract the attention of today’s youth and appoint his own child as a producer. Thus, his child can convey his instructions more simply and easily understood to the crew with the same age. He is a leader with a democratic style. This can also be seen from how he is willing to listen, open up for discussions together, and accept input from Teater Keliling crews who are much younger than him. As the “Father” of Teater Keliling, he realizes that he must apply an adaptive attitude to maintain the longevity of the community he loves. He does all this in the name of the theatrical art that has become one with him.</span></p> Septian Nurcahyo ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 1879 1885 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7974 Humanist Approach in Da'wah Based on the Qur'an <p>Dakwah merupakan salah satu kewajiban utama umat Islam dalam menyebarkan ajaran agama dan nilai-nilai kebenaran. Dalam menjalankan dakwah, pendekatan yang digunakan sangat mempengaruhi penerimaan pesan oleh masyarakat. Dalam menjalankan dakwah, pendekatan yang digunakan sangat mempengaruhi penerimaan pesan oleh kalangan mad’unya. Oleh karena itu, maka penulis tertarik untuk melakukan mini riset dengan judul Pendekatan Humanis Dalam Dakwah Berdasarkan Al-Qur'an. Tujuan dari penelitian ini, tidak lain hanyalah ingin mengetahui apa saja pendeketan humanis yang terdapat dalam al-Qur’an. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini, menggunakan metode penelitian literatur, yaitu penelitian pustaka atau <em>library research</em>. Hasil dari penelitian ini menujukkan bahwa Pendekatan Humanis Dalam Dakwah Berdasarkan Al- Qur'an, itu terdapat lima bagian. Pertama dalam pendekatan humanis dalam dakwah, Al- Qur'an menegaskan bahwa setiap manusia memiliki nilai dan martabat yang sama di hadapan Allah SWT, tanpa memandang suku, ras, warna kulit, atau latar belakang sosial, Kedua pendekatan humanis dalam dakwah haruslah menekankan pentingnya perilaku yang baik, jujur, adil, dan bertanggung jawab dalam interaksi dengan sesama manusia. Ketiga Pendekatan humanis dalam dakwah juga menekankan pentingnya memahami dan menghormati martabat manusia. Keempat dakwah yang humanis juga menekankan pentingnya mengutamakan kebaikan dan kesejahteraan bersama. Kelima pendekatan dakwah yang humanis menekankan pentingnya menjunjung tinggi nilai-nilai moral dan etika. Keenam pendekatan dakwah humanis memperhatikan dan merespons kebutuhan fisik, mental, emosional, dan spiritual manusia.</p> Kharisma Mujahidin ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 1886 1895 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7966 Student Management and Strengthening Religious Character through Learning the Yellow Book Study Mak Hamzanwadi Ii Nw Anjani <p>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui manajemen peserta didik dan penguatan karakter religius melalui pembelajaran kitab kuning yang diterapkan di Madrasah Aliyah Agama (MAK) Hamzanwadi II NW Anjani, yang merupakan bagian dari NahdlatulWathan.&nbsp; Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mendapatkan pemahaman yang komprehensif tentang penerapan manajemen siswa dan penguatan karakter religius melalui pembelajaran buku kuning di madrasah ini dan mengidentifikasi dampaknya terhadap karakter siswa dan proses pembelajaran. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, teknik pengumpulan data meliputi wawancara, observasi kelas, dan analisis dokumen.&nbsp; Melalui analisis data mendalam, penelitian ini mengidentifikasi beberapa manajemen siswa dan penguatan karakter religius yang diterapkan di MAK Hamzanwadi II NW Anjani. Pengelolaannya meliputi pengelolaan penerapan teknologi dalam pembelajaran, pengelolaan penerapan metode pengajaran interaktif, dan penerapan sumber belajar yang beragam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa manajemen dan penguatan karakter siswa melalui pembelajaran kitab kuning yang diterapkan di madrasah ini berdampak positif bagi siswa untuk mengantarkan siswa menjadi manusia yang beriman dan bertakwa, berakhlak mulia, tertib dan disiplin sesuai dengan peraturan yang ada, sopan santun terhadap guru dan orang tua, serta peduli terhadap lingkungannya.</p> Moh Zaen Hasani Abdul Malik ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 1896 1906 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7980 Improving Counting Skills Adding Natural Numbers 1 – 100 For Students with Autism Through Smart Board <p><em>This research focuses on improving the ability to calculate adding natural numbers 1 - 100 for students with autism at SLB Insan Mulia Payakumbuh using smart board media. Smart board media is a two-dimensional media in the form of a board that gives messages to the target and makes it easier for students to operate and understand additions properly and correctly. This research uses a quantitative approach with experimental methods, namely Single Subject Research (SSR) and A1-B-A2 Design, and data is analyzed using visual graphs by entering data in graphs which are then analyzed based on conditions A1-B-A2. The results of research using smart board media can improve the ability to calculate adding natural numbers 1-100 for students with autism at SLB Insan Mulia Payakumbuh.</em></p> Fitriza Yunisa Damri Damri Asep Ahmad Sopandi Elsa Efrina ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 1907 1912 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7982 Parental Involvement in Maintaining Children's Social Interactions <p><em>This research explores the importance of parents' roles in shaping children's social interactions, especially in facing the increasing challenges of peer pressure among teenagers. Using qualitative research methods, data was obtained through literature review and relevant online sources. The findings show that families play a crucial role in shaping children's character, habits, and actions. Additionally, children's social interactions are greatly influenced by the family environment, which serves as the foundation for their development. Good communication between parents and children, as well as the establishment of clear rules and boundaries within the family, are key to fostering positive social interactions. Parents also need to provide age-appropriate sex education to help children understand the risks of peer pressure. Thus, the role of parents in guiding children and creating a healthy family environment is very important to protect children from the negative impacts of peer pressure and to build strong character and readiness to face future challenges.</em></p> Juwinner Dedy Kasingku Robert Siby ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 1913 1917 Usage of Communicative Methods in Maharah Kalam Learning in SMP Muhammadiyah 8 Tanggulangin Sidoarjo <p><em>This research aims to determine the application of communicative methods in teaching students' maharah kalam (speaking ability) and the supporting and inhibiting factors in its application at SMP Muhammadiyah 8 Tanggulangin Sidoarjo. This research uses qualitative methods to understand this phenomenon in depth from the perspective of students, teachers and other related parties. Data collection was carried out through observation, in-depth interviews and documentation. Meanwhile, data analysis uses data reduction, data presentation and data verification. Results The research results show that the application of communicative methods in teaching maharah kalam can be done in this way role playing (role playing), group discussions, use of interactive media and integration of language skills. Meanwhile, the supporting factors are institutional support, teacher competence and creativity, and student motivation and active participation. The inhibiting factors are limited learning facilities, variations in language abilities among students, limited mastery of methods by teachers, and technological barriers.</em></p> Farah Nabila Qurrata A’Yun Imam Fauji ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 1918 1931 Problems of Arabic Language Learning in Speaking Skills of Grade 1 Students of MA Hikmatusysysarief NW Salute Strait Narmada West Lombok Academic Year 2023/2024 <p>Bahasa Arab merupakan salah satu diantara bahasa-bahasa di dunia yang memiliki keistimewaan karena berfungsi sebagai bahasa Al-Qur’an dan Hadist. Tetapi dalam praktiknya tidak sedikit orang yang memiliki kesulitan dalam mempelajari bahasa Arab. Oleh karena itu, tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap probLematika pembelajaran bahasa Arab dalam keterampilan berbicara siswa kelas 1 MA Hikmatusysysarief NW Salut Selat Narmada Lombok Barat Tahun Pelajaran 2023/2024 serta bagaimana upaya untuk mengatasinya. Adapun penelitian ini termausk dalam jenis penelitian lapangan (field research) dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini ada dua yaitu data primer dan sekunder. Data primer bersumber dari siswa kelas 1 MA Hikmatusysysarief NW dan data sekunder berasal dari berbagai buku, jurnal yang dapat mendukung data-data penelitian ini. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Setelah data terkumpula, selanjutnya dilakukan analisis. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa problematika yang dihadapi oleh siswa kelas 1 MA dalam keterampilan berbicara diantaranya karena siswa kekurangan kosa kata (mufrodat) sehigga siswa kesulitan untuk merangkai kalimat yang diucapkan Ketika berbicara dengan lawan berbicara. Selain itu, pembelajaran bahasa Arab sering menggunakan metode talaqqi artinya siswa hanya mendengar apa yang disampaikan oleh guru. Adapun upaya yang dilakukan mengatasi problematika ini pihak sekolah membentuk bi’ah Arobiyah atau lingkungan bahasa Arab agar siswa terbiasa dalam bebrbicara bahasa Aarab, kendatipun secara kaidah belum sempurna. Selain itu, pihak sekolah menyediakan berbagai fasilitas untuk menunjang pembelajaran Bahasa Arab. Disamping juga guru menciptakan proses belajar yang<em> lebih mudah dan prkatis agar siswa senang dan termotivasi dalam belajar bahasa Arab.