JEANS Template

Journal of Entrepreneurship and Startup (JEANS)


Paper Title (TNR16)


First Author1, Second Author2, Third Author3* (TNR12)

 1Department, College/University Name, Country Name (9pt)

2Department, College/University Name, Country Name (9pt)

3Department of English Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Muhammadiyah Enrekang, Indonesia




Article History:

Received Jan x, 20xx

Revised Feb x, 20xx

Accepted Apr x, 20xx


ABSTRACT should be prepared properly to allow readers to identify the basic content of articles quickly and accurately, to determine their relevance with their interests, and thus decide whether to read the document as a whole. Abstract must be informative and clear, provide a clear statement about the problem, approach or proposed solution, and show the main findings and conclusions. Abstract length must be 100 to 250 words. Abstract must be written in English. The use of abbreviations must meet the standard nomenclature, and should be abbreviated. Abstract does not use quotes. The list of keywords provides an opportunity by indexing services, other than those already in the title. Use of wise keywords can increase convenience to interested parties to be able to find our article (TNR10).







Kata Kunci:







ABSTRAK harus disiapkan dengan baik untuk memungkinkan pembaca mengidentifikasi isi dasar artikel dengan cepat dan akurat, untuk menentukan relevansinya dengan minat mereka, dan dengan demikian memutuskan apakah akan membaca dokumen secara keseluruhan. Abstrak harus informatif dan jelas, memberikan pernyataan yang jelas tentang masalah, pendekatan atau solusi yang diusulkan, dan menunjukkan temuan dan kesimpulan utama. Panjang abstrak harus 100 hingga 250 kata. Abstrak harus ditulis dalam Bahasa Inggris dan Bahasa Indonesia khusus Penulis dari Negara Indonesia. Penggunaan singkatan harus memenuhi Nomenklatur standar, dan sebaiknya singkatan dihindari. Abstrak tidak menggunakan kutipan. Daftar kata kunci memberikan kesempatan oleh layanan pengindeksan, selain yang sudah ada dalam judul. Penggunaan kata kunci yang bijaksana dapat meningkatkan kemudahan kepada pihak yang berkepentingan untuk dapat menemukan artikel kami (TNR10).



This is an open access article under the CC BY-SA license .Creative Commons License




Use Times New Roman 12 point in the whole text. Indent paragraphs by five spaces. The main text format consists of a flat left-right columns on A4 paper (quarto). The margin text from the left and top are 2.54cm, right and bottom are 2.54 cm. The manuscript is written in Microsoft Word, single space, Time New Roman 12pt and maximum 12 pages. Template can be downloaded at the website:

A title of article should be the fewest possible words that accurately describe the content of the paper. Omit all waste words such as "A study of ...", "Investigations of ...", "Implementation of ...”, "Observations on ...", "Effect of.....", “Analysis of …”, “Design of…” etc. Indexing and abstracting services depend on the accuracy of the title, extracting from it keywords useful in cross-referencing and computer searching. An improperly titled paper may never reach the audience for which it was intended, so be specific.

The introduction should move from a general to a specific background through which you should present the research problem and the rationale of choosing such a problem, i.e. providing the background and setting the context. State the significance of the study by introducing the specific context and explaining why the topic is important. Conclude your introduction by presenting its research questions and the underlying research objectives. Organization and citation of the bibliography are made in APA style in sign (Purnama et al., 2020) and so on. The terms in foreign languages are written italic (italic). The text should be divided into sections, each with a separate heading and numbered consecutively. The section/subsection headings should be typed on a separate line, e.g., 1. Introduction (Introduction & Citation, 1988). Authors are suggested to present their articles in the section structure: Introduction - the comprehensive theoretical basis and/or the Proposed Method/Algorithm - Research Method - Results and Discussion – Conclusion.



Use this Style for Level Two Headings (TNR12)

Use this Style for Level Three Headings (TNR12)

Do not use numbers or alphabets to organize your headings and sub-headings (A. Introduction, 1. Introduction).  Use APA style throughout the paper. Avoid footnotes in your manuscript. Use numerals and include your footnotes as endnotes in the endnotes section.

If the quotation is more than 40 words, it should be separated from the surrounding text and have a .5 indent set from the left margin. Provide citation information. The text after the block quotation begins on its own line, with no indentation. If the quotation is not more than 40 words, it should not be block quotations.

Use theoretical framework(s) relevant to your study and review related literature of more recent studies. Define key concepts and support your arguments with quotes. The literature review is not just a description of previous studies It is a summary and a synthesis through which you compare and contrast different views, studies, and approaches to identify the literary gap existing in the literature related to your subject.



