Lectures' attitudes and perceptions of using Technology during COVID-19 pandemic: Literature Review

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Elihami Elihami


The research aims to provide knowledge about the recognition and use of faculty technologies for education lectures are responsible for developing moral character. Preliminary results were gathered from a survey offered to 182 departments of four universities. The researcher used a definition and interpretation approach for quantitative and qualitative use in this study. There were 530 lectures of 25-50 years of age (men and women). A study was conducted based on Kohlberg's theory's concept of gender identityFindings show that technology is mostly optimistic and that universities and colleges do not have adequate technological assistance (both hardware and training). The most popular forms of technologies are the course management, laptop and web applications. The data show that, intermediately or marginally below, the departments as a whole operates in the accepting/use spectrum of technology.


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Elihami, E. (2021). Lectures’ attitudes and perceptions of using Technology during COVID-19 pandemic: Literature Review. JURNAL EDUKASI NONFORMAL, 2(2), 94-102. Retrieved from https://ummaspul.e-journal.id/JENFOL/article/view/3182


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