</em></p> Aenun Aziah Mirwan Mirwan ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 1932 1940 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7991 Learning Analysis Using Wordwall Web Based Game Methods to Increase Student Motivation at SMPN Sesean Toraja Utara <p>The problem in this research is the lack of student motivation to learn at school. This research aims to analyze the word wall web-based game method in increasing student motivation at SMPN 1 Sesean North Toraja. The type of research used in this research is descriptive qualitative research. The subjects in this research were all parties involved in implementing learning using the Wordwall web-based game method to increase student learning motivation at SMPN 1 North Toraja. The object of the research is increasing student motivation at SMPN 1 North Toraja. Data collection techniques are interviews, observation, questionnaires, and documentation. Data analysis techniques are carried out by collecting data, reducing data, presenting data, and drawing conclusions. The results of the research include: (1) student questionnaire data regarding the implementation of learning, there were 65% or 14 students who said they did not agree with conventional learning methods, 22% or 5 students said they agreed, while 13% or 3 people who answered were doubtful and 4% or 1 person did not provide an answer. Teacher questionnaire data regarding the use of learning media found that 90% or at least 17 teachers admitted that they had never used IT-based media in the learning process and another 10% of teachers admitted that they had never used IT-based learning media; (2) the problems faced by teachers are not having the resources to use IT-based learning media, lack of facilities and infrastructure and there are still teachers who are comfortable with conventional learning; (3) from the interview results, 90% of students admitted that they were more motivated in learning if they used Wordwall Web-based games in learning and 100% of students admitted that their learning motivation had increased.</p> Sofyan Sofyan Anna Pertiwi ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 1941 1950 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.8007 Mandar Language Interference towards the Study of Indonesian Phonology in Communicating Students of SMAN 1 Pamboang in Majene District <p><em>This research is field research which aims to determine the form of phonological interference from Mandar in Indonesian for students at SMAN 1 Pamboang , Majene Regency and to determine the factors that cause interference.</em><em>The research method used is a qualitative descriptive research method, which provides an overview and explanation (explanation) of the form of phonological interference in the Mandarese language in Indonesian students at SMAN 1 Pamboang and the factors that influence it. Data collection was carried out using listening techniques, note-taking techniques and recording techniques. </em><em>The results of the research show that the form of phonological interference in the Mandarese language in Indonesian occurs in the form of phonetic and phonemic interference in the form of language sound errors, namely the use of the phoneme /e/ which is symbolized by the unrounded central vowel sound [ә]. Factors that cause interference include; speakers' habit of using the first language (Mandarin) and lack of understanding of the elements of the second language Indonesian (BI), the use of the second language (BI) is still felt foreign by most BM speakers when interacting with speakers who use the same code. BM, thus affecting good and correct BI communication patterns and ultimately giving rise to language errors.&nbsp; </em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Subianto Basri A. Muh. Ayyub Ht ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 1951 1960 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.8005 The Application of Project-Based Learning in the Independent Curriculum to Increase Student Creativity in PAI Subject at School <p><em>This study is founded on the fact that students' low learning activities in class during the teaching and learning process are a reality in the world of education. Many students were unable to fully complete the project assignments that the teacher gave them. In order to develop students who have critical, active, and creative thinking, the project based learning (PjBL) learning paradigm promotes students to gain new insights and information based on each individual's experience. In order to ascertain the success of the application of the project based learning (PjBL) learning model in teaching Islamic Religious Education and Character at the high school level, a literature study (library research) was employed as the method of research in this article. The researcher first formulates the research problem before moving on to locating prior, pertinent research as the basis for their analysis. This study is based on the observation that in the world of education, low levels of student learning activities during the teaching and learning process are a reality.</em></p> <p><strong><em>keywords </em></strong><em>project based learning, Islamic religious education and character</em></p> Novita Ayu Utari Irma Soraya Asep.S. Hamdani ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 1961 1968 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.8011 Factors Influenced by Instructional Leadership A Literature Review <p><em>Instructional leadership is a leadership style that focuses on managing and improving the learning process in an educational environment. Several variables can be influenced by instructional leadership in schools. This article investigates the factors that can be influenced by principals' instructional leadership. This research uses the literature review method, where data is collected through articles from 2019 to 2024. There are 10 articles as references from Google Scholar. This article identifies factors such as effective schools, student academic achievement, academic culture, student and teacher achievement motivation and teacher commitment that are influenced by instructional leadership. This article can be useful from a theoretical perspective, that is, to increase knowledge about the factors that instructional leadership influences. Then, this article can be used as a reference for future research.</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Ellza Wijaya Tanjung Hasan Hariri Sowiyah Sowiyah ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 1969 1975 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7912 Strengthening the Values of Pancasila to Improve Students' Prosocial Skills in Elementary School <p>The focus of the problem in this study is how: (1) the description of the strengthening of Pancasila values and the description of students’ prosocial behavior; (2) how the strengthening of Pancasila values improves students’ prosocial abilities in elementary schools. The purpose of this study was to determine: (1) the description of the strengthening of Pancasila values and the description of students’ prosocial behavior; and (2) the strengthening of Pancasila values to improve students’ prosocial abilities in elementary schools. This research uses the literature study method. The literature study research method is a research method by reading and analyzing readings related to the theme taken. The results of this study show an overview of the Pancasila values contained in the third principle, namely: (a) Bringing up a sense and attitude of mutual assistance or helping, volunteering, and increasing family attitudes; b) Fostering good social relationships with peers and adults; (c) Creating a sense of togetherness and affection, and (d) creating a sense of unity with the surrounding environment. These values are manifested in the form of value reinforcement: (a) through the learning process in class (b) Cooperation in small groups and (c) Clean Friday. Strengthening the value of Pancasila can improve prosocial abilities, namely in the dimensions of sharing, cooperation (cooperative), donating, helping, honesty, and giving (generosity).</p> Zulfikri Zulfikri Arifin Maksum Nina Nurhasanah ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-29 2024-03-29 8 1 1976 1983 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.8014 Group Counseling in the Perspective of Islamic Counseling: Halaqah Mentoring Vs Group Guidance <p style="font-weight: 400;">This research explores the comparison between two counseling approaches, namely halaqah mentoring in Islam and conventional group counseling, to understand how they can complement each other in achieving the holistic well-being of individuals. Halaqah mentoring, a traditional method in Islamic education, emphasizes spiritual and moral development, while conventional group counseling is more oriented towards psychological problem-solving and individual skill development. This comparison highlights the differences in goals, techniques, and cultural context between the two approaches. Despite the fundamental differences, research shows that the two can be integrated to provide more holistic support for individuals, especially in contexts that require a holistic approach. The research method used was a literature review with a qualitative approach, using content analysis techniques to synthesize findings from various sources. The results show that Islamic counseling with halaqah mentoring presents an approach that integrates Islamic values into the counseling process, while conventional group counseling offers a more directed and structured approach. By understanding the strengths and weaknesses of each approach, counselors can optimize their use to best support individuals in diverse contexts.</p> Fitriana Fitriana ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-30 2024-03-30 8 1 1984 1992 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.8018 The Mobilizing School Programme and its Implications for Students' School Well-Being in Primary Schools <p>The focus of the problems in this study are: (1) a general description of driving school and school well-being; (2) the implication of driving school programme to students' school well-being in primary school. This research uses a literature study method. The literature study research method is a research method by reading and analyzing readings related to the theme taken. The results of the study describe the intervention of the Driving School Program: (a) Consultative and Asymmetric Assistance, (b) Strengthening Human Resources in Schools, (c) Learning with New Paradigms, (d) Data-Based Planning, and (e) School Digitalisation. The driving school programme focuses on developing holistic student learning outcomes by realizing the Pancasila Student Profile which includes cognitive (literacy and numeracy) and non-cognitive (character) competencies. The intervention and focus of the driving school to realize the Pancasila learner profile has positive implications on aspects of school well-being, namely: (a) School conditions (Having) include things such as a safe physical environment, comfort, noise, ventilation, air temperature, (b) Social Relationships (Loving) social learning environment, student-teacher relationships, relationships with schoolmates, group dynamics, bullying, the relationship between home and school, decision-making at school, and the atmosphere throughout the school organization, (c) Health Status (health) is divided into the components of physical and mental illness, and Self-fulfilment (Being) This opportunity can be equal opportunities for all students to be part of the school community and make decisions about their existence at school.