Research Design

In this section, describe in detail how you conducted the study. Provide a complete and concise description of the methods and methodologies used in data collection so that you can confirm the validity and reliability of your research findings to the readers as well as to allow experts to replicate the work. Methods, which have already been published, should be referenced. It is important to divide the method section into sub-sections where you can describe the participants, the instruments, and the research procedures.


In this sub-heading, you have to describe the sample who participated in your study and the setting where the research took place. You should also present some details on how the sample was selected, its size, number, and relevant democratic characteristics about it. You can use tables if it is needed.


Describing the instruments used in data collection is also relevant and important. The description should be accompanied by identifying the purpose of selecting these research tools. Provide enough details of the instruments and if they are used by other scholars, you should give an account of their validity and reliability. You should also describe the time used in the experiments, the type, and the number of the items. You should also explain how you have built your research instruments in case you have developed a test, an interview, or a questionnaire.


In this section, try to describe in detail how the study was conducted. It is an important section for studies that are based on experiments. You can even provide a timetable for the different steps and stages of the research.



In this section, you should present the findings of the study objectively through inserting numbers, tables, and figures. In the discussion section, you can restate your hypotheses and answer your research questions. As an author of the paper, you should guide your reader through the analysis and avoid including a detailed description of narration of more details about tables and figures. Try to give a general description since the information found in the table can give the reader an idea.

To organize your tables, each table should have a number and a title. Make sure the table titles are specific and clear. Limit the tables to the essential ones. Tables should be numbered with sequential Arabic figures: Table 1, Table 2, and so on. Do not number your tables with references to chapter number or with letters (i.e. Table 2.4).

Table 1. An example of a table


Your figures or tables should fit within your paper’s margins. Any fonts used within your number should be between eight and fourteen points. The title should be flush left, in italics, title cased, and not bolded, underlined, or in quotation marks. It should appear directly above your table. Tables that are too long or too wide for a single page may be typed in a smaller font or you could place them as appendix A, B, etc. and refer to them in the text.

Figure 1. An example of a figure



In this section, you should discuss, explain, and interpret your findings. You should show the significance of the study and its importance. It is preferable to give a combination of your findings and support them with previous studies and scholars’ views and arguments which you have already included and mentioned in your literature review section. If your findings are different from your hypotheses, you have to explain the reasons. You should avoid inserting quotes in this section.

In this section, you may also interpret your findings by acknowledging the limitations of the study. You can also return to explain the research problem. You can also show the importance of your study and how it contributed to the understanding of the research problem and filling the research gap. In your interpretation, you need to engage your reader to think critically about the research problem and your findings.



This section presents the main conclusions that you set from your study. In this sense, you should not repeat the findings or their discussion, but you should draw conclusions based on these findings. This section is an important part of your research since it gives the reader an idea about the practical implications, and provides him with a roadmap for future research on the subject.


Acknowledgement (TNR12)

This section is optional.  You should list the names of all the individuals or the institutions that helped in the completion of the work or provided support during data collection.

References (TNR11)

The main references are international journals and proceedings. All references should be to the most pertinent, up-to-date sources and the minimum of references are 25. Policy that self-citation is max 20%. References are written in APA style. An example of the references list is provided in the journal submission guidelines. Note that the references should be entered in hanging style; that is, the first line of the entry should be left-justified, with the following lines indented five spaces. We recommend using Mendeley.

Hariani, P. L., Kimia, J., & Sriwijaya, U. (2019). Introduction Approaches and are you Reading to Publish? 25–27.

Introduction, A., & Citation,  a P. a. (1988). An Introduction to APA Citation. Search, 1–5.

Ismail, I., & Tini. (2020). The Effect of formative assessment on students’ grades in learning English. Maspul Journal of English Studies (Majesty Journal), 2(1), 20–30.

Purnama, Y., Ismail, I., Noviandri, D., Hendriyani, Y., Nguyen, P. T., & Putu, I. (2020). Expert System in Detecting Children ’ s Intelligence using Certainty Factor. Journal of Critical Reviews, 7(1), 52–55.

Foucault, M. (1986), Of Other Spaces. Diacritics, 16(1) (16), 22-27. (A sample of a paper in a journal)

Lefebvre, H. (1991). The Production of Space (D. N. Smith. Trans.).USA: Basil Blackwell Publishing. (A sample for a translated book)

Lefever, A. (2003). Translation, History, Culture (2nd ed.). London:  Routledge. (A sample for a book)

Mammers, M. (2011). Risk Management in Localization. In Dunne, K. J., & Dunne, E. S. (eds.), Translation and Localization Project Management: The Art of the Possible (pp. 211-232). John Benjamins Publishing Company. (A sample for a book chapter)


Appendices (TNR12)

Place your appendices after the references section. Include an informative title for each appendix. An appendix may contain tables, figures, or texts. Use alphabets to organize your appendices and refer to them in the text like the following example shows:

Appendix A: Students’ questionnaire


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