Konsep Pemimpin dan Kriteria Memilih Pemimpin dalam Alqur’an
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Humans cannot be separated from their role as leaders which is a central role in every coaching effort. This has been proven and can be seen in the movement of every organization. The role of leadership is so decisive that it is often a measure in finding the causes of the ups and downs of an organization. A leader is a person who is able to influence and persuade other parties to take action to achieve common goals, so that the person concerned becomes the beginning of the structure and center of the group process. Likewise, determining or choosing a leader must of course be in accordance with what is described in the Qur'an so that it will produce leaders who are able to foster and bring benefits to society. This study aims to determine how the concept of a leader in the Al quán? and what are the criteria in choosing a leader?. This research is a type of library research. Documentation is a data collection technique used in this study. Data analysis was carried out using qualitative descriptive data analysis techniques. The results of this study indicate that in the Qur'an there are several words that are defined as leaders, namely: Khalifah, Imamah, Ulu amr, sulthan, mulk, qowwamah, region/auliya. The criteria in choosing a leader according to the Qur'an are: (1) Faith (Surah al-Anbiya '(21): 73); (2) Fair (Surat Shād (38): 26); (3) Amanah (Surat al-Nisa (4): 58); (4) Deliberation (Asy Shura '/42:38); (5) Amar ma'ruf nahyl munkar (Surat al-Hajj/22: 41).
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