</p> Zulfikri Zulfikri Arita Marini Linda Zakiah ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 1993 2000 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.8020 The Impact of Flipped Classroom Model on Student’s Learning : Study Meta-analysis <p class="JPEAbstractBodyEnglish"><span lang="IN">The flipped classroom model has become a popular learning model in recent years. This model reverses the traditional concept of learning by moving key learning activities outside the classroom, allowing students to learn independently through videos, modules, or other learning resources. This study aims to analyze the impact of the flipped classroom model on student learning through meta-analysis. The meta-analysis was conducted by collecting and analyzing the results of 14 primary studies examining the effectiveness of the flipped classroom model compared to traditional learning methods. Data analysis is a quantitative analysis with a JSAP application. The results of this study concluded that the meta-analysis results showed that the flipped classroom model had a significant positive impact on student learning with an overall effect size of 0.826; P &lt; 0.001 is included in the high effect size category. The findings show that students who participate in learning with the flipped classroom model have better learning outcomes compared to students who follow traditional learning.</span></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Fryan Sopacua Loso Judijanto Ellina Rienovita Sukini Sukini Nenni Triana Sinaga Mohammad Edy Nurtamam Novianty Djafri Tomi Apra Santosa ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 2001 2005 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.8023 Learning Motivation of High-Achieving Students in Second Grade of Integrated Islamic Junior High School LHI Bantul Yogyakarta <p>Learning motivation is an important element in achieving maximum learning results. Different learning motivations between students can result in different outcomes. This research aims to describe the learning motivation of high-achieving students in the second grade of the Integrated Islamic Junior High School LHI Bantul Yogyakarta. The research subjects were 12 high-achieving students taken from 4 parallel classes, 3 students from each class. The research method used is qualitative. Data collection techniques were carried out using documentation, observation, and interviews. The results of the research show that there are two types of learning motivation for high-achieving students in the second grade of the Integrated Islamic Junior High School LHI Bantul Yogyakarta, namely intrinsic motivation that comes from within the students themselves and extrinsic motivation that comes from external factors. Several influencing factors include motivation from within oneself, motivation from outside, involvement in choosing a school, stimulation from teachers, stimulation from parents, and stimulation from the surrounding environment. Therefore, factors that support the learning motivation of high-achieving students need to be strengthened and implemented with other students so that all students can improve their learning achievement.</p> Eko Prasetyo Krisma Dewi ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 2006 2016 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.8025 The Dynamics of the Implementation of Islamic Relligious Education Policy in School: A Literature Review <p><em>The Islamic Religious Education policies is basically clearly stated in Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution, which the government then reviews and implements in all its development processes. This research aims to find out and analyze the implementation of Islamic Religious Education policies in schools which includes a brief history of Islamic Religious Education policies in schools, scope of data, implementation efforts, and problems and solutions. This research uses library research methods taken from various primary and secondary sources. The results of this research are: 1) Islamic Religious Education policies in schools are part of the national education system whose implementation is regulated by the National Education System Law Number 20 of 2003, Government Regulation Number 55 of 2007, and Law of 1950 Chapter XII Article 20 Paragraph 1. 2) Current implementation of Islamic Religious Education in schools is a subject that is required to be held in schools, both state and private schools and is applied at all levels. 3) The main problem with Islamic Religious Education policies in schools is that the time allocation is very low, requiring teachers to be able to convey the material completely and comprehensively through several activities outside of class</em></p> Umi Sarah Nafi’ah Darojat Novita Ayu Utari ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 2017 2025 Wahbah Zuhaili's View of Tawazun Suroh Al-jumu'ah Verses 9 -11 in Tafsir Al- Munir <p>Tawazun is a concept in Islam that refers to balance, harmony, or proper proportion between various aspects of life. The purpose of this writing is to examine Wahbah Zuhaili's view of the concept of tawazun (balance) in his interpretation of Surah Al-Jumu'ah verses 9-11 contained in the Al-Munir commentary book. Through qualitative methods, this research identifies Zuhaili's approach to these verses, explores understanding of the concept of tawazun, and highlights its theological and practical meaning. The findings from this research indicate that Zuhaili understands tawazun as an important principle in religious and social life. Although there is no direct reference to Tawazun in Al-Munir's commentary. However, he emphasized the importance of maintaining a balance between worship and world affairs, as well as between rights and obligations, especially during Friday prayers. This concept explains integration within the broader framework of Islamic thought, providing a comprehensive view of how Muslims should live their lives with harmony and balance. It can be concluded that Zuhaili's understanding of tawazun provides valuable insight for Muslims in living life holistically in accordance with the teachings of the Islamic religion.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Maisarah Siregar Sulidar Sulidar ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-23 2024-03-23 8 1 2026 2033 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.8009 Implementation of the Tahfidz Program at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Tahfidzul Qur’an Al-Rasyid Kartasura <p><em>The aim of this research is to determine the implementation of the tahfizh al-Qur'an program at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Tahfidzul Qur'an (MTs TQ) Al-Rasyid as well as the supporting and inhibiting factors in implementing the tahfizh al-Qur'an program at the school. This research uses a qualitative approach, with a case study approach at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Tahfidzul Qur'an (MTs TQ) Al-Rasyid. The data obtained in this research was through observation, interviews and documentation studies. Based on the data obtained, the researcher used descriptive analysis, namely by describing or illustrating the findings in the field regarding the implementation of the tahfidz al-Qur'an program at the Al-Rasyid Tsanawiyah Tahfidzul Qur'an Madrasah (MTs TQ).</em></p> <p><em>The research results show that the tahfizh al-Qur'an program at MTs TQ Al Rasyid succeeded in creating a conducive learning environment through full support from the school, competent teachers, adequate facilities, and a personalized learning approach. Despite obstacles such as the quality of previous Al-Qur'an learning and a lack of cooperation from the dormitory chaplain, this program was able to have a positive impact on students' spiritual and academic development. Careful planning, effective implementation, and continuous evaluation ensure that each student achieves their memorization targets well, making this tahfizh program a successful educational model that is beneficial for the student's future.</em></p> Jamaludin Al Husseiny H.M.J. Nashir Lailla Hidayatul Amin ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 2034 2039 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.8055 Analysis of the Implementation of Social-Emotional Competence (SEC) Learning in Elementary Schools <p>The emphasis on the development of Social-Emotional Competence (SEC) in Elementary Schools has increased during the independence curriculum policy. Still, this emphasis also requires teachers to understand learning strategies and the complex nature of students' social-emotional development. This study explores how schools that implement Social-Emotional Competence (SEC) learning affect students' social-emotional intelligence. This study uses a qualitative descriptive approach. Data were collected through interviews, observations, and documentation to provide conclusions. This study examines the various strategies implemented in this school, including the curriculum, teaching methods, and teacher challenges in implementing SEC Learning. The results of the study indicate that the systematic integration of Social-Emotional Competence (SEC) learning into the Elementary School curriculum significantly positively affects students' social-emotional and academic development.