Tafsir Riwayah dan Dirayah sebagai Mazhab dalam Tafsir

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Cecep Anwar
Abdul Hamid


The Qur'an was revealed using the Arabic structure, but the Companions had different abilities in understanding the meaning of the Qur'an. Therefore, some friends sometimes find it difficult to understand some of the verses of the Koran. The Qur'an is composed using a style of language that contains haqiqah and majaz (allegory), tas}rih (clearnes) and kinayah. Starting from there, the role of interpretation is very important when it comes to making the Qur'an a guide for humans. Considering the law and the Shari'ah it is impossible to put it into practice until the meaning is properly understood, the things that are impossible are explained, and the secrets are revealed so as to bring happiness to mankind in this world and in the hereafter. Prophet Muhammad SAW always taught his companions about the global content of the Koran, explained the ambiguous content, interpreted the impossible so that there would be no mistakes between them when understanding the Koran. Thus, the Prophet Muhammad with his sunnah was an interpreter of the Qur'an. Tafsir is the main method for understanding the Qur'an. Considering that the Prophet Muhammad SAW was the one who was in charge of explaining and interpreting the Qur'an, therefore the companions asked him when they had difficulty in understanding a verse. After the death of the Prophet Muhammad, many of the Companions began to interpret the Koran from time to time until now, then there were many interpretations called the Tafsir School (Tafsir Riwayah and Diroyah). 

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How to Cite
Anwar, C., & Hamid, A. (2022). Tafsir Riwayah dan Dirayah sebagai Mazhab dalam Tafsir. Al-Mirah: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam, 4(1), 21-33. Retrieved from https://ummaspul.e-journal.id/Al-Mirah/article/view/4404


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