Career Counseling Using a Trait and Factor Approach to Help Students in Making Career Decisions

Avira Heriani, Firman Firman, Mohd Nazri Abdul Rahman, Netrawati Netrawati


The Effectiveness of Flipped Classroom based Online Based Learning Model on Students Creative Thinking Skills

Eri Mardiani, Irma Rahmawati, Novi Djafri, Suharto Suharto, Ika Agustina, eRA Era Hia, Occe Luciana


The Role of Arabic in Enriching the Indonesian Language Repertoire

Nurlis Nurlis, Lailatul khusniyah, Royyani rodloul Afifah


Participatory Learning Method: Effectiveness in Improving Student Learning Outcomes

Djony Max Saroinsong, Jenny Ieke Dengah, Anneke Tienneke Rondonuwu


The Effectiveness of Edmodo- Based Project Based Learning on Students HOTS

Albadri Albadri, Suyahman Suyahman, Sutarto Sutarto, Normansyah Normansyah, Ranat Mulia Pardede, Mohammad Edy Nurtamam, Tomi Apra Santosa


Development of Vibrating Headphones to Help Student with Deaf Disabilities in Android-Based Lectures

Rara Ajeng Pratiwi; Mega Iswari; Setia Budi, Zulmiyetri Zulmiyetri, Retno Triswandari, Arisul Mahdi, Gaby Arnez


Design Model for Development of Student Interests in Investing in the Investment Gallery of the University of Muhammadiyah Makassar

Arniati Arniati, Naidah Naidah, Andi Arifwangsa Adiningrat, Muh. Haikal Fikri, Iin Febriyanti, Ade Wahyu


The Influence of the School Literacy Movement on Students' Reading Interest

Juwita Ikhsanat Nirmala Zendrato, Novita Yanti, Yovita Florentina Telaumbanua, Fivin Aryanti Mendrofa, Agnes Renostini Harefa


The Effect of Teacher Professional Competence on Education Quality: A Literature Review

Hasan Hariri, Mohamad Thobi, Sowiyah Sowiyah, Riswandi Riswandi


Lifelong Sports through the Lens of Physical Literacy: Understanding Definitions, Benefits, and Challenges

Wisnu Mahardika, Pinton Setya Mustafa, Luthfie Lufthansa, Tama Anugrah, Sabda Hussain As Shafi


Teachers' Efforts to Increase Student Learning Motivation in PAI Learning

An'nisa Raudhatul Jannah, Muhammad Abdullah Darraz, Ai Fatimah Nur Fuad


Development of Interactive Power Point Based Learning Media on Principles of Land Measurement for Construction

Carolus Carles Rejeki Gulo, Envilwan Berkat Harefa, Arisman Telaumbanua, Adrianus Zega


Efforts to Improve Learning Outcomes of Adding and Subtracting Integer Using Garbilpau Media

Anggi Rahmani, Elih Solihatulmilah, Ira Arini, Hadi Sutiawan, Yusdiana Yusdiana, Nita Nurhati


The Analysis of Student’s Interest in Reading English Text Books at SMP Negeri 27 Manokwari

Alfons Napoleon Arsai, Maria Putri Narwadan, Almendita F. W Arsai


A Conceptual Framework of Academic Well-Being

Lianah The, Hannes Widjaya, Arnold Surya Nugroho, Frisca Desma Ayu Kusuma Wardani


Women's Inferiority in the Novel RE: by Maman Suherman A Study of Feminist Literary Criticism

Setiawan Setiawan, Andi Tenri Sua, Andi Nurhabibi Marwil, Andi Srimularahmah


Values of Moral Education in the Qur'an Suroh Ali Imran Verse 134

Laila Auni, Nur Azizah Nasution, Alimuddin Siregar


Improving the Ability to Write Natural Number Symbols (1-9) Through the Finger Numbers Media Board for Down Syndrome Students

Gustia Sepriani Putri, Damri Damri, Mega Iswari, Grahita Kusumastuti, Antoni Tsaputra


Student’s Perception on Using Instagram in Learning English

Sri Rosmiana, Rahmaeni Rahmaeni, Musdalifah Musdalifah


Conflict management in friendship relationships based on gender among social science education students

Rezi Sara, Sri Buwono, Yusawinur Barella, Maria Ulfah, Venny Karolina


The Influence of the Flipped Learning Model on Creative Thinking Ability in the Revolution 4.0 era