</p> Irman Syarif Puji Yanti Fauziah Lutfi Wibawa Ismail Ismail ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-28 2024-03-28 8 1 2040 2046 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7263 Implications and Constructions of Qur’anic in Islamic Education <p><em>Islamic Education in Indonesia has undergone significant progress in line with the rapid development of technology. However, these developments are also part of the Western globalization strategy to spread the values of Western civilization. The impact is not only positive but also negative, even threatening the existence of Islamic educational institutions. To cope with the negative impact of globalization and the shift in values, revitalization of the values of the Quran in Islamic education is an important step. This article aims to provide a new insight into the role of Islamic education in shaping the character, morals, and achievements of pupils to support the education of future Muslim generations. It is done by exploring further the values of the Qur'an contained in Surah Al-Alaq verses 1-5. This research uses qualitative methods, a kind of library research. The approach used in this study is a phenomenological approach aimed at gaining a deep understanding, performing detailed descriptions, applying deep reductions, highlighting intersubjectivity, as well as exploring the meaning of the object of study under study. The results of the research show that based on the results of the analysis of the verses of the Qur'an, they contain fundamental values that can be a guide in the maintenance of Islamic education. Among them are humility and respect, the importance of knowledge and respect for science, independence and responsibility, and appreciation of the learning process. </em></p> Khaeril Majedi Khoirun Nidhom Ida Kurnia Shofa ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 2047 2061 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.8061 Multicultural Education in Indonesia <p>Indonesia adalah negara multikultural terbesar di dunia, dimana negara Indonesia terdiri dari berbagai kelompok etnis, suku, agama, budaya dan sebagainya. Keberagaman bangsa Indonesia ini dapat menjadi sebuah berkah juga musibah, berkah sebagai sebuah entitas negara dan bangsa yang mampu merawat keberagamannya namun sebaliknya menjadi sebuah musibah jika bangsa ini tidak mampu merawat keberagaman dan menjadi sebuah disharmoni seperti yang terjadi belakangan ini. Pendidikan multikultural penting diterapkan kepada peserta didik dengan harapan agar anak mampu memahami bahwa di dalam lingkungan mereka dan juga lingkungan di luarnya terdapat keragaman budaya. Keragaman budaya tersebut berpengaruh kepada tingkah laku, sikap, pola pikir manusia, sehingga manusia tersebut memiliki cara-cara (<em>usage</em>), kebiasaan (<em>habbit</em>), aturan-aturan (<em>mores</em>) yang berbeda dengan yang lainnya.</p> Fitrah Ramadhani ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 2062 2068 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.8066 Quartel Live Crisis In Students And Causative Factors <p>Student's reactions to the adult phase can be diverse. The sheer number of choices that come from the external environment and the complexity of choosing the best one often create pressure. The purpose of this study is to determine the quarter-life crisis (QLC) in final-year students at UKI Toraja and reveal the factors that trigger the emergence of the condition. This research is descriptive and quantitative. The subjects of his research were final year students starting from semester 6 which amounted to 99 people.&nbsp; The results showed that the categorization of Quarter Life Crisis in final year students of UKI Toraja, is as follows: as many as 15 (15.15%) students fall into the high category, 82 (82.83%) students fall into the medium category, and 2 (2.02%) are in the low category. Through the calculation of the average score of each aspect of measurement achievement, the factors causing QLC were identified sequentially from the highest to the lowest aspects, namely aspect 7 (disconnection), aspect 3 (feeling anxious), aspect 1 (anxiety in making decisions), aspect 5 (negative self-assessment), aspect 6 (being stuck in a difficult situation), aspect 4 (depressed), and aspect 2 (worrying in interpersonal relationships).</p> Harmelia Tulak Alexander Pakiding Adelia Adelia ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 2069 2074 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.8024 Islamic Education According to Al Rasyidin <p><em>The increasingly rapid development of the times has given rise to problems related to slowness in the development of Islamic studies. One of the factors of this problem is the lack of qualitative and quantitative studies of Islamic educational thought. Therefore, there is a great need for in-depth study and thinking about Islamic education, especially from Muslim intellectual figures whose identities and specific thoughts are rarely highlighted. Therefore, this scientific study aims to examine in more depth the thoughts on Islamic education from the perspective of Prof. Dr. Al Rasyidin, M.Ag. This scientific study uses the Systematic Literature Review (SLR) method with PRISMA analysis. The analysis results stated that Prof. Al Rasyidin has a very in-depth perspective on Islamic education, which refers more to the basic ideas of the conceptualization and practice of Islamic education as exemplified by the Prophet Muhammad. Apart from that, specifically and in-depth, Prof. Al Rasyidin provides a perspective on Islamic education that places more emphasis on the normative dimension.</em></p> Muhammad Rum Sitorus Usiono Usiono Azizah Hanum OK ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 2075 2083 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.8078 The Important Role of Multicultural Education in the Basics of Geography Course in the PIPS Department <p>Penelitian ini mengeksplorasi peran penting nilai pendidikan multikultural dalam mata kuliah Dasar-Dasar Geografi pada jurusan Pendidikan Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial (PIPS). Menggunakan metode campuran, penelitian ini melibatkan kuesioner, wawancara mendalam, observasi kelas, dan analisis dokumentasi untuk mengumpulkan data dari dosen dan mahasiswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa integrasi nilai-nilai multikultural dalam pengajaran geografi meningkatkan pemahaman dan sikap mahasiswa terhadap keragaman budaya. Sebagian besar mahasiswa melaporkan bahwa mata kuliah ini membantu mereka mengembangkan keterampilan berpikir kritis dan empati. Wawancara dengan dosen mengungkapkan upaya aktif mereka dalam mengintegrasikan perspektif multikultural meskipun menghadapi tantangan seperti keterbatasan sumber daya. Observasi kelas menunjukkan penggunaan metode pengajaran yang beragam dan kontekstual. Analisis dokumentasi menunjukkan adanya nilai-nilai multikultural dalam kurikulum, namun perlu pengembangan bahan ajar yang lebih inklusif. Penelitian ini merekomendasikan peningkatan dukungan institusional bagi dosen dan pengembangan kurikulum yang lebih responsif terhadap keragaman budaya. Secara keseluruhan, hasil penelitian ini menegaskan bahwa pendidikan multikultural dalam mata kuliah Dasar-Dasar Geografi berperan signifikan dalam membentuk mahasiswa menjadi warga global yang inklusif dan toleran</p> Lilis Lilis Gustini Wulandri Febriani Putri Nurtia Nurtia Ririn Nisrina Arizal Al-Munawar Aas Agustina ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 2084 2088 Islamic Education According to Ramli Abdul Wahid <p><em>In the past, the habit of writing among ulama was deeply rooted in various scientific disciplines, especially religious sciences. No doubt, it is this habit of writing that has encouraged the rapid development of knowledge in Islamic education. Therefore, this scientific study aims to examine in more depth the thoughts on Islamic education based on the work written by Prof. Dr. Ramli Abdul Wahid, MA. This scientific study uses the Systematic Literature Review (SLR) method with PRISMA analysis. The results of the analysis state that in his perspective, Prof. Ramli views Islamic education as education based on the Al-Qur'an and Hadith. However, the delay in the study of hadith in Indonesia has had a significant impact on the progress of thinking among Muslims. This is because Islamic education, especially the science of hadith, is very closely related to the living conditions of Muslims in every era or civilization. Therefore, awareness and the active role of various parties and contemporary Islamic educational institutions are urgently needed, so that they can become a means of developing and studying Islamic education in Indonesia</em></p> Aldiansyah Aldiansyah Usiono Usiono Azizah Hanum OK ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 2089 2095 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.8080 The Policy of Islamic Education in Fostering the Religious Character of Studens at MAN 5 Sleman <p><em>This research aims to examine the policy of Islamic education in fostering the religious character of students at MAN 5 Sleman. The study uses a qualitative method, with data collection techniques including observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis is conducted through data condensation, data presentation, conclusion drawing, and verification. The study highlights that the Islamic education policy at MAN 5 Sleman has been successful in fostering the religious character of students through a series of structured and planned religious programs and activities. Supporting factors include collaboration between teachers and parents, clear regulations, adequate facilities and infrastructure, teacher leadership, and collective support from various parties. Challenges such as the lack of student awareness and environmental influences need to be addressed through school and parent cooperation to ensure that religious values remain ingrained in students. The results show a significant improvement in students in terms of honesty, discipline, increased worship, social care, tolerance, noble character, which will be valuable for their future. Although providing valuable insights, this study is limited by its focus on one school, the dominant qualitative approach, and data that may not be entirely representative. This study paves the way for future research to conduct comparative studies with other schools and analyze more deeply the effectiveness of Islamic education policies in different contexts.