Reviewing Process



Research articles sent to this online journal will be peer reviewed. Accepted research articles will be available online (free download) following the journal peer-review process. The language used in this Journal is English.
  • The Works submitted for publication have not been previously published, except in the form of abstracts, preprints, published lectures, thesis publications, or discussion papers that have not yet undergone full journal peer review, and are not being considered for peer-reviewed publications on the spot other.
  • The articles submitted for publication will be evaluated according to originality, academic objectivity and scientific quality criteria.
  • All submitted manuscripts are reviewed for compliance with the Journal by the Editor. If the Editor judges that the paper is not suitable for the Journal, the Editor will send an email with that suggestion.
  • All manuscripts submitted to the Majesty Journal undergo an initial assessment to check whether the paper is within the scope. If the Editor is Related to assessing the paper as more suitable for Journals with different coverage, the Editor will send an email with suggestions.
  • The purpose of the peer review process is to provide a complete review to the author within one month after receiving the manuscript by the Editor.
  • The reviewers' names remain very confidential, and their reports are kept for five years.
    Manuscripts are sent by at least two reviewers. If one of the reviewers is positive and the other is negative, the text is sent to the third member, then the Editor and Assistant Editor will make the final decision by examining the reports of all the referees.
  • The author must respond to the Editor's, Editor's Editor's and Editorial Board's comments in a professional and timely manner.
  • Manuscripts that are not accepted for publication will be returned to the author.
    Copyright articles received for publication are considered to have been transferred to STKIP Muhammadiyah Enrekang.
  • Authors must assume collective responsibility for the work sent and published.
  • The author realizes that their submission will be automatically checked for plagiarism.
  • The author realizes that discussion papers remain permanently archived, accessible, and quoted.
  • Here list of items that need to be reviewed:

    • Novelty of the topic
    • Originality

    • Scientific reliability

    • Valuable contribution to the science

    • Adding new aspects to the existed field of study

    • Ethical aspects

    • Structure of the article submitted and its relevance to authors’ guidelines

    • References provided to substantiate the content

    • Grammar, punctuation, and spelling

    • Scientific misconduct.

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