The Effect of Pancasila and Civic Education Learning on Friendly/Communicative Character

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Alifah Nurfadilah
Damanhuri Damanhuri
Febrian Alwan Bahrudin


This study aims to find out the effect of Pancasila and Civic Education on  friendly/communicative character in students of the Secondary Education Affirmation  program (ADEM) at Serang Public High School 2. This research is an experimental type that  uses quantitative approach. The results obtained from the entire pre-conditional test that has  been performed have meets the assumption of each test (normal, linearly, homogenity), and the final result is the result of a simple regression test showing that there is an effect of  Pancasila and Civic Education learning on the friendly/communicative character in students  of the Secondary Education Affirmation program at Serang Public High School 2  significantly with positive effect direction. Therefore in the following research, there is an  effect between of Pancasila and Civic Education learning on friendly/communicative  character.



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How to Cite
Nurfadilah, A., Damanhuri, D., & Bahrudin, F. (2023). The Effect of Pancasila and Civic Education Learning on Friendly/Communicative Character. Edumaspul: Jurnal Pendidikan, 7(1), 374-383. Retrieved from

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