</em></p> Syaiful Kiram Rafif Meldi ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 2097 2106 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.8093 Islamic Education Perspective Prof. Dr. Dja'far Siddik, MA. <p><em>Studies related to Islamic educational thought in Indonesia are still very much focused on national Islamic intellectual figures and Islamic classical figures. This raises a problem, namely the very limited development of Islamic education studies in Indonesia. Therefore, it is necessary to study the thoughts on Islamic education from other Islamic intellectual figures, especially Muslim intellectual figures whose identities and specific thoughts are rarely highlighted or whose identities and specific thoughts have not yet been revealed. Therefore, this scientific study aims to examine in more depth the thoughts on Islamic education from the perspective of Prof. Dr. Dja'far Siddik, MA. This scientific study uses the Systematic Literature Review (SLR) method with PRISMA analysis. The results of the analysis state that in his perspective, Prof. Djas has a quite different perspective compared to the perspective of other Muslim intellectual figures regarding Islamic education. This can be seen from how he interprets Islamic education and the aims of Islamic education</em></p> Ismail Ismail Usiono Usiono Azizah Hanum OK ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 2107 2114 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.8082 The Influence of the TPACK based Inquiry Teaching Model on Student's Critical Thinking Skills <p>The purpose of the study was to determine the effect of tpack-based inquiry teaching model on students' critical thinking skills. This research is a type of meta-analysis research. The data sources in this study came from the analysis of 15 national and international journals published in 2021-2024. The inclusion criteria in the study are that the research must be indexed by Sinta and Scopus, the research comes from open access journals, the research has a relationship with the research variables, the research data is accessed through the Google Scholar Journal Database, Wiley, Taylor of Francis, Mendeley and Researhgate and the research must attach sticky data to calculate the effect size value. Data collection techniques are direct observation and documentation. Data analysis is quantitative analysis by calculating the effect size value with JSAP software. the results concluded that the tpack-based inquiry teaching model had a significant effect on students' critical thinking skills with a value of res = 0.914; P &lt; 0.001. this finding provides positive information for teachers to implement this model in learning</p> Mia Aina Everhard Markiano Solissa Venty Sopacua Elismayanti Rembe Andri Kurniawan Muhammad Nur Bambang Mardi Sentosa Tomi Apra Santosa Aat Ruchiat Nugraha ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 2115 2124 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.8098 Sharia Economic Management in Islamic Education Institutions from the Perspective of Prof. Dr. Amiur Nuruddin, MA <p><em>Problems related to Islamic economic management in Islamic educational institutions are very rarely discussed. Financial management of Islamic educational institutions has a strategic role and is one of the factors that determines the implementation of quality learning. Therefore, this scientific study aims to examine in more depth the perspective of Prof. Dr. Amiur Nuruddin, MA regarding sharia economic management in Islamic educational institutions. This scientific study uses the Systematic Literature Review (SLR) method with PRISMA analysis. The results of the analysis state that in his perspective, Prof. Dr. Amiur Nuruddin, MA. not only views sharia economic management as something that exists in the economic sector but also in the educational sector. Good and ideal sharia economic management will have a significant influence on the development of the quality of Islamic educational institutions. Apart from that, it also has a big influence on welfare and national development based on Islamic law</em></p> Wahyu Ramadhan Azizah Hanum OK Usiono Usiono ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 2125 2130 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.8084 Implementation of the scientific approach in the Merdeka curriculum at the high school level <p>This research was conducted to explore the application of scientific approaches in the Merdeka Curriculum with a focus on its impact on educational outcomes in Indonesia. The methodology used in this study is descriptive qualitative, by utilizing literature research to collect relevant data. Analysis is carried out by setting goals, clarifying important concepts, defining units of analysis, collecting relevant data, and establishing conceptual relationships between data. The results showed that a scientific approach, which involves observation, questioning, information gathering, reasoning, and communication, can improve students' intellectual and critical thinking abilities. The flexibility of the Independent Curriculum and the emphasis on student-centered learning support the active involvement and independence of learners. This approach is in keeping with the demands of modern education, which aims to prepare students for challenges in an ever-evolving global landscape.</p> Diyas Fathulloh Muhammad Arifin Rahmanto ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 2131 2137 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.8103 Islamic Education Thought According to Syafaruddin <p><em>Currently, Islamic education ideas are not only conveyed by Muslims but also by people of other religions. Therefore, there is a need for Islamic educational thinking that should be produced by Muslims themselves, so that the results of their thinking are correct and in line with Islamic principles and sharia. Therefore, this scientific study aims to examine in more depth the thoughts on Islamic education according to the perspective of Prof. Dr. Syafaruddin, M.Pd. This scientific study uses the Systematic Literature Review (SLR) method with PRISMA analysis. The results of the analysis state that in his perspective, Prof. Dr. Syafaruddin, M.Pd. not only views Islamic education as teaching related to Islamic values, but more than that. He views Islamic education as a complex system, in which structured management actions are needed to be able to maintain and develop Islamic education amidst the onslaught of current developments</em></p> Armansyah Armansyah Usiono Usiono Azizah Hanum OK ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 2138 2148 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.8085 Curriculum Management Improving the Quality of Learning at State Islamic Senior High School in Binjai City <p><em>Curriculum in education is one of the key factors determining the success of education. The curriculum also serves as the brain of an educational institution. With the curriculum, programs can be created and offered to the public, which are useful for the personal development of the students at the institution. A curriculum is a system that has interconnected components in the implementation of education. The curriculum itself must be known and understood by both educators and prospective educators. Quality improvement is a crucial aspect, as the input, process, and output from schools will be under public scrutiny. Therefore, improving the quality of education, particularly in learning, becomes the school's effort to achieve educational goals. This is also the case for Madrasah schools, which are educational institutions in Indonesia capable of competing with other general schools. MAN Binjai, which has been accredited A, is a choice for many parents as a continuing school for their children. Additionally, at MAN Binjai, there are many intra- and extracurricular programs that can encourage students to develop their potential. There are many class programs or majors offered that can be chosen according to the abilities of each participant, as well as facilities that support all learning activities, which can be evidence that MAN Binjai is improving the quality of education. The learning provided also proves to parents and the community who may still have doubts about the quality of education in Madrasah, thinking that Madrasah schools only teach religious knowledge. This is evidenced by several achievements attained by MAN Binjai.</em></p> Wan Anwar Fuadi Neliwati Neliwati Abdul Halim Rina Hidayah Tambusai ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 2149 2155 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.8114 Thoughts on Islamic Education According to Abbas Pulungan <p><em>Education is the most important means of developing children's potential. The development of children's potential will be achieved optimally, if education can be carried out well. Humans really need education to develop their potential, so that it is useful for civilization. This research aims to examine literature reviews related to Abbas Pulungan's thoughts on Islamic education. The research method uses the SLR (Systematic Literature Review) method. Data collection was obtained by documenting articles related to similar research. The articles that can be used in this research are 5 national journal articles that can be obtained from the Google Scholar database using the publish or perish application. Based on research, it can be seen that good character education can be instilled from an early age and good educational institutions related to cultivating children's character are located in Islamic boarding schools</em></p> Sonya Elsa Triyanda Pohan Azizah Hanum OK Usiono Usiono ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 2149 2155 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.8086 Counseling Guidance Development Management Strategy <p>Efisien dan suksesnya penyelenggaraan kegiatan bimbingan dan konseling di sekolah diharapkan dapat dicapai melalui pengelolaan layanan tersebut secara efektif. Mengetahui pendekatan manajemen dalam menciptakan konseling dan bimbingan di SMA Negeri 1 Tanjung Tiram menjadi tujuan penelitian ini. Untuk memahami sepenuhnya fenomena atau latar belakang dan untuk mengevaluasi makna dan kompleksitas situasi, pendekatan deskriptif digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Penelitian ini menggunakan observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi untuk pengumpulan data. Kepala Sekolah SMA Negeri 1 Tanjung Tiram dan dua orang guru bimbingan dan konseling menjadi informan dalam penelitian ini. Berdasarkan temuan penelitian, program bimbingan dan konseling pertama-tama terorganisir dengan baik dan tepat waktu. Kedua, kenyataan bahwa SMA Negeri 1 Tanjung Tiram telah berkembang dan beroperasi secara terkoordinasi menunjukkan bahwa kepala sekolah, guru bimbingan dan konseling, serta pemangku kepentingan lainnya menyadari nilai organisasi. Ketiga, namun jika outcomenya belum sempurna, maka Layanan Bimbingan dan Konseling di SMA Negeri 1 Tanjung Tiram sudah terlaksana dengan baik. Keempat: Petunjuk apa yang harus dilakukan dan apa yang harus ditingkatkan dalam proses pemberian layanan bimbingan dan konseling mulai dari kepala sekolah hingga guru bimbingan dan konseling. Kelima, evaluasi layanan bimbingan dan konseling di SMA Negeri 1 Tanjung Tiram memungkinkan seseorang untuk mengetahui apakah pengelolaan layanan tersebut efisien dan berdampak positif terhadap tumbuh kembang anak yang menerimanya.