Penanaman Nilai Agama dan Moral pada Anak Usian Dini melalui Kegiatan Magrib Mengaji

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Tanti Jumaisyaroh Siregar
Lela Wan Cahaya
Farhan Lubis
Nurul Amelia
Putri yolanda
Nur Sofia
Nurul Annisa
Periyanti Purnamasari Rambe
Arnisa ramadhani Sregar


The Maghrib Koran activity was carried out by Mathematics Education Students-4 Stambuk 20 in one of the Koran Koran teachers' houses in Karang Rejo Village, which is located in Karang Rejo Village, Stabat District, Langkat Regency. This discussion focuses on the evening Koran recitation activity, so the subjects of our research this time are early childhood children in Minta Kasih village. The aim of this Maghrib Koran recitation activity is to raise the enthusiasm of the children of Minta Kasih village to love the Al-Qur'an and learn religious knowledge. In this activity the children of Minta Kasih village were quite enthusiastic in participating in the activities carried out.

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How to Cite
Siregar, T. J., Cahaya, L. W., Lubis, F., Amelia, N., yolanda, P., Sofia, N., Annisa, N., Rambe, P. P., & Sregar, A. ramadhani. (2024). Penanaman Nilai Agama dan Moral pada Anak Usian Dini melalui Kegiatan Magrib Mengaji. Al-Mirah: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam, 6(1), 34-41. Retrieved from


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