Filsafat Ilmu sebagai Dasar Perkembangan Ilmu Pengetahuan

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Kartini Kartini
Nur fauziah utami
Nazla dara dinantika
Nadra rifani
Desy febriani daulay
Annur rosida harahap
Ella ermawati


Philosophy of science is philosophy related to other sciences. Philosophy of science also enters into one part of the form of information. Both science and philosophy use a wise way of thinking and effort to deal with/understand the facts of the world and life. Philosophy of science is often associated with critical matters, open and very dedicated to the truth, unless it is concerned with organized and systematic information. Philosophy of science aims to study something and explain the nature of science which has many limitations to achieve a shared understanding of various natural phenomena to become the subject of science itself and that is usually fragmentary.


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Kartini, K., utami, N. fauziah, dinantika, N. dara, rifani, N., daulay, D. febriani, harahap, A. rosida, & ermawati, E. (2023). Filsafat Ilmu sebagai Dasar Perkembangan Ilmu Pengetahuan. JURNAL EDUKASI NONFORMAL, 4(1), 398-407. Retrieved from


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