</p> Nuria Ariefah Nanda Ali Daud Hasibuan ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 2156 2164 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.8105 Islamic Education According to Prof. Dr. Nur Ahmad Fadhil Lubis, MA. <p><em>In this era, there is starting to be a lot of critical thinking from scientists and researchers regarding Islamic education. However, there is a professor in the field of philosophy in Indonesia who has studied studies related to Islamic to Western (American) studies, namely Prof. Dr. Nur Ahmad Fadhil Lubis, MA. Therefore, this scientific study aims to examine in more depth the thoughts on Islamic education from the perspective of Prof. Dr. Nur Ahmad Fadhil Lubis, MA. This scientific study uses the Systematic Literature Review (SLR) method with PRISMA analysis. The results of the analysis state that in his perspective, Prof. Fadhil Lubis views Islamic education as a very complex thing. Islamic education is not only an effort to form individuals with Islamic character but also a basis for building rahmatan lil ‘alamin and upholding baldattayyibahwarabbghafur (a prosperous country under the grace of Allah SWT). This is because Islamic education is a right that must be given to every individual, both men and women. Where this is in line with the word of Allah SWT in QS. At-Taubah verse 122, where Islamic education has 5 main objectives (maqasid al-shari’ah), namely protecting life, faith, reason, offspring and property.</em></p> Muhammad Habibi Azimi Usiono Usiono Azizah Hanum OK ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 2165 2173 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.8087 TikTok Application-Based Learning Videos on Climate Change Materials at the Junior High School Level <p>Climate change has become one of the most urgent global issues that needs to be addressed immediately. The United Nations (UN) invites all countries to become catalysts in accelerating public education, especially the younger generation, so they have the knowledge and awareness to protect the environment. Nowadays, we live in a world where knowledge and information are very easy to obtain thanks to the help of the internet. TikTok is an example of an information dissemination platform that has proven effective in educating the public, especially Generation Z, whose life is closely linked to technology. This research aims to analyse the need to develop learning media in the form of TikTok for climate change material at the junior high school level. Using quantitative descriptive methods, researchers will collect data using interview techniques and distributing questionnaires. The data obtained is then presented in descriptive form. Overall, the research results show that students do not understand climate change in depth and want to learn more about it through TikTok videos.</p> Darmilus Darmilus Hartono Hartono Syarifuddin Syarifuddin ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 2173 2183 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.8037 The Effect of Employee Productivity on The Organisation: Meta-Analysis Study <p class="JPEAbstractBodyEnglish"><span lang="IN">This study aims to analyze the influence between employee productivity on the organization. Employee productivity is an important factor for organizational success, and a variety of factors can affect that productivity. The source of data in the study came from an analysis of 10 national and international journals. The inclusion criteria in this study are research from SINTA and Scopus indexed journals; Research must be relevant to research variables; Research data is obtained through Google Scholar and ScienceDirect and research data attaches complete data to calculate the value of effect size. The results of the study concluded that employee productivity has a positive influence on the organization with an effect size value of 0.817; &lt; 0.001 and z value = 5.081. These findings suggest that factors such as job stress, excessive workload, and lack of autonomy can decrease employee productivity.</span></p> Muhammad Nur Bambang Mardi Sentosa Andri Kurniawan ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 2184 2187 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.8137 Music and Melody-based Elementary School Mathematics Learning: Correlational Study of Student Learning Outcomes Achievement <p>Choosing a learning strategy is very important to get optimal learning results, providing motivation and interest in learning for students in learning mathematics in elementary school. The implementation of music and melodies in learning can be used as a solution strategy to provide a positive impact on learning in creating and increasing creativity, self-confidence, motivation and cognitive skills. Apart from that, the strategy of using music in learning is an effective strategy to implement so that students can learn independently. For this reason, this study investigates the impact of music and melody teaching on lower grade elementary school mathematics learning outcomes. This research uses a quasi-experimental design with an experimental design and a control group. The statistical population includes 120 third grade students selected as the research sample. Both groups learn the same things and defined concepts. However, the experimental group learned these concepts using music and melody teaching, while the control group learned these concepts using conventional-based teaching methods and students' final mathematics scores were used in the analysis. Questionnaires, motivational questionnaires, learning outcomes tests are used in research instruments. The results of covariance analysis show that teaching mathematics using music and melody methods has a significant positive impact on elementary school students' mathematics learning, namely (87.3%) and increases student learning motivation by (92%). Therefore, it can be concluded that applying melodic teaching in learning mathematical concepts can be more effective than conventional teaching methods.</p> Tomy Agung Sugito Ali Fakhrudin ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 2188 2195 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.8139 QR Code-Based Picture Story Book Media to Improve Analytical Thinking on Elemental Materials in Class 5 Literary Work at State 4 Purwodadi Primary School Malang District <p>A country needs to invest in its education. Without education, the people of the country will not understand what independence means. The public education system in this country will be run independently. Apart from that, the people will also have superior qualities that will be beneficial for the country. However, based on empirical data in this sector, there are limitations in the use and accessibility of learning media. Teachers will actually benefit from developing learning media because they will be better able to explain subject matter to students. Therefore, this research was conducted at SD Negeri 4 Purwodadi, Malang Regency. One type of research and development (R&amp;D) is this research. The Borg and Gall research model was used in this research. The research findings are based on material expert scores which are considered "very valid" with a percentage of 87.5%. The material expert's assessment was assessed as "very valid" with a percentage of 95%. The linguist's assessment was considered "very valid" with a proportion of 90%. Validation of media suitability is rated "very valid" with a score of 90. Validation of test questions has a rating of 83% which means "quite valid". The proportion of media eligibility is 97%. Included in the "Very Appropriate, no need to revise" category when interpreted according to the validity criteria table. With a percentage of 73%, the feasibility of expert validation of linguists falls in the range of 70.01 – 85.00%. Enter under the title "Good, Appropriate, no need for revision" in the validity criteria table. The Ngain categorization that meets the "high" criteria is placed in the 0.70 &lt; n &lt; 1.00 group. Thus, it can be said that grade 5 students at SD Negeri 04 Purwodadi can develop their analytical thinking skills by using picture story books that depict elements contained in literary works.</p> Dwi Yoni Hidayati Cindya Alfi Mohamad Fatih ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 2196 2204 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.8154 Gender Approach in the Study of Islamic Law <p>Gender is a global issue that is constantly discussed and, it would seem, endlessly, equality is desired in the economy, politics, social, household, etc. spheres. Gender is the difference between men and women that is formed in social life through roles, behaviors and characters that are considered worthy of exchange between men and women. Gender issues have been increasingly discussed over the centuries, as many issues of inequality are still discussed, including Injustice, stereotypes, subordination, impoverishment of women, marginalization, violence, negative labeling, exploitation and free trade., which women often face. In Islam, gender is also an interesting topic for discussion by scholars based on the main source of Islamic law, the Qur'an, and contains many different opinions. The purpose of this article is to consider the gender approach in the study of Islamic law. The method used in the article is a qualitative research method with a library approach, which uses links to books, journals and other scientific works. According to the results of the study, Islam strongly opposes the existence of gender inequality that women often face, since the position of men and women in the Qur'an is considered equal, among other things, both as servants and in the fact that they are potentially ideal servants., fulfilling the obligations of the leaders (caliphs), Adam and Eve were equally involved in the cosmic drama,&nbsp; and equally accepted the original covenant. if viewed from the point of view of equality between men and women, then women should be given rights and freedoms in the field of education, politics and other everyday issues as long as they have the ability in this area, but do not overdo order not to violate their feminine nature.