The Role of the Mahalawu Studio in the Development of the Jalak Lawu Dance as a Cultural Identity of Magetan Regency

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Widarwati Widarwati
Malarsih Malarsih
Eko Sugiarto


The aim of this research is to discuss the role of Sanggar Mahalawu in the development of Jalak
Lawu Dance in Magetan Regency. The Jalak Lawu dance is a typical Magetan Regency dance which
was created by the Magetan Regency artist, Mrs. Hartini. The development of the Jalak Lawu Dance
over time has made the Regency Government, especially the Department of Tourism and Culture and
the artists of Sanggar Mahalawu, ask Mrs. Hartini for permission to develop the Jalak Lawu Dance.
August 2022 Jalak Lawu Dance was designated as a Typical Dance of Magetan Regency at the same
time as the performance building and the Magetan Arts Council (DESIMA) were established. The Jalak
Lawu dance is an art that must be preserved as cultural heritage in Magetan Regency. Sanggar
Mahalwu is the place where the Starling Lawu Dance began to be taught to the people of Magetan
Regency. Efforts to develop the Jalak Lawu Dance continue to be made by Sanggar Mahalwu through
learning in the Studio and in schools as well as performances at various important events in Magetan
Regency and outside Magetan Regency. As an identity dance, of course the existence of the Jalak Lawu
Dance must continue to be pursued both from the cultural and educational sectors.


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How to Cite
Widarwati, W., Malarsih, M., & Sugiarto, E. (2024). The Role of the Mahalawu Studio in the Development of the Jalak Lawu Dance as a Cultural Identity of Magetan Regency. Edumaspul: Jurnal Pendidikan, 8(2), 2758-2765.

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