Manusia Sebagai Konselor dan Sasaran Konseling Pendidikan Islam

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Umiyati Jabri
Bahaking Rama
Saprin Saprin


The purpose of this research is to explore the role of humans as counselors and counseling recipients in the context of Islamic education through the library research method. This research utilizes the library research method involving the analysis of literature, scientific articles, books, and other reliable sources related to counseling in Islamic education. Data is collected through searching and selecting relevant sources on the research topic. Humans as counselors and counseling recipients in Islamic education have complementary roles. Counselors use their knowledge, skills, and experiences in counseling to help individuals achieve well-being and recovery, while individuals as counseling recipients actively engage in the counseling process by being open to receiving support and taking steps towards change. Through the library research approach, this study provides a better understanding of the role of humans as counselors and counseling recipients in Islamic education, providing a strong foundation for the development of counseling based on Islamic principles.

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How to Cite
Jabri, U., Rama, B., & Saprin, S. (2023). Manusia Sebagai Konselor dan Sasaran Konseling Pendidikan Islam. Al-Mirah: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam, 5(1), 87-94. Retrieved from


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