</p> Fakhrurrozi Kabalmay ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 2205 2216 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.8133 The Influence of the Giving Question and Getting Answer Learning Model on the Motivation and Social Studies Learning Outcomes of Class V Students <p>The aim of this research is to determine the influence of the Teaching Learning Model of Giving Qualifications and Learning Answers on the motivation and social studies learning outcomes of class V students at SD Inprels Lambelngi, Pallangga District, Gowa Regency. This type of research is quantitative using an experimental approach. The research design used is Nonequivalent Control Group Design. The population in this study was 40 students. Data collection techniques in this research are questionnaires, tests, observation and documentation. The data analysis techniques used are descriptive data analysis and inferential statistical analysis. The hypothesis test used is the Anova and Manova tests. The research results obtained were; 1) Student learning motivation is 0.000 &lt; 0.05, which means H1 is accepted and H0 is rejected, namely there is an influence of the Giving Question and Getting Answer Learning Model on the learning motivation of class V students. 2) Student learning outcomes are 0.000 &lt; 0.05, which means H1 is accepted and H0 is rejected, namely there is an influence of the Giving Question and Getting Answer Learning Model on the learning outcomes of class V students and 3) The significance value of students' motivation and social studies learning outcomes is smaller than 0.05 which means H1 is accepted and H0 is rejected, namely there is an influence of the Model Giving Qulelstion and Geltting Answelr learning on the motivation and learning outcomes of social studies for fifth grade students at Inprels Lambelngi Elementary School, Pallangga District, Gowa Regency</p> Asmawati A Kaharuddin Kaharuddin Jamaluddin Jamaluddin ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 2217 2224 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7401 Semiotics in Mass Marriage Traditions in the Community of Serdang Village Toboali District Sout Bangka Belitung Island <p>This research was carried out with the aim of knowing and describing the semiotics in the mass marriage tradition of the people of Serdang Village, Toboali District, South Bangka Regency, Bangka Belitung Islands. The method used by researchers in this research is a qualitative descriptive method using Roland Bhartes' semiotic analysis to discuss the meaning of denotation, connotation and myth. Researchers conducted an analysis of the symbols and meanings contained in the mass marriage tradition. This research uses primary data sources and secondary data sources. The data collection techniques used in the research are observation techniques, interview techniques, recording techniques and documentation techniques. The data analysis technique used in the research is descriptive qualitative. The results of the research that has been carried out show that this mass marriage tradition was carried out by parents in 1935 and is still carried out today. In ancient times, this tradition was held after harvesting the garden with the aim of being a form of gratitude and helping the economy. in carrying out the wedding. Over time, this tradition is carried out with the aim of enlivening, preserving and maintaining the culture that has been passed down from generation to generation so that it is known to the outside community and does not become extinct. From the results of this research, researchers obtained nine symbols and two rituals which have denotational and connotative meanings in the mass marriage process.</p> <p>Keywords : Semiotics, Mass Marriage Traditions</p> <p>ABSTRAK<br>Penelitian ini dilakukan bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan medsekripsikan semiotik dalam tradisi kawin massal masyarakat Desa Serdang Kecamatan Toboali Kabupaten Bangka Selatan Kepulauan Bangka Belitung. Metode yang digunakan peneliti dalam penelitian ini yaitu metode desakriptif kualitatif dengan menggunakan analisis semiotika Roland Bhartes membahas mengenai makna denotasi, konotasi dan mitos. Peneliti melakukan analisis terhadap simbol dan makna yang terdapat dalam tradisi kawin massal. Dalam penelitian ini menggunakan sumber data primer dan sumber data sekunder. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian yaitu menggunakan teknik observasi, teknik wawancara, teknik rekam dan teknik dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian yaitu secara deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan, tradisi kawin massal ini sudah dilaksanakan oleh orang tua dahulu pada pada tahun 1935 dan masih tetap dilakukan hingga saat ini, tradisi ini pada zaman dahulu di adakan pada saat setelah memanen hasil kebun yang bertujuan sebagai bentuk rasa syukur dan membantu perekonomian dalam melaksanakan pernikahan. Dengan seiring zaman tradisi ini dilakukan bertujuan untuk memeriahkan, melestarikan dan menjaga budaya yang turun temurun agar dikenal masyarakat luar dan tidak punah. Dari hasil penelitian ini, peneliti mendapatkan sembilan simbol dan dua ritual yang memiliki makna denotasi dan konotasi dalam proses kawin massal.</p> <p>Kata Kunci: Semiotik, Tradisi Kawin Massal</p> Anggun Sukmarani Yenny Puspita Juaidah Agustina ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 2225 2231 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.8120 The Effect of the Index Card Match Learning Model on the Learning Outcomes of Class V PKn <p>This research aims to determine whether students' learning outcomes in class V in the Civics subject at SD IT Permata Medan Labuhan are influenced by the Active Learning Model of the Index Card Match Type. There are two hypotheses in this research, namely: (1) There is an influence of the Index Card Match Type Active Learning Model on student learning outcomes in class V in Civics subjects at SD IT Permata Medan Labuhan (Ha), and (2) There is no influence of the Learning Model Active Index Card Match Type on student learning outcomes in class V Civics subjects at SD IT Permata Medan Labuhan (Ho). This research uses an experimental method with a pre-experimental research type with a "One Group Pretest Posttest Design." The data was tested using analysis assisted by SPSS Version 26, and the results were the average pretest (44.00) and average posttest (86.50). According to data analysis of pretest and posttest scores, research results at the 0.5 level show that the sig (2-tailed) value is 0.00 &lt;0.05, which indicates that Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. Thus, it can be concluded that the Index Card Match learning model in Civics subjects in class V of SD IT Permata Medan Labuhan significantly impacts student learning outcomes.</p> Saut Mardame Simamora Wirda Budia Khaira ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 2232 2238 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.8163 The Influence of Facilities and Infrastructure, Motivation, Compensation on the Performance of Public Elementary School Civil Servant Teachers in North Aceh Regency <p>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis Pengaruh Sarana dan Prasarana, Motivasi, Kompensasi Terhadap Kinerja Guru PNS Sekolah Dasar Negeri di Kabupaten Aceh Utara. Populasi dalam penelitian adalah keseluruhan guru PNS yang mengajar di SD Negeri di Kabupaten Aceh Utara khususnya di K3S Kutamakmur Kabupaten Aceh Utara sebanyak 29 sekolah dengan jumlah guru PNS sebanyak 225 orang. Dengan sampel sebanyak 144 orang. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini dengan cara penyebaran kuesioner atau angket. Pengolahan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan SPSS for windows.&nbsp; Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sarana prasarana secara parsial&nbsp; mempunyai pengaruh positif signifikan terhadap kinerja guru PNS dengan nilai koefisien sebesar 0,277. Motivasi secara parsial mempunyai pengaruh positif signifikan terhadap kinerja guru PNS dengan nilai koefisien sebesar 0,277. Kompensasi secara parsial mempunyai pengaruh positif signifikan terhadap kinerja guru PNS dengan nilai koefisien sebesar 0,383. Sarana prasarana, motivasi, kompensasi secara simultan (bersama-sama) mempunyai pengaruh positif signifikan terhadap kinerja guru PNS Sekolah Dasar Negeri di Kabupaten Aceh Utara.</p> <p><strong>Kata Kunci :</strong> Sarana prasarana, motivasi, kompensasi dan kinerja guru</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><em>Abstract</em></p> <p><em>This research aims to analyze the influence of facilities and infrastructure, motivation, compensation on the performance of state elementary school civil servant teachers in North Aceh Regency. The population in the study were all civil servant teachers who taught in public elementary schools in North Aceh Regency, especially in K3S Kutamakmur, North Aceh Regency, 29 schools with a total of 225 civil servant teachers. With a sample of 144 people. The data collection technique in this research is by distributing questionnaires. Data processing in this research uses SPSS for Windows.