Aloisius Harso, Miftachul Amri, Riyanti Susiloningtyas, Henny Sanulita, Hadi Widodo, Tomi Apra Santosa


Errors Use of Indonesian Language in Public Outdoor Media in Manado City

Ricky Gerungan, Djeinnie Imbang, Maya Pingkan Warouw


Development of a Character Education Model in Schools

Agus Abdussalam, Aan Hasanah, Bambang Samsul Arifin


Learning Management In Increasing Students' Learning Motivation At Ma Karya Bakti Sukasari Kertasari Bandung District

Ahadiat Ahadiat, Jajang Rusmana, Prisna Defauzi, Deti Rostini, Emay Mastiani


The Importance of Emotional Intelligence in Education: Preparing an Emotionally Resilient Generation

Karolis Anaktototy, Samsudin Samsudin, Muhamad Sopyan, Tri Mulia Herawati, Meriyati Meriyati


Module Development Based on Project Based Learning on the Material Types of Heavy Equipment

Viktorius Fikran Cahaya Gulo, Yelisman Zebua, Envilwan Berkat Harefa, Aprianus Telaumbanua


A Qualitative Analysis of Obstacles and Obstacles in Implementing the EDLINK Application at the Surakarta

Lailla Hidayatul Amin, Muhammad Ja'far Nashir, MJ Nashir, Haidar Abdullah, Nurul Aulia, Ahmad Najmuddin Zaki


Innovation of Evaluation of Plating Dance Learning for High School Students Based on “Find the Match”

Putri Ajeng Wulan Julitasari, Agus Cahyono, Syahrul Syah Sinaga, Wahyu Lestari


Analyzing Cross-Linguistic Influence in Second Language Acquisition : A Bibliometric Study Using Vosviewer

Ratnasari Ratnasari, St. Asriati. Am, Dian Tanri Wulan, Syahruni Syahruni


Overcoming Bullying through Character Learning: Building Positive Personality in Students

Gamar Abdullah, Maria Purnama Nduru, Mumu Muzayyin Maq, Muh. Safar, Fauzi Aldina


Enhancing Awareness of the Sleep’s Importance among Students: A Qualitative Study

Mareike Seska Diana Lotulung, Juwinner Dedy Kasingku


Building 21st Century Skills: Focusing on Creative Thinking Capability and Critical Thinking Ability

Alif Lukmanul Hakim, Darmawan Darmawan, Apit Fathurohman, Gamar Abdullah, Yasir Arafat


Education as the Basis for State Development (Implications of Education in Improving State Welfare and Security)

Galih Orlando, Leli Hasanah Lubis, Mulkan Darajat, Yuslinda Yuslinda, Sri Hayati Damanik


Educational Revolution in Era 5.0 Towards Improving Education Quality

Khoirun Nisak, Yeni Elviza Febrianti, Yeni Elviza Febrianti, Mulkan Darajat, Leli Hasanah Lubis, Bestari Endayana


Effectiveness of IoT Integrated Problem Based Learning Model on Students Creative Thinking Skills Abilities

Asrul Sani, Dewanto Dewanto, Heppy Sapulete, Via Yustitia, Adrie Oktavio, Tomi Apra Santosa, Ellina Rienovita


Program Evaluation as a Foundation for Improving Program Quality in Educational Institutions

Partahian Partahian, Khoirun Nisak, Leli Hasanah Lubis, Tihawa Tihawa, Ruminda Hutagalung


Development of multimedia-based learning media on safety and occupational health and environment (K3LH) material

Bijaksana Harefa, Envilwan Berkat Harefa, Arisman Telaumbanua, Aprianus Telaumbanua


Religious Moderation in Paguyuban Mejing Tabon's Local Wisdom as Support for Accomplishing SDGs

Aridlah Sendy Robikhah, Azza Abidatin Bettaliyah, Arindah Oktavianti


Effectiveness of the STEM based TPACK Learning Model on Students 21 Century Skills in Indonesia

Muhammad Ichsan Abda, Ahmad Zain Sarnoto, Fahmi Abdul Halim, Sri Tuti Rahmawati, Miftachul Amri, Andri Kurniawan


Effectiveness of the STEAM based SETS Learning Model to Increase Student's Scientific Literacy in Science Learning

