The Effectiveness of Group Counseling in Increasing Children’s Confidence

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Dina Indriani
Nurhayani Nurhayani


This study aims to determine the effectiveness of group counseling in increasing children's self-confidence in the Al Wasliyah Charitable Foundation Orphanage, Gedung Johor with the design concept of One-Group Pretest-Posttest design. The sample was 14 orphanage children consisting of junior high and high school levels who had low self-confidence. In collecting questionnaire data, the results of the research achieved provide positive results, guidance services can increase student confidence, this can be seen from the results of Pre-test and Post-test p = 0.000, namely: p <; 0.05, it is concluded that Ho was rejected and Ha was accepted, meaning that in addition to the mean after testing greater than the value before testing (83.0 ≥ 79), it can be believed that group counseling is effectively used to increase the confidence of class children at the Al Wasliyah Charitable Foundation Orphanage Johor Building.


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How to Cite
Indriani, D., & Nurhayani, N. (2024). The Effectiveness of Group Counseling in Increasing Children’s Confidence. Edumaspul: Jurnal Pendidikan, 8(1), 2500-2505.

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