&nbsp; The research results show that partial infrastructure has a significant positive influence on the performance of civil servant teachers with a coefficient value of 0.277. Motivation partially has a significant positive influence on the performance of civil servant teachers with a coefficient value of 0.277. Partial compensation has a significant positive influence on the performance of civil servant teachers with a coefficient value of 0.383. Infrastructure, motivation, compensation simultaneously (together) have a significant positive influence on the performance of state elementary school civil servant teachers in North Aceh Regency. </em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords:</em></strong><em> Infrastructure, motivation, compensation and teacher performance</em></p> Joko Wahyudi Marwan Marwan Saiful Bahri ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 2239 2244 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.8158 The Influence of the Problem Based Learning Model Assisted by the Wordwall Educational Game on Motivation and Learning Outcomes for Class V Social Sciences <p>The aim of the research is to determine the influence of the Problem Based Learning model assisted by the Wordwall Educational Game on motivation and social studies learning outcomes for class V. The research design used is Nonequivalent Control Group Design with random techniques. The data analysis technique in this research uses descriptive and inferential statistical analysis. As a requirement, a requirements test is carried out, namely the normality test and homogeneity test. After that, a hypothesis test was carried out using the Manova test. The results of the first hypothesis research using the Paired Samples Test show that the significant value is 0.00&lt;0.05, so it can be concluded that there is an influence of the Problem Based Learning model assisted by the Wordwall Educational Game simultaneously on learning motivation; Test the second hypothesis with a significance value of 0.002&lt;0.05, which means that there is an influence of the Problem Based Learning learning model assisted by the Wordwall Educational Game on social studies learning outcomes for class V students; test the third hypothesis using Multivariate Tests with a significance value of 0.000 &lt; 0.05, which means that there is an influence between the Problem Based Learning learning model assisted by the Wordwall Educational Game on student motivation and learning outcomesThe aim of the research is to determine the influence of the Problem Based Learning model assisted by the Wordwall Educational Game on motivation and social studies learning outcomes for class V. The research design used is Nonequivalent Control Group Design with random techniques. The data analysis technique in this research uses descriptive and inferential statistical analysis. As a requirement, a requirements test is carried out, namely the normality test and homogeneity test. After that, a hypothesis test was carried out using the Manova test. The results of the first hypothesis research using the Paired Samples Test show that the significant value is 0.00&lt;0.05, so it can be concluded that there is an influence of the Problem Based Learning model assisted by the Wordwall Educational Game simultaneously on learning motivation; Test the second hypothesis with a significance value of 0.002&lt;0.05, which means that there is an influence of the Problem Based Learning learning model assisted by the Wordwall Educational Game on social studies learning outcomes for class V students; test the third hypothesis using Multivariate Tests with a significance value of 0.000 &lt; 0.05, which means that there is an influence between the Problem Based Learning learning model assisted by the Wordwall Educational Game on student motivation and learning outcomes</p> Sarmiati Sarmiati Hidayah Quraisy Muhammad Nawir ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-06-29 2024-06-29 8 1 2245 2253 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.7861 The Influence of the Buddy reading Method Assisted with Flipbook Media on the Reading Abilty of Class V Students 3 Paraikatte <p>This research is an experimental study which aims to determine the effect of the buddy reading method assisted by flipbook media on the interest and reading comprehension ability of class V group 3 Paraikatte students<strong>.</strong> <strong>The Buddy Reading method </strong>which is supported by<strong> flipbook media has</strong> significant benefits in increasing the interest and reading comprehension skills of class V students. This method can be a fun form of learning so that it can increase students' interest in reading. The research carried out was experimental research using an experimental class and a control class. Data collection techniques through test instruments, questionnaires and observations to determine the increase in students' reading comprehension skills and reading interest through the buddy reading method. In the experimental group, the average reading interest was 70,784. Meanwhile, after treatment or giving the buddy reading method to the experimental group, the average interest in reading was 83,039. The same thing in the assessment of reading comprehension ability in the Pretest was 52.235. Meanwhile, the average reading comprehension ability on the Posttest was 84.235. On average, after treatment with the buddy reading method, the average reading ability in the experimental group was higher than the reading ability in the control group. The average reading ability in the experimental group was 84.235, which is higher than the average reading ability in the control group of 67.750.</p> Nurfiana Nurfiana Sulfasyah Sulfasyah Tarman .A Arif ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 2254 2264 Islamic Education of the Gowa Sultanate Period <p><em>This research aims to explore and clarify studies related to Islamic education during the Gowa sultanate. This scientific study uses a qualitative method with a type of approach that is based on theories of Islamic education approaches in other supporting fields of science such as sociological and historical approaches so that it also includes an interdisciplinary approach, the data of which refers to field research and is supported by library research. The data used in this study uses secondary data, including accredited journals and books that are appropriate to the topic studied. The results of the analysis concluded that the influx of Islamic teachings was brought by ulama from outside the region and applied knowledge by paying attention to the suitability of the cult culture and customs of different communities in Sulawesi, especially in the Gowa sultanate. In the end, the long and systematic process of the ulama figures in developing Islamic education produced results that have now made him one of the largest adherents of Islam in the archipelago</em></p> Sonya Elsa Triyanda Pohan Abd Mukti S Sapri ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 2265 2277 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.8167 Curriculum Management in Improving the Quality of Education in Indonesia <p>The purpose of this study is to assess curriculum management in an effort to improve education standards. To find out the function of curriculum management in improving quality, literature research is the methodology used.&nbsp; Human resource development through education. Initiatives to improve education standards must be supported by all parties, including managers of central, regional and local education institutions. Decentralization of education with a quality improvement curriculum that is specific to each region is what we should see in the era of regional autonomy. Education programs that have been established by the central government should be expanded or implemented using this curriculum. With this curriculum in place, lower-level schools and local governments can create initiatives to improve the quality of education. In order to improve education, local governments will face competition with each other.</p> Neliwati Neliwati Rafly Prahmana Hidayat Rizki Ade Yusuf ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 2278 2281 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.8125 Development of Reading Materials based on Assamaturu Local Wisdom with the Help of the Heyzine Flipbooks Application to Improve the Reading Comprehension Skills of Class IV Students in Primary Schools <p>&nbsp;Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan dan mengevaluasi kevalidan, kepraktisan dan keefektifan bahan bacaan berbasis kearifan lokal <em>Assamaturu </em>berbantuan aplikasi <em>Heyzine Flipbooks.</em> Tujuan utama dalam penelitian ini memberikan kontribusi dan manfaat nyata dalam pembelajaran khususnya dalam meningkatkan pemahaman membaca siswa kelas IV dalam konsteks kearifan lokal yang ada di Kabupaten Gowa. Secara akademis, Penelitian ini akan memberikan kontribusi pada literatur pendidikan dengan memperluas pemahaman tentang pengembangan bahan bacaan berbasis budaya lokal <em>assamaturu</em> dalam konteks pendidikan dasar. Model pengembangan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah model pengembangan 4- D <em>(four D models)</em>. Adapun tahap-tahap model 4-D antara lain pendefinisian <em>(define)</em>, perancangan <em>(design)</em>, pengembangan <em>(develop)</em>, dan penyebaran <em>(disseminate)</em>. Adapun temuan penelitian ini berdasarkan analisis validitas yang di lakukan oleh pakar ahli atau validator 1 dan validator 2 diatas menunjukkan bahwa Instrumen penelitian dinyatakan valid dengan nilai rekapitulasi yaitu 3,7. Selanjutnya hasil analisis kepraktisan dengan data angket respon guru dan siswa menunjukkan bahwa bahan bacaan berbasis kearifan lokal Assamaturu berbantuan aplikasi Heyzine Flipbooks dinyatakan sangat praktis dengan nilai presentasi yaitu 92%. Kemudian hasil analisis keefektifan berdasarkan hasil tes pemahaman membaca yaitu secara keseluruhan rata-rata nilai siswa yaitu 87 dengan presentasi ketuntasan 90% dengan ini dapat disimpulan bahwa bahan bacaan berbasis keraifan lokal Assamaturu berbantuan aplikasi <em>Heyzine Flipbooks</em> sangat baik dalam meningkatkan keterampilan membaca pemahaman siswa kelas IV di Sekolah Dasar. Dengan demikian bahan bacaan berbasis kearifan lokal <em>Assamaturu </em>berbantuan aplikasi <em>Heyzine Flipbooks</em> valid, praktis dan efektif dalam menigkatkan keterampilan membaca pemahaman siswa kelas IV.</p> Rahmat Satria Arafa Sulfasyah Sulfasyah Tarman A. Arif ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 8 1 2282 2291