Dalimawaty Kadir, Tomi Apra Santosa, Iswanto Iswanto, Kartini Marzuki, Bucky Wibawa Karya Guna, Miftachul Amri, Hadi Widodo, Suyahman Suyahman


Meta-analysis of The Ethopedagogical Based Blended Learning Model on Students' Problem Solving Ability

Loso Judijanto, Andrie Oktavio, Jeheskial Saudale, Rian Mitasari, Sutarto Sutarto, Miftachul Amri, Tomi Apra Santosa


Public Relations in Improving the Quality of Education

Melia Putri Utami, Rahmat Fikri, Bradley Setiyadi


Development of interactive learning media based on Lectora Inspire on the basics of building construction and soil measurement techniques

Petrus Desniatman Zega, Envilwan Berkat Harefa, Aprianus Telaumbanua, Arisman Telaumbanua


The Impact of Leadership on the Participation of Congregation Member

Juwinner Dedy Kasingku, Winda Novita Warouw, Edwin Melky Lumingkewas


Students’ Perception of Social Media Effect in Public Speaking Skills

Salwah Musti Ramadhani, Buhari Buhari, Nadirah Nadirah, Sam Hermansyah


Investigating Students’ Problem Selft-Taught in English Learning

Ilhamuddin Ilhamuddin, Andi Sadapotto, Ibrahim Manda, Sam Hermansyah, Muhammad Hanafi, Syamsu T


Tafsir Al-Kasysyaf, Defense of Al-Zamakhshari Against the Mu'tazilites

M. Fathi Dikla, Syamsu Syauqani, Fatmawati Fatmawati


Teacher and Elementary School Students Perceptions of Online Learning Methods

Wasti Sanda, Priska Efriani Luansi Ero, Mas’ud Mas’ud


Cultural Literacy of Angguk Dance: Traditional Creation Art Group 'Karya Remaja

Aditya Aditya Rinanjani, Hartono Hartono, Sahrul Syah Sinaga


A Descriptive analysis of British Accents in 'Bring Me The Horizon' Interview

Wiggy Ramadhani, Iwan Setiawan, Bibit Suhatmady


Analysis of Extrinsic Elements in the Novel Rindu By Tere

Eka Putri Saptari Wulan, Sarma Panggabean, Ernawati Br Surbakti


Parents and Teachers Collaboration in Children’s Education

Siti Rohimah, Suhadi Suhadi, Fachri Basalamah, Misbah Auliya


Exploring the Learning Methods Used in Teaching English at SMP Kristen Makale

Nehru Pasoloran Pongsapan, Jones Cherady, Yizrel Nani Sallata, Andi Sadapotto


Models and Strategies for Management of Higher Education Public Relations

Yelvi Apriandini, Fazza Erwina Dwi, Bradley Setiyadi


Improving Balloon Bouquet Making Skills Through the Direct Instruction Model for Deaf Children

Azzahra Firdausi Salma, Zulmiyetri Zulmiyetri, Nurhastuti Nurhastuti, Ardisal Ardisal, Retno Triswandari


The Influence of the ICT- Based Inquiry Based Learning Model on Students' Critical Thinking Skills: Meta-analysis

Asrul Sani, Miftachul Amri, Yosep Heristyo Endro Buruno, Venty Sopacua, Muhammad Lutfi, Tomi a Santosa


Basic concepts and models of educational policy analysis

Melia Putri Utami, Rts Rista Maharani, Yelvi Apriandini, Alief Firmansyah


The Effect of Think Pair Share (TPS) Model Based on Flipped Learning on Students' Creative Thinking Skills

Andika Dirsa, Fryan Sopacua, Heppy Sapulete, Sukini Sukini, ilwandri Ilwandri, Aat Ruchiat Nugraha, Sofan Rizqi


The Effectiveness of Group Guidance to Improve Students’ at Darul Uloom School Satun Thailand

Asnaini Agusnar, M. Fauzi Hasibuan, Sri Ngayomi Yudha Wastuti


Improving Skills in Making Plastic Canvas Bags Through the Direct Instruction Learning Model for Deaf Children

Deska Dwi Rahma Anggraini, Zulmiyetri Zulmiyetri, Mega Iswari, Asep Ahmad Sopandi, Riza Elita


Content Validity Results Of Students' Perceptions of Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders

Widia Maharani, Rahmahtrisilvia Rahmahtrisilvia, Mega Iswari, Rila Muspita


The Impact of Topic Interest on EFL Incidental Vocabulary Acquisition

Nunung Nurhayati, Arief Styo Nugroho, Puji Siswanto, Obay Jambari, Habib Cahyono, Anatasya Anatasya


Problem Formulation of Education Policy Analysis

Wellty Mely Betesda Br Sinaga, Renova Manullang, Melia Putri Utami, Hansein Arif Wijaya


The Thought of Ibn Rushd : Science and Religion

Ahmad Fatoni, Maya Fitriyatul Farida


Use of Guided Discovery Teaching Style in Learning Football Passing

Giptun Daksinanuaji, Aria Kusuma Yuda, Tedi Purbangkara


The Impact of Gamification on Problem Solving Skills in STEM Education: A Meta-analysis

Ellina Rienovita, Arifin Arifin, Venty Sopacua, Wahyu Kumala Sari, Bambang Mardi Sentosa, Mia Aina, Hersiyati Palayukan, Tomi Apra Santosa


The role of independent curriculum policy in improving character education in the 4.0 era in Indonesia

Alika Rema putri, Yupita Dwi Saputri, Denny Prayuda, Hansein Arif Wijaya


Teachers’ Perception Toward Silent Way Method Used in EFL Classroom

Nihta V. F. Liando, Maria I. Poluan, Ignatius J. C. Tuerah


Improve Beginning Reading Skills Through Braille Rotary Wheel Media for Blind Children

Faiqah Dzakiyatus Safna, Damri Damri, Asep Ahmad Sopandi, Johandri Taufan


TRECB (Transformative Reflexive Empowering Character Building) Based Practice Student Profile in Elementary Schools

M. Bambang Edi Siswanto, Suryanti Suryanti, Mochammad Nursalim, Siska Nur Wahida


Improving Lateral Series Addition Ability for Deaf Children Through Class VI Counting Funnel Media at SLB Kemala Bhayangkari

Elsia Sri Wahyuni, Zulmiyetri Zulmiyetri, Rahmatrisilvia Rahmatrisilvia, Setia Budi


Development of an Acid Base E-Module based on Flip Book Vocational School Industrial Pharmacy Skills Program

A. Afrinaramadhani Hatta, Nur Indah Sari, Fandi Ahmad, Zulqifli Alqadri


Meta-Analysis of Discovery Learning Interventions in Higher Eduaction

Fahmi Qodrul Asphar, Asmawati Asmawati, Dawi Yanti, Sukini Sukini, Mohammad Edy Nurtamam, Hadi Widodo, Tomi Apra Santosa


Strengthening the Professionalism of Pre-Service Elementary School Teachers in the Preparation of Learning Tools on the Independent Curriculum

Kartono Kartono, Rio Pranata, Hairida Hairida, Siti Halidjah, Agung Hartoyo, Hery Kresnadi, Asmayani Salimi, Dyoty Auliya Vilda Ghasya


Track Record of Islamic Education at Al Fatih Islamic Private Elementary School, Deli Serdang Regency (Historical Study of Islamic Education)

Muhammad Sapii Harahap, Ahmad Zaky, Suhendri Suhendri, Suswanto Suswanto, Fatkhur Rohman, Romat Efendi Sipahutar


Effectiveness of Colored Stick In Improving Addition Skills for Deaf Children

Cahaya Sha'adah Aiyouti, Zulmiyetri Zulmiyetri, Mega Iswari, Setia Budi

1677 - 1680

Description of Numeracy Literacy Skills in Science Learning

Salma Samputri, Rifda Nur Hikmahwati Arif


The Influence of Religiosity and Mutual Cooperation on Organizational Commitment

Didi Sutisna, Yunita Endra Megiati, Noor Komari Pratiwi, Dian Novita, Rizki Rizkyatul Basir


Improvement of Initial Reading Skills through Analytical and Synthetic Structural Methods (SAS) in Grade 1 SD Inpres Timbuseng with Literature Study

Perawati Bte Abustang, Jusmawati Jusmawati, Mutmainna Mutmainna, Yandika Putra, Fransiska Falentina Asa, Kristin Lestari


Gender Vocabulary in Qs. Al-Hujurat: Lexicological Study

Dyah Ayu Khoirunnisa, Arina Elma Husna, Nur Hasaniyah


The Urgent Digitalization Asesmen Needs of Convention and Consulting In The Development of Conselor Competence

Nur Ainy Pricillia Susanti, Budi Purwoko, Elisabeth Christiana, Retno Tri Hariastuti


Enforcement of Educator Professional Ethics as the Main Pillar in Early Childhood Education

Tumewa Pangaribuan, Sri Indriani Harianja, Naura Salsabila Putri Pahlefi, Riska Fitriyanti, Nadia Eldiana


Effect of Problem-Based Learning Model on Learning Motivation in Quality Control Course

Josua Alexander Gultom, Windo Sinurat, Manaor Silitonga, Eliya Fatma Harahap, Abdurohim Abdurohim


Implementation of Character Education from Parents in Overcoming the Danger of Drugs in Labuhanbatu District

Mulkan Darajat, Galih Orlando, Hamna Sari Siregar, Naimah Agustina, Leli Hasanah Lubis


Development of Quantum Physics E-Modules on Wave Function Material Assisted by Flip PDF Professional

Nur Kholija Harahap, Sri Purwaningsih, Febri Berthalita Pujaningsih


Factors Influenced by Instructional Leadership A Literature Review

Ellza Wijaya Tanjung, Hasan Hariri, Sowiyah Sowiyah


The Impact of Flipped Classroom Model on Student’s Learning : Study Meta-analysis

Fryan Sopacua, Loso Judijanto, Ellina Rienovita, Sukini Sukini, Nenni Triana Sinaga, Mohammad Edy Nurtamam, Novianty Djafri, Tomi Apra Santosa


Analysis of the Implementation of Social-Emotional Competence (SEC) Learning in Elementary Schools

Irman Syarif, Puji Yanti Fauziah, Lutfi Wibawa, Ismail Ismail


Implications and Constructions of Qur’anic in Islamic Education

Khaeril Majedi, Khoirun Nidhom, Ida Kurnia Shofa


Quartel Live Crisis In Students And Causative Factors

Harmelia Tulak, Alexander Pakiding, Adelia Adelia


Islamic Education According to Al Rasyidin

Muhammad Rum Sitorus, Usiono Usiono, Azizah Hanum OK


The Important Role of Multicultural Education in the Basics of Geography Course in the PIPS Department

Lilis Lilis, Gustini Wulandri, Febriani Putri, Nurtia Nurtia, Ririn Nisrina, Arizal Al-Munawar, Aas Agustina


Islamic Education According to Ramli Abdul Wahid

Aldiansyah Aldiansyah, Usiono Usiono, Azizah Hanum OK


Islamic Education Perspective Prof. Dr. Dja'far Siddik, MA.

Ismail Ismail, Usiono Usiono, Azizah Hanum OK


The Influence of the TPACK based Inquiry Teaching Model on Student's Critical Thinking Skills

Mia Aina, Everhard Markiano Solissa, Venty Sopacua, Elismayanti Rembe, Andri Kurniawan, Muhammad Nur, Bambang Mardi Sentosa, Tomi Apra Santosa, Aat Ruchiat Nugraha


Islamic Education Thought According to Syafaruddin

Armansyah Armansyah, Usiono Usiono, Azizah Hanum OK


Curriculum Management Improving the Quality of Learning at State Islamic Senior High School in Binjai City

Wan Anwar Fuadi, Neliwati Neliwati, Abdul Halim, Rina Hidayah Tambusai


Thoughts on Islamic Education According to Abbas Pulungan

Sonya Elsa Triyanda Pohan, Azizah Hanum OK, Usiono Usiono


Counseling Guidance Development Management Strategy

Nuria Ariefah Nanda, Ali Daud Hasibuan


Islamic Education According to Prof. Dr. Nur Ahmad Fadhil Lubis, MA.

Muhammad Habibi Azimi, Usiono Usiono, Azizah Hanum OK


The Effect of Employee Productivity on The Organisation: Meta-Analysis Study

Muhammad Nur, Bambang Mardi Sentosa, Andri Kurniawan


Islamic Education of the Gowa Sultanate Period

Sonya Elsa Triyanda Pohan, Abd Mukti, S Sapri


Curriculum Management in Improving the Quality of Education in Indonesia

Neliwati Neliwati, Rafly Prahmana Hidayat, Rizki Ade Yusuf
